It's been about 20 turns since the last picture (and 13ish since the last post - I just came out of the scientist-spy golden age). In that timespan I've more than doubled my number of cities and finally overcome my historically terrible land area. Things basically look unloseable at this point. Politically speaking, I have a NAP with Lewwyn for another 50 turns, Nakor will be eliminated in about 5 turns, and Ruff-AI a few after that, as soon as I can spare the galleons in Nakor's territory.
My core (for most of the game, my only cities):
Southern conquests:
Northern conquests:
About 10 of the new cities were settled, not conquered. Jowy/Ruff had some poor city placement and infrastructure, so I razed a couple there just to make better use of the resources. And Nakor spaced his cities way far apart, with room to squeeze in more between them. Delightfully, new cities are all immediately profitable as distance maintenance is moot via Communism, number-of-cities maintenance is capped at 6, and trade routes immediately add 7-13 commerce (more for coastal cities, of course). Then on top of that they get to work amazing tiles - even non-resource tiles are immediately great now with +1/+2/+2 watermills and biology farms.
Here's an example of a city that languished
forever under Jowy/Ruff, as it has no food resources and was never given a single farm, now extremely productive:
I kinda like the industrial era now, actually.
Some info screens:
50-turn demos:
The only thing I'm actually behind in is population. (Not just the silly demographic, but also the real total.) This is partly because I drafted and whipped the living daylights out of my empire not too long ago. But I'm catching up really quickly due to biology, and once the severe war weariness (~10 in big cities) with Nakor is gone in a few turns, things will be even better.
Oh, I also got Sankore a bit ago, just finished the Kremlin, and am now working on the Spiral Minaret. I can't use Monasteries any more, but a temple in every city makes for a lot of gold.