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[SPOILERS] Suboptimal Goes Waltzing Matilda

(January 13th, 2018, 18:16)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: One thing that I especially appreciate about you, suboptimal, is that you have twice now continued detailed reporting with lots of commentary even when you're on the losing end of a conflict. It's big contrast with players who just stop updating their threads and leave us lurkers in the dark, or with only one side to follow. Kudos for that, and keep fighting the good fight. :D

Thanks!  :thumbsup I guess it's my way of not being lost to the dustbin of history along with the rest of the conquered civs.... lol

Turn 81

The big question this turn – which way does Archduke go next, Blue-Ringed Octoups or Cassowary?

[Image: H2VF3CV.jpg]

Looks like Blue-Ringed Octopus will be the next target as he’s brought the ram back to the northwest.  The horseman at Irukandji bit the dust, as expected.  Also looks like the barbarians are coming to storm Cassowary….

Gonna be quick turns from here on out as everything is fortified or moving into fortified positions.  Builder at Cassowary moves up to the second Alcázar location.  Swordsman comes off the hill to provide cover from Emperor K’s scout.  As much as having him declare war on me would be a good thing (for a longer +100% production bonus) I need that builder to get its job done.  Everyone else fortifies in position, next turn.

One potential issue at Cassowary will be Archduke deciding to go through or around to the south.  I’ll have to get some units fortified over on that side if I get the time to do so.  The good news is that the crossbow at Cassowary will complete with no issues and will do so with 13 overflow.

Turn 82

[Image: H3cr2Ts.jpg]

Hmmm….Archduke seems to be taking a breather.  Second Alcázar goes down, builder exhausted.  +100% Icon_Production bonus elapses after Turn 84.  I switch out from production to working both Alcázars.  That cuts the time for Defensive Tactics from 5 turns to 3 turns.  That will help a bit, especially if I complete that before Archduke moves against Blue-Ringed Octopus.  That leaves the question of what to build at Cassowary.

Originally I had mused “crossbow”.  However, that wouldn’t finish until Turn 89.  What are my other options?

1) Since I’m running Maneuver, just build horsemen.  They’d complete on Turn 84, 87, 89, 91 and 93.  

2) Builder, followed by horsemen.  The builder would move to the forested hill, chop it on Turn 88 and place an Alcázar on Turn 89. Horsemen would complete on turns 87, 88 (chop), 89, 91 and 94.  In this case I’d switch research to Astrology.  That would complete on for the start of Turn 87 and get me 6 extra Icon_Production from the chop.  Hmmmm….

3) Builder, followed by two horsemen and a crossbow.  In this case the chop goes to the crossbow, which completes on Turn 92.  I could then put it that on the horse pasture and go back to building horsemen.  

4) Theoretically, I could complete the Encampment on Turn 93 by putting the chop overflow into the district instead of a horseman.  In this case I’d complete one horseman on turn 87, another on turn 88 from the chop and the Encampment on Turn 93 with the next horseman completing on Turn 95 and then one every other turn thereafter.  

Going builder first gets me the most options, with the difference between #1 and #2 being an Alcázar.  Would that matter given its position?  It might, it might not.  However, it makes the flanking option less desirable.  

I also think I heard a collective groan from the Lurkerati when you all read option #4.  At a minimum I think it’s an option to be weighed.  There are a couple of positives from this that need to be considered:

- it’s an additional fortification and ranged attack along the southern edge, discouraging a flanking attack around to the west and giving me three ranged attacks at anything in the E/SE first ring during a frontal assault.
- Unlike the Alcázars any unit in the Encampment could attack out without drastically affecting whether or not I lose that position.
- I will be getting an envoy at some point in the next 6-7 turns (I’m generating 5 envoy points per turn and am about 2/3 to the next one).  An envoy in Valetta nets me suzerainty and, combined with suzerainty at Grenada and the Encampment, an extra 4Icon_Production towards units before multipliers.

My decision point between options 2, 3 and 4 is Turn 88 when I chop.

Turn 83

Building a crossbow in Cassowary triggers the eureka for Metal Casting.  Did Archduke take Blue-Ringed Octopus yet?

