Okay some dotmap doodlings. As a note - I got about 2/3rds of the way through this before I chatted with Dazed about all this, so I'll have a couple comments that I note were added later after we finished talking. Ok, enough talk, PICTURES.
First, the immediate east:
Orange seems fairly obvious to me, but the rest depends a lot on defogged land. The purple dots up north could go either way - depending somewhat on how I handle the north. The teal dots depend on how much land is there before I hit the water, but either way those are filler-type cities most likely. Red dots also depend on what I find there - I'm headed that way with my southern warrior. But in general, I'll have three cities in those areas. Teal is last priority, red/purple depends on if there's any food in that area that's not visible. Given the lack of food around it I think there'll likely be some there, but it depends on what and where. Orange is pretty solid but I'm not quite sure I want to go there with City3... However, now that I think about it, the pre-made road chain actually makes it much more feasible as a site for my next city. It would be pretty strong. I'll think about it more. Any thoughts?
LATER: Orange is probably going to be the next city I settle for a variety of reasons. And purple is a lean towards the west site.
Briefly - the southwest:
You can mostly ignore the yellow dot for about 30 seconds - I'll say more about that in a moment. This red dot is the "if horse" dot, which is about 50/50 in my mind. I'm more optimistic than Dazed is due to general feel of the map, but I'm still definitely not counting on it. If there's horse, this is a priority site with fish + horse + 1FP + another shared FP + stone. If no horse... I may still go with this dot, but it won't be quite as high a priority. Below this is a likely deer/fish site, but I don't know enough about that land quite yet. Finally, elephant land:
This is from north of Lewwyn, but think of this as our north - assuming it's all the same. Red seems pretty set-in-stone if it means we can slip a galley in (which is still to be determined). Elephant lake is def not 20 tiles so we need to get a galley in there somehow.
So at this point in the report I was chatting with Dazed so I sent him the links to these pictures. So we talked about red dot and the wasted tiles here and such. He suggested moving red 1S, and I think we're going to do it. Thought process goes as follows:
1) 1S is more defensible from the northeast
2) 1S allows us to ignore a filler city between green/red/black. It wastes two tiles, but one of those is a non-river, dry, flatland plains so it's junk. The grassland tile is decent, but we're thinking it's worth having red on a superior spot.
3) This preserves the canal.
That does mean the crabs goes out of range, but if we DO settle on the elephant (haven't ruled that out necessarily), it'll use the crabs.
Purple is SE of fish site. It's quite possibly the strongest snow city I've ever seen
. I don't know enough about the land southeast of it to really decide what to do. The land north of that (near the deer) will be pretty significant I'm thinking.
Finally, green dot is interesting. There's a pigs 1S there that the resource bubbles choked on. That plains gold is a 1/1/8 tile so yeah I want that. I don't think Dazed likes it quite as much as I do (in terms of priority, not placement), but I don't exactly see tons of commerce sites so getting a flatland gold to fund expansion seems super valuable to me. It does depend somewhat on settling strategy, but I'll get into that later. A canal chain can pretty easily be achieved by a canal on that grass hill and a canal on the tundra 1NW of the mutant corn. The teal circle is not a serious consideration - it just was my initial thought when I saw pigs/gold so I noted that, but it's pretty clearly a lousy spot now that I know more about the water and such.
So that about wraps up this post. I chatted with Dazed a lot about long-term settling strategy and how it impacts city placements. It's a part of why we're thinking orange has to be next. But anyways, I'm going to write up a strategery-type summary post with rough planning tomorrow morning when I'm inevitably bored at work and that will hopefully shed some more light on these dots. Short version: we feel we need to settle pretty aggressively in general and dare someone to call us on it... which is probably exactly what you lurkers were hoping for.