Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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FFH II PBEM III Tech issues thread

Ok, sounds like I had it completely backwards, you're a real night owl rather than a morning person smile

There's a fair risk we'll miss days from Mardoc getting held up or Sciz not staying up late, but this is probably the best we can do.

If anyone saw me enter WK's thread just now, that was a misclick and i immediately left it. Didn't see anything.

Mr. Yellow Wrote:If anyone saw me enter WK's thread just now, that was a misclick and i immediately left it. Didn't see anything.

Don't worry about it. Misclicking happens. The only reason to post in here about it is if you learn something you shouldn't have.

And thanks for the +1 view count. smile

You can see what threads people are in? Anyway, misclicks and that crazy tooltext thing are why we all have long uninformative first posts. Or at least I do, and I assume everyone else does... smile

By the way Sciz, for what it's worth, "in the morning" doesn't really have to mean in the morning. From what I can work out, "the morning" can mean any time before about 4pm your time. There's a fair bit of room for movement in that part of the schedule. So even if you wake up after 11am, or you're home at lunch time or something, we should be fine. Not trying to pester you, just pointing it out in case you want some sleep occasionally.

Irgy Wrote:You can see what threads people are in?

Go Quick Links -> Who's Online and you can see what everyone else is doing.

Irgy Wrote:You can see what threads people are in? Anyway, misclicks and that crazy tooltext thing are why we all have long uninformative first posts. Or at least I do, and I assume everyone else does... smile

By the way Sciz, for what it's worth, "in the morning" doesn't really have to mean in the morning. From what I can work out, "the morning" can mean any time before about 4pm your time. There's a fair bit of room for movement in that part of the schedule. So even if you wake up after 11am, or you're home at lunch time or something, we should be fine. Not trying to pester you, just pointing it out in case you want some sleep occasionally.

Of course. I'm not gonna stay up just to wait for a save, if i want to sleep or if i'm away or whatever, i'm not waiting :P But I'm usually awake around now anyways so I just check my email every now and again to see if the save has arrived or not. If i feel like sleeping and it hasnt arrived, i'm gonna sleep smile But usually that's pretty late

Irgy Wrote:You can see what threads people are in? Anyway, misclicks and that crazy tooltext thing are why we all have long uninformative first posts. Or at least I do, and I assume everyone else does... smile

Thing is Irgy, i pressed that button that sended me to the last post of the thread, so those first posts aren't....."guaranteed" to not give you unwanted decisive information.

WarriorKnight Wrote:Don't worry about it. Misclicking happens. The only reason to post in here about it is if you learn something you shouldn't have.

And thanks for the +1 view count. smile

Speaking of that, i'm pretty curious to what you are really brewing in there, considering the viewcounts. Have to see at the end. lol

Anyone interested in another Blitz session this weekend?

Same time, same place, on sunday and/or saturday (assuming Nyktorion can make it to the saturday session).

WarriorKnight Wrote:Anyone interested in another Blitz session this weekend?

Same time, same place, on sunday and/or saturday (assuming Nyktorion can make it to the saturday session).

I could manage one or the other, but probably not both. I'd prefer Saturday, but could make it to Sunday if that works better for everyone else.

Still, I'm not that bothered, we seem to be moving at a good pace anyway.

I can do it in theory (either day is about the same), but I'm fast going to use up my reserves of good will from my better-half if we do these too often. I'm having sleeping problems this week too (not not-getting-to-sleep problems mind you but waking-up-early-even-though-I'm-still-tired problems), which discourages me from wanting to stay up late.

That said, I'm as enthused about getting turns done quickly as anyone else, so I'll still give it a go if you're all keen, just wanted to at least have a whinge first. Next week would be even better though.

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