[Image: H3fMFbY.jpg]

Nope, but it looks like he’s lining up for an attack.  Crossbow completed at Cassowary, start a builder, will be completed turn after next.  I can go back to working one of the 1 Icon_Food / 3 Icon_Production forests and keep Defensive Tactics at two turns. Just gotta watch the overflow for when the builder chop comes around in a few turns.  Horseman due at Blue-Ringed Octopus next turn.

Over at Cassowary I shift units around to try to take better advantage of the fortifications.  Swordsman back to hilltop, crossbow to NE Alcázar.  One issue I have is a barbarian archer plinking away at my horseman currently covering the iron.  The good news is that I can sit there, take the damage and get a promotion out of it.  The bad news is that at some point I may have to go deal with that archer.

Last act of the turn is to switch techs to Astrology to get a little bit extra out of the Turn 88 chop.

Curiously, Cassowary is getting a +6 Icon_Productionmodifier to unit construction.  Looks like I’m getting a +2 for having 3 envoys in Grenada despite not having the Encampment completed (or even started).  

[Image: H3fMLO1.jpg]

If that is the case then I won’t need to complete the Encampment for the +2 Icon_Production from a third envoy at Valetta.  Speaking of which, I now have 74/100 envoy points and am accumulating 5 per turn.  I should have the envoy on turn 89.  The additional production from the citizen micro and the envoy also means that the Encampment option would complete on Turn 92.  The all-horseman option would have horsemen complete on Turns 87, 88, 89, 90 and every even turn after that until Turn 100, when the next one would be due at Turn 103.  However, if my trader bites the dust I can't support more than two more horsemen without starting to lose Icon_Gold every turn.  

I may also lose my trader in a turn or two – Alhambram’s scout has shown up again.

[Image: H3fMQwb.jpg]

I think you're getting the Production Multiplier in Cassowary because it is your new Capital.

(January 17th, 2018, 03:30)Ituralde Wrote: I think you're getting the Production Multiplier in Cassowary because it is your new Capital.

I should be getting +4 to units in Cassowary as it is the capital.  I can't definitively determine why this is +6 - effects from military policies that increase production for specific unit types have never appeared in this pop-up nor manifested in the city's info box.

Turn 84

[Image: H3lI6Jp.jpg]

Yep, he’s stacking up for the attack.  He’s also got a couple of units on the west side of the river, probably getting ready to go for Cassowary (or plow through the archers).  

Blue-Ringed Octopus has completed its horseman.  The only place it can really go to cause a maneuvering issue is across the river.  The hill tile gives it a better defensive combat strength (+7 on the hill, +2 on the wheat) so I put it there.  It’ll most likely get wrecked next turn but there’s really nowhere else it can go.  The other horseman is being hit by the crossbowman down by the former Irukandji.  Moving it to safety really isn’t an option since there’s isn’t really anywhere “safe” at this point, so it stays put.  For lack of anything else to build I start a horseman.

My trader is physically in Valetta this turn, so I’ll get 1-2 turns more out if it before losing it to Alhmbram’s pillaging becomes a concern.  If I do I can rebuild it in 2-3 turns and send it south to Grenada.  As I alluded to last turn it looks like I’ll be in a bit of a cash crunch sooner rather than later.  Next turn I’ll switch out from Urban Planning to Caravansaries to get a little extra gold income, along with the switch to Bastions.  I also realized that I forgot to take into account the lack of Maneuver for the horseman builds, which rearranges things  a bit. smoke  All horses or encampment/crossbow + horses are still on the table.  What gets me the best bang for the buck? contemplate

Builder done next turn at Cassowary, along with Defensive Tactics.  Just in time, too, from the looks of it.

Turn 85

[Image: H3qx73i.jpg]

Time for some changes around here….Urban Planning and Maneuver out, Caravansaries and Bastions in.  I start Recorded History as it’s the shortest to completion (9 turns) and would actually be of some use when complete (though slotting it in is another matter).  

