As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Unfinished business - SG for improving at Civ 4 (sic)

Ok the turn report here for you all. I didn't whip a single thing this set, though Bean a Sidhe is at its happy cap this turn. We could whip a barracks there.

Turn 60 Get rid of the military builds in Bean a Sidhe. Queue up a granary in Christmas

Turn 61 Christmas completes the worker, who is named Ext. Cord (as we seem to be going with a tools scheme for the workers) and he moves to Yaqob Marley

Turn 62 Workers work. We start mining Christmas gold

Turn 63 Yaqob worker completes, start the granary. Worker is renamed Fork and sent to Bean a Sidhe. We now have two workers per city. I manoeuvre our warrior onto a forested hill (1NW of Lime Dot) and or chariot on another hill north east of him to mind against the barb archer.

Turn 64 IBT the archer attacks our warrior and loses. Warrior @1.3 str. Note that he has defiled Ethiopian soil. It's around here that Bean a Sidhe completes its granary and starts a warrior, forgot to keep count on that.

Turn 65 Gold is connected at Christmas, happy cap now 5 (6 at Yaqob)

Turn 66 Barb borders seen to the North East, send chariot to investigate.

Turn 67 Mansa wants open borders, okey-doke. Christmas grows onto gold.

Turn 68 My chariot sucessfully scouts Khazak

[Image: Khazak.jpg]

Turn 69 Maths to Currency

Turn 70 We’ll need libraries, mainly as cottages will be scarce for a while.

We’ll be Hindu soon

[Image: Hindoo.jpg]

Plus lots of barbs.


[Image: Demogs%20t70.jpg]
[Image: Power%20t70.jpg]
[Image: Food%20t70.jpg]
[Image: Hammers%20t70.jpg]
[Image: GNP%20t70.jpg]
[Image: Culture%20t70.jpg]

We're top in GNP solidly second in hammers, third in food. Didn't bother take score or espionage graphs.

Foreign Relations

Taken mostly for city counts:
[Image: Izzy%20cities%20t70.jpg]
[Image: Mansa%20cities%20t70.jpg]
[Image: Karloman%20cities%20t70.jpg]
[Image: Monty%20Cities%20t70.jpg]

Domestic Situation

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0000_1.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0001.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0002.jpg]

Save is in the post above.

Edit: forgot to mention Bean a Sidhe popped a warrior c. turn 67 and went onto a chariot. The warrior is forted down on the forested hill near Purple Dot location.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Wow those demos look better; I'm guessing that's down to all those tasty improved tiles. Nice!

Of course, we probably will whip next turnset, and thus drive them down again.

Like the worker names, and the dead barb.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Nice defensive stand to get the barb archer to suicide into a forested hill. smile Keeping it away from a city and a close battle with big potential downside is a relief.

Another barb city...up in the jungle with, what? Three dyes? (Resource bubbles would help in the screenshots.) Can't tell what other resources it might have. But jungle once cleared is at least OK land, and those dyes will provide excellent commerce without needing to grow like cottages. Plus happiness, and more happiness with cheap creative theaters. Very nice. smile Iron Working needed for the land, of course, and probably for some tougher troops to take the city as well. But it should make an excellent addition to your empire down the road.

Isabella rather slower to expand than the other AIs...wonder what is happening there? Barb troubles, maybe? Building a wonder rather than settlers?

Thanks for the screenshots! Helps much in following the action. thumbsup

Sorry bout the lack of bubbles Haphazard, yes three dyes indeed Edit: and a sugar, though we have those already. What I like though about the city is three archers already so it will be a bit tougher for the AI to crack.

Might be an idea to station a chariot or axe (down the road) there to snipe the city just incase Mansa or Izzy comes calling.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

Well, that’s what a lot of worker laborer looks like, I suppose.
Gosh, we have so many farms. However, farm + gold is THE best tile combo you can work in terms of early tile yield so I guess it is okay.

Don’t have it yet. I’ll pop in and take a look tonight, and then post what my expected actions/turnset goals will be so that shallow_thought and Brian can opine (okay, taotao and haphazard1 too).

Here’s my tentative plan.

Yaqob Marley

  1. Off settler for 4 more turns to fill up the food box some more. I’ll put the work in on a Library in the meantime.
  2. Then, once foodbox is full at size 4, 2x whip the settler into the library. Instant regrowth + maybe an instant library? So that means a settler at about T77/78? This one will go for copper in the north.
  3. After the library completes: start a chariot.
Bean a Sidhe

  1. Drop the mine for the farm to get some more food stored.
  2. Finish the chariot on max food
  3. Start a settler for purple dot (do we have a consensus location: the plains hill plant?)
  4. Kind of want to grow to size 6 and 3x whip the settler but I don’t think this city can grow quickly enough. So, just the 2x whip. That’ll give us another settler – which should probably go to purple dot. I’ll be able to 2x whip about T77 or so.

