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Realms Beyond Werewolf 2 : Game Thread

scooter Wrote:Ahhhh, so we're gonna play the "pick a random post and claim it's something a werewolf would do" game huh?

By the way, where were you when we were having that discussion? I don't remember you adding anything worthwhile the whole time. So if we're going on "seeming inconspicuous" - who was doing it better? Me or the guy who kept his mouth shut?

I do apologize for being quiet these past several days. It's been time for appraisals on a quarter of my employees this week, on top of an inventory coming up. That has led to 12 hour days all week and not much time for relaxation. My post for voting Roland was one of my shortest all game:

Quote:Lewwyn, that was an epic, game changing post. The part that sells me is the day 2 frontman stuff... What's crazy about that is that I was an outsider being told that a couple weeks ago.

As for voting, I guess I have to join the crowd. Sorry, but Roland, I've been swaying back and forth about you for several days. If Roland is a wolf, I will have a lot to think over - I've based a lot on assuming he's a villager.

I hated doing it, but I have thought for weeks now that Roland was taking the game too seriously. I interacted with him enough to feel bad about the whole thing, and didn't want him to lose sleep. If he was voting himself off, it was time to do so. Believe me, if I was around Thursday to see people trying to move the vote to Scooter, I would have joined in in a snap. I would have also sent PMs to everyone voting for Roland in an attempt to get them to join me. But I wasn't, and I didn't, and now Roland is dead. And hopefully, we will get a wolf next.

Nothing against you Scooter, really. I echo my comments from a couple days ago -- I don't want to upset you or Serdoa, or the third wolf. But I believe you are wolves, and I really want the village to win this game. In order for that to happen, we're going to need to get lynching wolves soon.. now ... so I'm trying my best to get folks to vote for you.

Of course, the long days continue tomorrow and Monday, so I won't be around much... but I'm doing my best to not repeat my Roland mistake.. and today trying to bring people on board against you wink
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Off topic, I hope the lurkers are enjoying our little back-and-forth. I know if I was a lurker, I'd be enjoying it smile
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

FWIW - nope, I'm not even slightly offended and never have been even once this game. It's a game, and a fun one at that. If I get lynched today, then it was definitely a fun ride, but it also will more or less seal the deal for the werewolves, as I am innocent. For this reason, I'll probably be quite staunch in my defense if more people jump on to your bandwagon.

Anyways, I guess it's just that you've been dead set on lynching me for some time, and I feel that as a result you put on your blinders. The stuff you posted from me is really some dubious stuff to noose me with, and the fact that even Lewwyn of all people (the other person you quoted to make your case actually) backed off of me should be a sign of that. Honestly, yeah my voting record has been atrocious and I won't even pretend otherwise. In fact, the only person with a worse voting record was Roland. Uberfish on the other hand had a fantastic voting record. Just something to keep in mind.

scooter Wrote:Honestly, yeah my voting record has been atrocious and I won't even pretend otherwise. In fact, the only person with a worse voting record was Roland. Uberfish on the other hand had a fantastic voting record. Just something to keep in mind.

If your votes are going to prove your innocence, let's look at them more closely.

Day 1: Dantski (16 overall), then Sareln (36 overall). How that doesn't say wolf, I don't know. Both are now known to be innocent, but at the time, only you and the other wolves knew they were innocent. There were villagers (MJW and Kyan) voting for Dantski because he was quiet, and so as a wolf, why not try and start a ball rolling. And your Sareln vote came after everyone was voting against your fellow wolf Sandover. Bad vote, or a move to try and steer us, the villagers. And even after Sandover was lynched you were very loud about what a bad idea it was to go after him.

Day 2: Sunrise (3rd overall). First vote of the day... Uberfish, voting for Sunrise. You dissented from the rest of the crowd that lynched Meiz, but even when there was suspicion against Gaspar, you voted against Sunrise, of all people... someone we all now know was innocent.

Day 3: Selrahc (14), and Uberfish (18). It's tough when the devil is known, isn't it? One thought that occurs to be for the first time.... if you are a wolf, and the only votes out there are Selrahc (scried devil) and Gaspar... why wouldn't you vote for Gaspar? Does this incriminate him? We'll have to lynch you to see I guess.

Day 4: Gaspar (10), Uberfish (14), Sareln (18)... This day really feels like my "gotcha" moment against you. I had privately had suspicions since day one, but had some luck trapping you in votes trying to save Uberfish. I am not the best at pulling up posts to prove my points, but this day was the day where I transitioned from suspicious to convinced.