As you can see on the right side of that screen the Macedonian forces are amassing for their next strike.  The horseman SE of BRO’s center has been killed by the crossbow.  The other horseman remains untouched for the time being.  As you can also see from the production time on the horseman at Blue-Ringed Octopus my bonuses for Citadel of Civilization are complete.  If only Emperor K would declare war on me.  OTOH, let’s see if Alhambram would like peace….I propose straight up peace.  Let’s see if he bites.  He might not, only because his scout is positioned to pillage the trader next turn.  

The horseman at the iron was attacked by the barbarian archer, earning itself a promotion.  Neither of those promotions will do me any good so I’ll hold onto it until I need to quick-heal the unit.  

Now for the puzzle of the day….build the Encampment or just go for horsemen?  There’s one factor I couldn’t quite make out while looking at screen shots from work: terrain.  The Encampment has no field of fire to the east or NE as it’s on flat land and cut off by hills in those directions.  I do think putting an Alcázar down on the hill next to the Encampment is good, just to narrow the approach path.  That’s the course of action – horsemen + a chop with a probable trader build if/when the trader is pillaged by Alhambram.  For my future reference, a trader costs 67 Icon_Production to build at present, which will take 4 turns.

Set the production at Cassowary, move the builder to the pasture, turn is done.  

Additional note to self – next turn swap the Jade back to Cassowary.

Turn 86

[Image: H3uSrMH.jpg] attack yet but a lot going on.  Alhambram took my peace deal and I still have my trader.  That’s good.  Archduke has killed off the horseman on the eastern side of the river at Blue-Ringed Octopus, so I expect the attack to come next turn.   At Cassowary the barbarian archer is still pinging away.  I decide to swap horsemen and move the 0 XP horseman to the iron – that will let it get the archer pings and some XP for a promotion.  At least, that’s my thinking.  Builder moves to forest.  Waiting 2 turns for astrology will gain me 4 Icon_Production, don’t know that I want to wait.  I’ll see what’s up next turn.  

In just briefly poking around before hitting next turn I’m very curious to wonder what is going on over in Poland.  I got off to a quick start then slowly imploded starting some 20 turns ago and despite losing two cities I’m still 3 techs and 3 civics ahead of Emperor K.   noidea

Also realized on my drive into work that I forgot to swap the jade over to Cassowary despite my notes to do so.   shakehead

Turn 87

Is he here yet?

[Image: H3yEzn2.jpg]

Yup.  He’s coming.  SWITCH THE JADE TO CASSOWARY!  Done.  Now let’s see what I’ve got at Blue-Ringed Octopus….no walls, reduced city strength, going to fall next turn.  I’ll take potshots with the archer and crossbowman.  If the archer is still around after the city falls I’ll retreat it to Cassowary.  For the stalwart defenders the hetairoi is the easier target.  Archer does about 10, crossbowman does 23.  That’s all she wrote there.  I also see that Great General #2 is on site and stacking attack modifiers for the crossbows.

Down at Cassowary the fresh horseman starts to get pinged by the barbarian archer.  The builder can chop now for 61 Icon_Production.  That makes the current horseman 114/80 and leaves the next one at 34/80 at 24 Icon_Production per turn.  Chop now, next horseman in two turns.  Newly built horseman stays put.  

The plan at Cassowary is to stay put and let Archduke do the attacking.  The issue with that is that he’s got ranged units and I don’t, so he’ll eventually be able to wear down anything on the front lines with those.  I’m willing to bet that he targets one of the Alcázars first, moving a ground unit into the position once the crossbows kill the unit (with both firing that’d take two turns). With one Alcázar down he’ll go for the other one and then, with the fortifications breached, either take out the remaining units or go straight for the city.

If this plays out my only counter will be to move wounded units out and fresh ones in, let the wounded units heal and repeat.

Lesson learned: I should have been in Autocracy rather than in Oligarchy as I only have one unit that gets the combat strength benefit.  nono  If I’m able to complete Recorded History I’ll make the swap then.  I’ll file this one under “things I don’t worry about in single player”.  Maybe I should start writing all these things down somewhere…

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