Back home earlier than expected, and it's T75, so here goes
Overview shot:
I'm done with peaceful expansion for the moment. There are a few spots I can still claim if I want them
In the east, I can share the island with Jerusalem and grab the cotton, which would be a unique luxury for me
City would probably be on the marsh tile SW of the cotton
In the west, the furs island isn't very attractive, but the silver + Mt. Fuji island certainly is
However, I don't think settling new baby cities is the way to beat Ichabod
Speaking of Ichabod, he founded his religion this turn
I'm sure he was thrilled to get Mosques as the third pick. My first pick Holy Warriors remains a gamble - we'll see if it pays off
Current demos
Still the same picture - I'm doing fine in the non-Ichabod league. I would have to join the Ichabod league to have a shot at winning the game though
As I mentioned yesterday, HAK was briefly the leader in soldiers. Ichabod is back in the lead now, but it's very close between them
I found part of HAK's army down here
I wonder where they're going - he can't be sending 4 units just to attack a barb camp, can he?
My biggest problem at the moment is happiness. I don't have any happiness for growth and don't have any spare resources for trade. Even if I did have spares, the only player with tradable resources at the moment is Ichabod
I'm not averse to trading with Ichabod - I realise it would help him manage his large empire, but I'm not in direct competition with him at the moment, and trading with him would give me a better chance of reaching the point where I could compete with him. Pity I don't have anything I could interest him in. This likely means that I will have to fight the upcoming war through an unhappiness malus
I could solve the problem in about 20 turns, when I would adopt Meritocracy as my next policy, and my road network is already good enough for it to give me 5-6 happiness points. Unfortunately I don't think I can wait 20 turns before an attack. I could've taken Meritocracy as my previous policy a couple of turns ago, but I thought Organised Religion was way too important to delay. It brought my faith income up to its current level, from buying a contemporary unit (worth 100 faith) every 5 turns to every 3 turns. A huge difference
Enough teasing - let's talk war
I'm still planning to attack Nic at the moment, starting the war with an attempt to retake Tombouctu. This plan has 2 problems. First, there's a lot of rough terrain around Tombouctu - moving units around will be annoying. Second, if Nic doesn't think he can hold the city, he can raze it. So I would have to be quick to capture it before it's razed
Here's what I came up with (assuming Nic doesn't bring extra units into the immediate vicinity)
On the turn of the attack, Composite Bowmen move onto red circled tiles and kill the Bowman outside the city (I think 4 shots would be enough; frustrating that there's no Worldbuilder and I can't test it). Catapults move onto blue circled tiles
On the second turn, Catapults start shooting the city while Bowmen move into positions from which they can shoot as well, as shown by follow-up arrows. Unfortunately I couldn't find a way for Bowmen to also start shooting at the city on this turn - that's what I mean by the rough terrain problem
Meantime, the unupgraded Archers move in to deal with whatever extra units Nic throws for defence - he does have a road and will likely be able to bring reinforcements (he probably also will be able to faith-buy a unit in Tombouctu, as it does follow my religion)
To capture the city after its defences are dropped, I plan to position the Horseman on the purple square tile. That's about the only option to position a melee unit outside city attack range, but capable of reaching the city in 1 turn
I still hope to capture the two cities to the south of Tombouctu, but it will depend on how well the initial attack goes
Biggest challenge - Nic is the tech leader at the moment, the only player in medieval era (although I didn't see any medieval units yet, don't know which tech he used to advance)
Biggest boon - Nic completed Hanging Gardens this turn, so I know he wasn't fully focused on military for the last few turns at least
I'm planning to attack on T80 - need 4 turns to finish the Composite Bowman in Gao and get enough faith to buy another, and another turn for positioning
Any questions?