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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Testede everything about the two Create Artifact spells (except for pricing..) That.. Was amazingly boring..
(Also shocking with so few errors really..)

CASTERWIN.html typo: "Artifact creation costs now use a non-linear formula that makes artifacts will a lower total linar cost (...)"

CASTERWIN.html typo: The item power Doom is called "Doom (Chaos)" instead of just Doom like all the other powers.

CASTERWIN.html: Item power Doom says it is weapons only, but it can't be placed on a wand.

CASTERWIN.html: "Shields cannot have a casting skill bonus." They can have up to +20 apparently.

CASTERWIN.html: Stealth power should require 3 death books, requires 5 death books.

123) (pretty minor thing)
Changes.txt - Google drive:
"A rampaging monster stack is generated in a player's territory (no more than 4 tiles away from their cities)"
These monsters spawn 5 tiles away, but they spawn from the life tower, so you could prolly argue that is 4 tiles I guess..

In [Auto] battle the hero "the druid" cast web on phantom beast. That dosn't make much sense. He had mana for AEther sparks, phantom warriors and also 4 ammo that he could use instead..
Managed to replicate this many times..

Creating small worlds I had a creation crash again, crashed before entering map. (Advanced, 1, minimal, Islands, 1, Fair, Rich)
Creating small worlds I had a first turn crash, enterede the map, named city normal name, clicked on map and crash. (Advanced, 1, minimal, Islands, 1, Fair, Rich)
Looks like the world creation problem reported back in numer 11 isn't quite gone yet, but I belive I read you made changes for 1.00.06?

Rjak declared war on me, but was just an empty dialog screen with no text.. Managed to replicate 4 out of 5 tries.

City Enchantment Heavenly light gave its buff to garrison units on the overland map. There was a hero in the city who gave +1 attack too..
Might be the same problem as in number 112 with the planeshifting and eternal night.
(Lost save before I noticed this wasn't intentionel, will try to replicate later)

The text in the "pick race" screen still don't mention Barbarian -1 res and Troll +1 res.
As pointed towards back in number 10.

Troll Merchans Guild is a typo too.. Dunno if you were planing on correcting these or not?

76) (again) (Unchanged repost from page 112 by your request)
Event: "Citizens have overthrown the rule of Ariel! Cities turn neutral". Completly destroying her. But I didn't win the game, even as I am the only one left, and I still have no win buttom.
At first I thought it was the Rebellion event. But then there would be two conditions getting ignored.
1. A fortress can't be chosen as the target for rebellion.
2. If there are more fantastic units than normal units in the city it can't rebel. (Was 3 phoenix and 0 normal units in the city as far as I know).

But the text of the event is wrong and I can easily replicate this event, so this must be the new "weak wizards vanish when there is still many wizards in the game"-feature? (Sometimes she vanish, sometimes retires, sometimes overthrown.)
Savegame (Ariel "retires" in 10-20 turn).

ADDED: The complaint here wasn't the "Win" buttom that you changed from 100 turns to 50 turns, but the fact that the last/only AI was removed by the "too weak vanish"-function, as seen in the video..

123. Not bug, the distance is measured from the tile of the lair, not the tile the monster appears on.
124. When "Targeting Aid" is off, immunity checks are not done for the human player for spell targeting. Unfortunately, "Auto" still counts as the human player playing. I'll change this, while we generally don't want Auto to play better than the player, obvious mistakes like that definitely shouldn't be done on purpose.
125. As far as I remember 1.0.6 only fixed a bug with "random" on climate (or land size?) crashing.
Tried generating maps about 10 times and didn't get a crash even once. Maybe it's a change in modding.ini or a score modifier?
126. Found the problem, fixed for 1.0.7
129. No, not planning to change that because there is no good solution. If I change it to only show buildings actually available after completing that building, then buildings with two requirements will not shown until one of them was already built. So I prefer the more consistent approach of simply showing what is unlocked by each building regardless of whether other requirements exist or are possible.
76. Ariel is already removed from the game in this save file. Doesn't matter, I think I know what the problem is.
The elimination feature uses two numbers, the "minimal" and the "maximal" elimination goal, for the earliest and latest turn count used by the feature and scales linearly between them.
For example in a 12 player game, the minimal goal would be 11 wizards at turn 60 and the maximal would be 4 at turn 220.
And here is the problem, while the maximal is capped at 4, the minimal is not.
So if the player count of the game is too low, it'll basically correctly target 4 having 4 leftover wizards on turn 220 but will target the existing amount-1, in this case, zero, on turn 60.
So yeah, it's just a simple bug, but a quite serious one.

125) (again)
I don't mod the game, would make it hard to test things.. I never use score modifiers unless it is to specifically test the score modifiers..
I createde 40 games arfterwards with no issues, was just those two games in a row.. So it is there, it is just a lot more rare now..