Day 5: Ug (8). Why vote for your fellow wolf (Serdoa) when you could vote for a highly-suspected villager?

Day 6: Roland (5).... I covered this earlier tonight.

So that's it. In case my vote was missed because it was in a quote block before, I vote Scooter.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

Mr. Nice Guy Wrote:Day 1: Dantski (16 overall), then Sareln (36 overall). How that doesn't say wolf, I don't know. Both are now known to be innocent, but at the time, only you and the other wolves knew they were innocent. There were villagers (MJW and Kyan) voting for Dantski because he was quiet, and so as a wolf, why not try and start a ball rolling. And your Sareln vote came after everyone was voting against your fellow wolf Sandover. Bad vote, or a move to try and steer us, the villagers. And even after Sandover was lynched you were very loud about what a bad idea it was to go after him.

Okay seriously, using day 1 stuff is laughable at best. Did you actually check why I voted for Dantski? I announced beforehand that I would vote for the last person to check into the thread, which was Dantski. Day 1 = crapshoot, so I figured I'd have some fun with it, and if something materialized I'd go for it. Go back and check the first 2 pages for proof. I've covered the Sareln vote a million times - I was convinced that voting for either Sandover or MJW was smoke because we were taking a 50/50 shot at possibly killing our baner on day 1. Do you know who else strongly agreed with me? Meiz and Sareln himself. So seriously, toss the day 1 stuff, that's ludicrous. Also, check who else voted for Sandover, and you'll see the devil of all people cast the deciding vote to kill Sandover. That alone should be a pretty big flag that wolves were happy to nix Sandover in exchange for credibility, a move that what, I was too stupid to do? Or what?

Quote:Day 2: Sunrise (3rd overall). First vote of the day... Uberfish, voting for Sunrise. You dissented from the rest of the crowd that lynched Meiz, but even when there was suspicion against Gaspar, you voted against Sunrise, of all people... someone we all now know was innocent.

Um, I made a case against sunrise, one that at the time was pretty good actually. Funny that in your selective quoting you didn't dig that one up wink. Up to that point, sunrise had contributed exactly nothing, and his only post was trying to get people to not vote for him for mayor. At the time, it was actually a strong case, and many people jumped onto my vote before Roland kicked off the "kill Meiz" party. Also, remember that the wolves didn't even know who sunrise was yet at this point, so even if I was a wolf, why would I care about sunrise? Again, this day proves absolutely nothing about me, and using it against me is pretty laughable.

Quote:Day 3: Selrahc (14), and Uberfish (18). It's tough when the devil is known, isn't it? One thought that occurs to be for the first time.... if you are a wolf, and the only votes out there are Selrahc (scried devil) and Gaspar... why wouldn't you vote for Gaspar? Does this incriminate him? We'll have to lynch you to see I guess.

Right, so up to day 3 so far, we have 2 days that mean nothing, and a 3rd day that actually looks "good" for me if I'm trying to prove my innocence. You have absolutely no case up through the first 3 days, and I think anyone should be able to see that.

Quote:Day 4: Gaspar (10), Uberfish (14), Sareln (18)... This day really feels like my "gotcha" moment against you. I had privately had suspicions since day one, but had some luck trapping you in votes trying to save Uberfish. I am not the best at pulling up posts to prove my points, but this day was the day where I transitioned from suspicious to convinced.

Again, if you've paid attention to my posts, I have a strong belief in the theory that we should never take 50/50 shots when one of the 50% shots could mean killing a power role. Day 1 I was against a 50/50 baner shot, day 2 I was against a 50/50 seer shot. Please don't pretend like the case against uberfish was cut-and-dried. Remember several things:

1. sunrise himself admitted he might be the fool
2. It looks odd that uberfish would be the one who brings up Selrahc as a suspect. Why would a werewolf "give up" the devil before the seer was found?? Makes no sense and still doesn't to me, honestly
3. We find out there's a second seer claim

To me, those things screamed to me that we had the fool in play, which was reinforced by the fact that the game seemed unbalanced with how powerful we thought the owl was at the time (remember, it was changed later on). So yeah I was wrong about uberfish, but don't pretend like I was saving a wolf, when actually I was following some pretty darn good evidence. On top of all that, there was a pretty good chance sunrise would get killed overnight, thus proving uberfish guilty, so I said we could unanimously lynch him the next day if we got the proof. If you simply look at a vote record, I can completely see how day 4 might look bad, but if you actually followed the chain of events, it actually makes a lot of sense. I think this is your "best" day to make a case against me, but when you actually consider the context, it's pretty weak honestly. Even if I grant you this day (I don't), we can all find a day where someone looked suspicious. Shoot, Roland was on every single one of his days.

