JR4: it's a musical instrument, after a fashion. Sort of a ceramic thing you blow into with holes to press to change the pitch. A bit like a recorder but not long and thin.
Anyway, it also features in one of the Zelda games, Ocarina of Time.
Um, er, hm. All that comes to mind is the Duke of Wellington, a British general from the Napoleonic wars. So that would set me towards LOCH NESS and PISTOL.
Oh, wait, Wellington is the capital of New Zealand right? So maybe KIWI too?
Wellington 3:
Pretty sure KIWI, one of the important New Zealand cities is Wellington.
Aside from that, my mind keeps going to the guy who beat Napoleon. PISTOL, maybe? or COOK for Beef Wellington? I don't really like these, I'm hoping I see something more clear when I open the spoilers:
Hmm, ok, I guess I could see adding PAN, although I think Beef Wellington is usually roasted. Not sure I see the PORT connection - unless Wellington, NZ is a port city? I guess that's likely.
Really disagree with Loch Ness, it's a Scottish thing not a British thing.
I feel like I've heard the term Wellingtons meaning something like rubber boots...would that go with CAST? Although that feels like a second-order connection. Is there anything else named for the Duke? I think he got a lot of things, I just can't think of them at the moment.
Edit: Iron Duke, CAST iron, maybe? Although it's still a second-order connection this way too, not direct and hence plausible.
All in all I would go
and I still hope DaveV sees a better connection for number 3...
OK, Wellington was a Duke who beat Napoleon at Waterloo, but I don't see anything other than pistol, which seems like a feeble connection.
Wellingtons are a type of boot.
Wellington is also a city in New Zealand. Aha! COOK, KIWI, PORT?