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zakalwe Wrote:Did anyone look into the timing of Roland's vote on Selrahc? Was it at a point in time when Selrahc looked sure to die either way?
No, it was very much an even race at the time of Roland's vote.
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Serdoa Wrote:General remark: If I seem to be highly aggressive or someone feels I am trying to twist their words, talk with me about it. I just am writing the best I can and that means that I probably often will come across as aggressive simply because I am blunt in the way I phrase sentences or am maybe not understanding what someone wrote and therefore put it in my words to see if that was what was meant. That obviously happens more often with you Roland simply because you write with more "fillers" then others do and so I have to question stuff more often to understand it.
You always twist words. Its completely ridiculous because you paint people with a general brush and totally miss things they say. Or you choose to misunderstand, or try to state things in a blameful way! You are always the contrarian, you never seem to vote your convictions. You're always fence sitting, you never take a risk. You're always covering your ass and then ripping others for taking risks.
Just now you say most don't want to listen to PBs defense, but I was WAITING for him to respond at all. You continually make it sound like people voting for PB are blind, but he did such a poor job defending himself there was no way to see! The only post he made that even came close to a defense was in the last hour, but its still didn't directly address the concerns I had raised. It gave me pause though! I even said so, but there were no other better options. The only other options were me and MNG. I'm a villager and I don't suspect MNG.
My voting pattern is very simple. I vote for someone I suspect, I say why I suspect them. I wait to see if a vote grows on them. If that doesn't happen I switch to someone who has more votes who is also on my suspect list. I think all of that is reasonable and logical.
I just can't understand you Serdoa. I mean I suspect Roland and think there's a good chance he's a wolf, but the post you just made actually makes me want to DEFEND him. You make it seem like its your way or the highway, everyone is wrong but me.
I've actually been trying really hard this entire game to be as objective as possible when it comes to you. I've even made a special attempt to read your posts and see things from your point of view. I don't want to be blind and I"ve attempted not to be this entire game. You were possessed last game so I told myself that was part of his role. New game, new slate, but I'm seeing the same attitude and the same style. It's funny I don't even know if I can suspect you.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
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zakalwe Wrote:As a side note, Lewwyn seems like the exact opposite of Roland. It almost looks like he takes pride in being wrong. 
I take pride in voting my conscience and being willing to take a risk. There's a large difference. Because I'm vocal about it, it just makes my mistakes more visible. But I won't apologize for doing what I think is best.
This is not to say I won't listen to other arguments or defenses. While I may have just shouted at Serdoa, I actually agree with some of his points about Roland. Shocker, I know. I'm not willing to shut my ears. I am willing to take a stand and speak my mind. If you think I"m wrong then you need to show me how you disagree.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
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zakalwe Wrote:I also agree with what Novice said: we should look for wolves hiding in the "wake of destruction". That is the most natural place for a wolf to hide.
On this note: I still think Mr. Nice Guy is a good candidate in this category.
I could also be persuaded to lynch fire&ice; I thought it was weird how he was a candidate on day 1 but then just completely dropped off everybody's radar. I could be reading too much into that, but if he does turn out to be a wolf, I would look at who voted for him on day 1. They could be wolves voting for a fellow wolf, as cover.
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Sandover Wrote:No, it was very much an even race at the time of Roland's vote.
If so, that looks like a good reason for people to shift him down a little on their suspect lists.
@Lewwyn: My side note at you was mostly just a friendly jab, and I don't think it's necessarily a wolf indicator. Like I said earlier, the wolves know how they will look in the morning, and you do tend to look like shit.  *
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zakalwe Wrote:@Lewwyn: My side note at you was mostly just a friendly jab, and I don't think it's necessarily a wolf indicator. Like I said earlier, the wolves know how they will look in the morning, and you do tend to look like shit. *
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
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Zakofonix adopted a dramatic stance and wistfully recited:
Clouded atmosphere
Peaks emerging from the fog
Tailored for a wolf
Sunlight pierces it
Enlightens everybody
The village fool laughs
Yeah... I was supposed to be reading the thread but I found this more rewarding.  Feel free to interpret my poetry btw (I appreciate that), but there's no hidden message in it. So if you think it's a load of junk you can safely ignore it.
If there's anything I really want to say, I will just say it.
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Egads... this is a LONG thread already. Irgy, I came across this post of yours while trying to trace Lewwyn's reasons for suspecting Pocketbeetle:
Irgy Wrote:<snip>
There's reasons to be suspicious of Pocketbeetle right now from various parts of the above. However, I'll leave that be for the moment, in the interests (again) of raising new candidates to try and sift through what's left. The person that I've avoided mentioning above so as to focus on him specifically is Meiz. Here's my case:
Mayor votes, a close interaction with Selrahc. Selrahc voted for him as mayor, Meiz supported this move himself, but nothing much came of it. This could be an attempt to raise an early wolf-mayor candidate, which failed because the villagers weren't interested and the other wolves didn't want to be too suspicious. Or conversely an intentionally failed attempt to associate some mayor votes with each other to point to later with the argument that wolves wouldn't want to be mayor - this is more likely given Selrahc's experience last game. Or it could of course be innocent (for Meiz's part anyway). Wouldn't put much stock in this on its own.
Lynch votes though, Meiz is the wagon-driver. Never the first vote, but always the vote to turn it into something. Both Lewwyn and Cull on day 1. Day 2 Mardoc, which failed to get off the ground, then Selrahc for a while, but switching to novice when Selrahc started to look dangerous. Then onto Rowain when the chance arose. Despite this being a shorter paragraph than the last, this is the core of my case.
FWIW, I found him by looking for suspicious Rowain bandwagoners, then found the pattern continued to previous votes.
So, wolf, or just an innocent but fickle stirrer? His posts that I've looked at just now certainly make an effort to seem as if there's reasons for his votes every time, which belies the fact that he's jumped onto almost every wagon he's had a chance to. With the notable exception of Pocketbeetle, who he's conspicuously avoided and effectively protected. This connection won't mean much though until we know more about one or the other of them.
I'm not sure why I didn't notice this earlier; probably because I was engaged in a "rhyming duel" with Novice at the time.  By the time I next got caught up you had moved on to other suspects. So did this theory hinge on Pocketbeetle being a wolf, or do you still suspect Meiz? Because I still think it sounds like a decent case. I'll definitely add him to my list of people I'll consider lynching, along with MNG and fire&ice.
I can also contribute another weak piece of evidence against Meiz, that I noticed when reading his most recent posts. It is very circumstantial and borderline meta, but I guess it can't hurt to point it out.
Right around the end of day 3, he was on-line just before and just after the lynch results, posting "villager stuff". Then, about an hour later, he posted this:
Meiz Wrote:Just found this gem 
The gem that he found was a (very funny in hindsight) mayor nomination where Scooter voted for Rowain on the grounds that Rowain was open-minded and not likely to develop tunnel vision.
Now my question is, why was he looking at Scooter's posts? Maybe he was flipping through the thread sequentially, but the thread is getting long, so personally I tend to look up specific people's posts as a starting point. Nobody seems to suspect Scooter at all (fair enough, since he voted for Selrahc), but why was Meiz looking at him, one hour into the night? Well... maybe he was looking for a good night kill? The wolves certainly aren't going to be targeting the current suspects, so if Scooter is innocent, he could have been a good option.
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Roland Wrote:The fact that scooter is buying it as much as, if not more than, you is disturbing frankly, and makes me wonder if I wasn't wrong to make such a statement about him earlier.
Err... what?
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(Cross-posted with Scooter, amusingly.  )