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PBEM 5 - regoarrarr spoiler thread

Okay - I built a fairly accurate sim of Columbus and the Hanging Gardens (sounds like the new teen action novel series! lol)

T65: 25 *1.5 = 37/201 overflow, working cottage and plains forest for 6(9)hpt
T66: 13/21, 43/201, working engineer for 8(12) hpt
T67: 17/21, 55/201
T68: 10/22, 67/201, swap to worker and work coast for 9f-h/t
T69: 10/20, 69/40 after double whipping worker and making 16 fh/t working the engineer.
T70: 10/20, 26*1.5 = 39 overflow - 106/201 and making 8(12) hpt
T71: 14/20, 118/201, fire engineer for cottage making 6(9)
T72: 10/21, 127/201, swap to worker and work coast
T73: 10/18, 69/40 after double whipping worker - work cottage instead of forest
T74: 10/18, 39 overflow again - 166/201 - chop comes in and HG completes.

My plan is to get 2 more cities out before then. Drake just reached size 6 this turn, and it will swap to a settler and triple whip it in 2 turns to found the sugar site. The other settler will come from Cortes

[Image: civ4screenshot0057.jpg]

Remember that the new city needs to be founded on T74 to get the insta-boost from the HG. The plan is to (hopefully) whip the settler when the city reaches size 6. The red line would mean the settler needs to be born on T71 to move, move and settle on T74. But if I spend a few worker turns roading along the blue lines (skipping a road on the desert tile), then my Cortesian settler can be born on T72, following the green line to move, and move-settle on T74.

T65: size 3, 15/17, grab the fish from Pizarro 6fpt
T66: 12/18, grow to size 4,
T67: 9/20, grow to size 5
T68: 15/20
T69: 11/21, grow to size 6, swap to a settler. Working the fish, (unimproved) wine, horse and 3 coasts, we make 11 f-h/t
T70: 11/21, 11/65
T71: 11/21, 22/65, triple whip settler, so 82/65 + 11 f-h/t still gives 28 hammers overflow
T72: settler born, overflow into the forge, which should complete in 1 (I believe it will be 63/80 at this point, so 28*1.25 or 35 hammers will complete the forge with 18 hammers overflow)
T73: 18 hammers overflow is converted back down to 14 for a non-building but then back to 18 since I'll have the forge itself, which (with 1 turn of production) should be enough for a Christian missionary the next turn for the new city.

Sounds like a plan!

Oh and in HG C&D news, darrell did NOT whip any of his cities and his prod went up.... from 10 to 11 lol

Also, to write down my thoughts on city builds for the next few turns:

Columbus: Hanging Gardens, interspersed with 2 workers
Drake: Settler, then back on to a Forge->Library
Magellan: Library, then warrior then maybe missionary?
Cortes: Forge (partial)->Settler->Forge->Missionary->Work Boat (for the new city)
Pizarro: Forge->Moai
La Salle: Lighthouse then maybe Forge or some workboats for the newer cities

Zoomed out dotmap pic request.

PS - If resources off I will cast a hex o'er your lands.

sunrise089 Wrote:Zoomed out dotmap pic request.

PS - If resources off I will cast a hex o'er your lands.

Man I don't know how any kind of hex could actually make me have WORSE lands.... :neenernee

I will do that soon - probably in the morning. I actually have nearly the whole map revealed

sunrise089 Wrote:Zoomed out dotmap pic request.

PS - If resources off I will cast a hex o'er your lands.

I thought we had to wait for CiV for the hex map?
I have to run.

novice Wrote:I thought we had to wait for CiV for the hex map?

This made me laugh. smile Realms Beyond brings hexed maps to Civilization many months before Civ V is out. That shows we're on the cutting edge.

Okay here is the known world. (Initial) dotmap coming up!

[Image: civ4screenshot0058.jpg]

Okay here's some thoughts

First off - I want to try and maximize the number of coastal tiles I get. With financial and dike, that's a 2/1/3 tile, definitely worth working as many as possible.

[Image: civ4screenshot0058r.jpg]

So black lines represent the BFCs of the cities already planted. Cyan and green are the next 2 cities to be planted. White, yellow and red are pretty set in stone for the south. Yellow is not a great city with no food but it does have a ton of coastal tiles for once I get the dike up. White has fish, and red has the crabs and fur (duh)

In the northwest, I messed up the planting / borders of green and gray dots, and Paint only has like a 3 move undo "buffer" lol. Orange seems pretty solid (possible Globe Theater city?). Purple is good with fish and pink I'm not sure about. I could put it in place (on the desert island) or move it 2W onto the plains ivory (2 hammer plant). Where it's at as you can see I waste a few tiles on that island (which could be redeemed by a half city that I put there) - but if I move it onto the ivory, I miss out on a few coastal tiles east of the desert.

And once again, you will notice the lack of any rivers (so no farms till Biology and even then they won't be worth it probably). 17 cities in all - not bad I think. Possibly 1 more NE of Pizzaro, and I'm still torn about splitting up cyan dot into 2 cities (to redeem 4 more coast tiles)

What do you propose to use the globe theatre city for in an always peace game?

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