76) (again)
Oh dang, wrong savegame.. My bad.. No wonder you didn't notice..  duh
Yeah, I figured it prolly was a pretty importent bug, was wondering why you wasn't freaking out about that one =)
Will test again in 1.00.07

When using raise dead on a magician, it will come back with its mana pool still, but when you go to cast a spell the spellbook is empty.

When finishing settlers, if the producing town is <2,000 population, the settlers will not complete until the population reaches 2000.


When a neutral city joins you, and the map is not revealed where said city is, it does not get revealed. If it has troops, then you can at least move them and reveal the map, but if not.. it's a bit awkward.

Orihalcon stays with a fantastic creature after casting Mystic Surge on them in battle (I believe you fixed this in CoM 1 a long time ago).

[Image: N20Cr2W.png]

125) (again)
World creation crash. I tried creating some more games because the crash seemed so rare.

Difficulty: Advanced. Opponents: 1. Game size: minimal. Continents: Islands. Magic: 1. Climate: Fair. Minerals: Rich.
Name: [Empty]. Race: Random

455 worlds, with premade Jafar. Color green. Without a single crash. Guess we can rule out any worth noty crashes here..
185 worlds, with random generated Wizard. Color Malachite. Some of them with Plane of Earth Score Modifiers. Without a single crash.
355 worlds, random wizard, 14 player. Color Malachite. Some of them with Plane of Earth Score Modifiers. Without a single crash.
10 worlds, random wizard, 14 player. Color random. Added all score modifiers + I am The Boss. Without a single crash.
10 worlds, random wizard, 14 player. Color random. Added all score modifiers + Race to the Unknown. Without a single crash.
30 worlds, random wizard, 14 player. Color random. Added all score modifiers + World Equalizer

With the last one 13 out of 30 games crashed. (Crash at end of video)
At first glance color also seems to make a big differnece too, silver color crash 9 out of 12 times, but the top colors (such as red/blue) seems to crash very rarely.. Weird..

So I didn't really find what I was looking for, but I guess "World Equalizer" has some problems in this setting..

Edit: Tried 10 worlds, random wizard, 14 player. All score modifiers + World Equalizer. Color Blue. Crash 2 out of 10 games. 
Edit: Tried 10 worlds, random wizard, 14 player. All score modifiers + World Equalizer. Color Silver. Crash 1 out of 10 games.
Edit: Tried 10 worlds, random wizard, 14 player. Only World Equalizer. Color Silver. No crashes.
Edit: Hmm.. Unlikely that color makes any difference.. Was just pretty skewed numbers first time around.. But again, should always be carefull with small datasets..
Edit: Hmm.. Also went from 43% to 15% crash rate..

Hmm.. Turns out that it takes 5 houers to create 1075 games, that might have been a bit excessive.. =)

With too many Score Modifiers I can't see my score.

131) (pretty minor thing, but keeps annoying me..)
Selecting I am The Boss and then clicking on Race to the Unknown will change the modifiers to Race to the Unknown, but not if you click the other way. Same with World Equalizer.

I've tried generating a lot of worlds with the parameters shown in the video.
Zero crashes.
I have to assume whatever causes this bug is already gone from the code. The current and next update(s) have modding options for everything related to world generation so it's entirely possible that there were changes that affect this.

Fixed the score modifier display for the next update by merging all modifiers into one if there are more than 10 to be displayed.

Quote:Orihalcon stays with a fantastic creature after casting Mystic Surge on them in battle (I believe you fixed this in CoM 1 a long time ago).

Looked at the code and this seems to be an intentional change. The spell can grant Mithril, Adamantium, or Orihalcon permanently.
(wow, that's OP on heroes, except there is a risk they turn undead so not really...)

Found another bug while testing, melee attacks didn't apply a suppression counter to units. It will be fixed in the next update.


Started a new game and all other wizards on Arcanus were lizardmen, it was pretty boring and also impossible to settle any new cities with settlers appearing from nowhere. Having each starting race being different would make it a lot more fun.

Also a tiny map with 3 wizards on my plane had no neutral cities at all. Is there a way of adding extra room/tiles for some neutral cities even on smaller maps? I was using plane of the earth too, so that may have affected things, although I thought that just means the map is smaller rather than having less land tiles.

You can right click enemy stealth units on the overland map.


While building housing I changed the one farmer to a worker and the population gain went from +160 a turn to +457

That seems a lot of extra growth to from just one extra production.

Next turn after battle where I used Mystic Surge on Dwarf hero I tried to use Natrure's Cures on him but it only healed 4 hit points instead of fully recovering him. One more cast healed him completely.  
COM 1.06

Here is a save before casting Nature's Cures

.zip (Size: 229.3 KB / Downloads: 1)

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