Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 19

Point to CAR
Point to JET

If we were meant to get ghost because batman is stealthy, I will be only mildly irritated.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

Both Red well done guys


Nice guessing on that i dont think you ever even considered something i wasn't cluing.

Obviously the challenge for me was to clue the last 5 words with PLANE (and to a lesser extent BOOM) being on the table, which slowed me down. I assumed that JET was causing daveV similar problems hence leaving that till last to clue

Yay! My comment about ghost seems beyond terrible now that the board is revealed :D. I kinda enjoyed the more personal/communal nature of the smaller team, despite the disadvantage. Interesting.
Surprise! Turns out I'm a girl!

I did consider if you could be tempted to go for GHOST, but thought that my 2 were more obvious and couldnt think of any other well known jet car.

Nicely done! The first clue set us on a clear path to victory.

Wow, rough board Dave, especially after Edible 4 on the first turn. Nationals 3 is pretty easy to clue together once TOKYO is gone but aside from that I don't see how to get any other easy 3 clues. What was the last Nationals word BTW?

Also, any lurkers want to join blue to even up the teams for the final round?

Yes, as much of those last 5 were difficult due to clashes, those first 4 fell really nicely for me

Post mortem:

I needed Jkaen to make a mistake after the Edible 4 start, but he played it smart and conservatively.

In retrospect, I should have been more aggressive on my first clue, but with Car and Jet on the red list, I was having a hard time finding any racing clues.

Nationals 4 was a big gamble. I assumed sunrise would be the only one who could possibly know it referred to a baseball team, and he came through with that. I was going for America, Capital, Pitch, Tie. A baseball game can't end in a tie (except the All Star Game mischief ), but the score can be tied during the game. I would have been happier with a soccer team, but had no idea whether Washington even has one (DC United according to Wikipedia, so not much help there).

I wanted to clue NASA 3 on the last round, but decided that was not a legitimate clue after checking the rules. I was obviously going for Moon, Plane, Tie (based on my memories of the control center being full of guys in ties).

That's what happens when you try to make connections that aren't really there.

I was worried with those if you somehow found a death star related link to cover all 3 which would snatch the game from me

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