Christmas Past

  1. Painfully, this is going to grow to size 3 just after completing the granary. I might try to chop it out (edit: that’s what I’ll do. A chop next turn will complete the granary.)
  2. After that, I’d like a library but will probably take chariots instead.

I’ll try to find our workers because that will determine who gets built. But A-C/whoever’s in the north will go road to copper city (then improve), then D-F/whoever's south will move to purple dot.

More to come tonight. I will not play (unless I get feedback).
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

I'm on the mine in Bean a Sidhe because a) it's at the limit and b) there's no real good two pop whip at the moment.

We can stagnate the city for a while at five, popping out chariots and workers.
Travelling on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam.

(December 19th, 2016, 18:05)Zalson Wrote: Thoughts:
Well, that’s what a lot of worker laborer looks like, I suppose.
Gosh, we have so many farms. However, farm + gold is THE best tile combo you can work in terms of early tile yield so I guess it is okay.

Don’t have it yet. I’ll pop in and take a look tonight, and then post what my expected actions/turnset goals will be so that shallow_thought and Brian can opine (okay, taotao and haphazard1 too).

Here’s my tentative plan.

Yaqob Marley

  1. Off settler for 4 more turns to fill up the food box some more. I’ll put the work in on a Library in the meantime.
  2. Then, once foodbox is full at size 4, 2x whip the settler into the library. Instant regrowth + maybe an instant library? So that means a settler at about T77/78? This one will go for copper in the north.
  3. After the library completes: start a chariot.
Bean a Sidhe

  1. Drop the mine for the farm to get some more food stored.
  2. Finish the chariot on max food
  3. Start a settler for purple dot (do we have a consensus location: the plains hill plant?)
  4. Kind of want to grow to size 6 and 3x whip the settler but I don’t think this city can grow quickly enough. So, just the 2x whip. That’ll give us another settler – which should probably go to purple dot. I’ll be able to 2x whip about T77 or so.

Christmas Past

  1. Painfully, this is going to grow to size 3 just after completing the granary. I might try to chop it out (edit: that’s what I’ll do. A chop next turn will complete the granary.)
  2. After that, I’d like a library but will probably take chariots instead.

I’ll try to find our workers because that will determine who gets built. But A-C/whoever’s in the north will go road to copper city (then improve), then D-F/whoever's south will move to purple dot.

More to come tonight. I will not play (unless I get feedback).

If you're happy to wait, I should have a chance to load up the save this evening and have a look. The emphasis on getting some whips going and getting settlers out feels right to me. I'm also probably going to post some really basic questions about good whipping practice...

Not having the game in front of me, can we afford to go IW after Currency (before CoL), and when can we reach it? We want that copper, but any plant seems useless in itself without IW.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Sugar as well as three dyes at the barb jungle city? Mmmm, tasty. smile Sugar is more food as well as happiness, which is always nice to have. And if you have more than one source, you can always trade the extra for something.

I like the continuing expansion push, but make sure you also build/have enough units to escort the new settlers and garrison the new cities. Barb archers are now a known threat, and spears or axes could start appearing soon. Don't stretch your defenses too thin. Zalson's planning notes about roading to the new city locations is good -- a solid road net will help with defense if needed. Plus movement and trade routes, of course, so that is a win all around.

Also, be thinking about costs. As the new cities are founded your maintenance expenses will increase, maybe more than you are used to since this is Emperor. Your Organized trait will help a bit, but your research rate is likely to slow. Keep that in mind as you plan for finishing key techs like Currency, CoL, IW, etc. Getting some more commerce going (improved resources or cottages) or libraries and maybe a scientist or two (non-slider beakers can really help when your tech rate crunches) are possibilities if tech starts stagnating.

Our solution to expansion is: found on and work silver and gold smile.

I hope I can get to this tonight, my time. My wife, pregnant with child #2, is sitting next to me in a hospital bed. I'd like to play if we can get home without having the baby but taking care of her and my other daughter will take priority.

Recommendation: don't let your 33-week pregnant wife get the stomach flu.
"My ancestors came here on the Magna Carta!"

(December 20th, 2016, 10:30)Zalson Wrote: I hope I can get to this tonight, my time. My wife, pregnant with child #2, is sitting next to me in a hospital bed. I'd like to play if we can get home without having the baby but taking care of her and my other daughter will take priority.

Recommendation: don't let your 33-week pregnant wife get the stomach flu.

Wow. Yeah, your priorities there are kind of obviously correct. Hope things get rapidly smoother.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

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