Ichabod Wrote:Anyone wants to see something in the game? Anyone has any questions?
Could you show an overview or world map shot with your prospective future city placements?
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.
1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.
2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.
3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.
4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.
Man, that northern grassland hill city is one nice-looking city.
Merovech's Mapmaking Guidelines:
0. Player Requests: The player's requests take precedence, even if they contradict the following guidelines.
1. Balance: The map must be balanced, both in regards to land quality and availability and in regards to special civilization features. A map may be wonderfully unique and surprising, but, if it is unbalanced, the game will suffer and the player's enjoyment will not be as high as it could be.
2. Identity and Enjoyment: The map should be interesting to play at all levels, from city placement and management to the border-created interactions between civilizations, and should include varied terrain. Flavor should enhance the inherent pleasure resulting from the underlying tile arrangements. The map should not be exceedingly lush, but it is better to err on the lush side than on the poor side when placing terrain.
3. Feel (Avoiding Gimmicks): The map should not be overwhelmed or dominated by the mapmaker's flavor. Embellishment of the map through the use of special improvements, barbarian units, and abnormal terrain can enhance the identity and enjoyment of the map, but should take a backseat to the more normal aspects of the map. The game should usually not revolve around the flavor, but merely be accented by it.
4. Realism: Where possible, the terrain of the map should be realistic. Jungles on desert tiles, or even next to desert tiles, should therefore have a very specific reason for existing. Rivers should run downhill or across level ground into bodies of water. Irrigated terrain should have a higher grassland to plains ratio than dry terrain. Mountain chains should cast rain shadows. Islands, mountains, and peninsulas should follow logical plate tectonics.
Merovech Wrote:Man, that northern grassland hill city is one nice-looking city.
And we already have a settler going there to settle it! I guess I'm just going to cottage all those fps and have fun. I can borrow the corn when faster growth is needed.
Oledavy just finished the Pyramids. That's a key wonder for him, I think, being SPI/PHI. I wonder if Gaspar/NH were trying for it, like I predicted (SPI/EXP). If so, that's a big loss for them. They can't run a cottage-focused economy like the FIN civs and they can't run a rep-powered specialist economy due to no Pyramids. I wonder if they have a plan to make up for it. Probably yes.
Regarding Oledavy, now we'll see if the Pyramids are an overpowered wonder or is Novice/Seven/Mackoti that are overpowered players. I don't think it's easy to use the pyramids. When do you stop growing and go for specialists? That's not easy to figure out. How do you keep expanding while doing it? And don't forget that the games where the Pyramids really shined didn't have FIN leaders.
Well, the game will tell. My guess is that Oledavy also has a good plan. He landed Mids + Stonehenge after all.
By the way, i don't think I'll go for the HG. Davy is philosophical and just finished a GEng wonder. He can get a GEng soon. And the HG without stone is too pricey and not worth it. It has a total cost of 268 hammers. That's +13 whipped pop and we won't have that many cities.
Besides, I plan on getting an academy soon (scientists in Composure), which means I won't be getting the Engineer from the HG points anytime soon, if ever.
To top it off, Davy probably has stone and can build it. Mathemativs isn't far for him, i guess.
My plan is:
Math -> Currency
Get HR + Org Rel for a double revolt
Go for The Great Library and MoM
Demographics, without settling any of our new cities:
We will probably limp to currency, so as the saying goes. But I'm pretty happy overall. I'm building 2 workers in Pace, one in the capital and likely 1 in Long Shots next, bringing us to 9. We are low currently, but that's by doing a lot of tile sharing and other things that save worker turns. We will need a lot more to keep expanding.
One of the cities will be settled next turn. The other will take a bit more.
It's a nice thing that we are about to settle a city that will be heavily cottaged. With all these cities we will suffer with maintenance issues. A city working 6 fp cottages will do wonders to help with that.
So, next turns objectives:
*Get more workers
*Explore the map for TRs and settling option, try doing it with a chariot
*Get to currency
Nicolae Carpathia Wrote:Well, there was PBEM19 where 'mids beat FIN. On the other hand...
Yeah that proves nothing!
I want to give you a more complete answer and I'll do it tomorrow when I'm not so tired. I think this game shows some things about this situation.
We setteld bravery in the fp area. That's a relief. Dave was really close and I bet he was eyeng that area. We need to keep our northern border with a good amount of troops. Luckily we settled on a hill. I decided to build a barracks in Compusere instead of a library, so I can build some CG archers (it's more to give the psichological effect of a costly attack to Davey). I'll get the Scientist later, probably in the horse city.
That barracks is also a starting point for the settling of this area here:
We will get Currency soon (~8 turns), so I'm not worried about maintenace. And we are about to get some more cottages online soon. That means we need military to defend this places and settlers to settle them. After that we worry about other things.
We have 7 cities. Commodore has 5. Yuris and Dave 4. Of course, I expect some settled cities in this turn that I've already played.
Ichabod Wrote:That's a relief. Dave was really close and I bet he was eyeng that area. We need to keep our northern border with a good amount of troops. Luckily we settled on a hill.
This must be Palaven. Remember that city we could liberate in the diplo screen? This is actually pretty curious case and I insist we look more closely into it. The fact we could ask to liberate it means it was settled much closer to us than him, so a very likely pink dot. Also, that was the last city he settled for a long time before Pyramids, so a very likely reach for stone which should be equally hard for both of us to get.
I want us to scout that area. If this really is a disconnected pink dot, I want us to raze it right now, because allowing Dave to backfill behind it and allowing him to challenge our grip on those floodplains are both very bad ideas.
Be warned, I'm prepared to do a hostile turnplaying takeover for this