Quote:Day 5: Ug (8). Why vote for your fellow wolf (Serdoa) when you could vote for a highly-suspected villager?

If you are so convinced Serdoa is a wolf, then why not vote for him? I think you'd get more support on the Serdoa bandwagon than you would on the scooter bandwagon. I could of course be wrong, but that's the sense I get from people. Again, this is flimsy and based on your assumptions, and zero facts at all.

Quote:Day 6: Roland (5).... I covered this earlier tonight.

Says the guy who voted for Roland. wink I know, I know, you have your excuses even though I'm not allowed to have them apparently...

As an aside, I'm off to bed. There's a good chance I won't be on for the next 12 hours, so please don't accuse me of hiding or anything lol. And yes, I realize that probably means open season on my latest post. smile

scooter Wrote:If you are so convinced Serdoa is a wolf, then why not vote for him? I think you'd get more support on the Serdoa bandwagon than you would on the scooter bandwagon. I could of course be wrong, but that's the sense I get from people.

So, would you vote for Serdoa?

And my next question for you: why should I vote for someone else? I get that you want to believe that you're innocent. I'm not ready to believe that, in fact, I have you in the 70% guilty camp... you and Serdoa are the only two people I have at over 50%. But I get that you want me to see your innocence. What I don't see is who you want me to see as guilty, and why I should vote for that person. I think that conversation would be far more beneficial than our current back-and-forth.. both for me and the village.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

scooter Wrote:As an aside, I'm off to bed. There's a good chance I won't be on for the next 12 hours, so please don't accuse me of hiding or anything lol. And yes, I realize that probably means open season on my latest post. smile

Same here, time for bed. But thanks for the back-and-forth tonight, it's been one of the more entertaining nights of this game for me. I also will be offline, until at least 6 pm pacific (20 hours). So I guess the rest of the village will have to take over from here.

Quote:Says the guy who voted for Roland. I know, I know, you have your excuses even though I'm not allowed to have them apparently...
I can't let this one slip by, though. Yes, I voted for Roland, I hated doing it. I've already touched on that tonight. My excuse, though, was having long days at work and not being at the forum. You were around the forum and could have voted for anyone else when the pendulum (almost) started swinging. ... I just couldn't let that go so easily! :neenernee
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.

I'm willing to vote for Serdoa, shocker I know.

While I may have backed off of you Scooter, I'm still evaluating you. I would like you to tell us who you would vote for.

Also, my post against scooter in which I describe the tone and attitude of posts was also in reference to Serdoa. I'm pretty sure one of the two is wolf at least.

I'm also happy there is some other conversation, lol.

Well, I guess that will put me on the chopping block again soon. Interesting that again nobody even considers that scooter and I could be innocent and Mr. Nice Guy could be the wolf. He made such a nice case with the voting records, lets look at his

Day 1: Sandover - Sacrifing your wolf brother like the Devil did as well?

Day 2: Gaspar - You nearly suceed in getting Gaspar lynched, who most believe is innocent (even that I still don't get why)

Day 3: Gaspar - Trying to get the lynch against Gaspar rolling again as he was a suspect for so many on Day 2. I guess that was only a desperate attempt to save the Devil, wasn't it?

Day 4: Sareln - You accuse scooter for this, but you yourself did vote for Sareln as well. So another attempt to save a wolf brother?

Day 5: Serdoa - As a wolf you do know that I am innocent and I was the perfect target to hide behind. Even if I am lynched and proved innocent everyone can easily back off this vote and state "uh, but he looked SOOO wolfish".

Day 6: Roland - we covered that already

Looking at this, your voting record doesn't look better then scooters. In fact it looks worse. It is as bad as mine. And I really am wondering why nobody else seems to see that. I know that I am innocent (and I am still pissed that Kyan didn't get the complete result btw) but I have a hard time defending exactly because of my shitty voting record. But you seemingly are trusted? Why, just because you did talk less then I did? Just because you voted as well differently then the trusted network but were not so vocal about it? Really, I think you are a wolf and I am pretty sure I also know who the second one is. But I won't discuss that matter right now because I think your voting record together with your complete silence is incriminating enough, without me giving away all my trumps.

Mr. Nice Guy

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