Hmm, question of the day.
Is taking Kabul worth the 2 turn delay?
Is it worth taking this city neigh on the desert at all?
Is the bonus (+100XP on battle I started) worth it, when I manage to get it with the Classical Era worth it?
Will it alert Emperor K to my strength or make him think that I go for the CS.
Anyway, Magnus chop into chariots next turn.
I will not overflow into encampment I do need it right now and thanks to 12 culture per turn, the culture bonus by the inspiration is neglible. I much rather have 2 more chariots.
Together with the one from the capital this is 8 making a choke or even outright conquest of Emperor K perhaps attainable.
Gold will be spent on a trader which will establish a route the turn before the attack to Emperor Ks capital. I should have scouted it out, not run around with the scout, ah well.