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Meiz Wrote:Out of curiosity, would a wolf defend another wolf so visibly, as in Zakalwe's case? Do you still see him as a wolf? If so, why?
Rowain answered it perfectly:
Rowain Wrote:A wolf will do what he thinks that benefits the wolves. He might throw a wolf under the bus or defend one with fervor if he believes it necessary.
He might even use the same argument you just used.
Example: scooter defended uberfish quite vehemently in ww2 while Irgy and myself threw him under the bus.
Especially his example... I'm leery of it because I of all people tried that strategy exactly. Also, it's one thing to do it with a good reason, it's another to do what zakalwe did - trying to divert suspicion onto other people, just hoping something will stick. Or at least that's how it came across to me.
Right now, Zakalwe and F&I are my top two candidates, so I will vote for one of those two. I will probably not vote for Mr. Nice Guy. I'm going to stay on zakalwe for now as I'd slightly prefer him over F&I, however if it seems my vote will be useless on him, I will swap to F&I.
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Roland Wrote:Now, I'm personally leaning towards Selrahc. It's not so much about Ichabod's post, because as Lewwyn said it's rather circumstantial. No, for me it's because he's acting almost exactly like he did in WW2, when he was the Devil. Granted, he's obviously not the Devil here, and I'd be amazed if he turns out to be the Void Wolf, but it's still rather suspicious to me that he hasn't posited a single solid defense against the more meaningful accusations against him.
. . .
If Selrahc is as experienced as we all believe him to be, and if he truly has the Village's best interests in mind, why has he contributed so little to the conversation?
. . .
I'm still hesitant to vote, in all honesty. 1) I'm worried my bias against pocketbeetle is little more than just that - bias, not to mention the only other thing I have against him is his inactivity, which does line up with his overall forum activity. I'd hate to lynch him on the basis that he's simply not around, especially if we find out he's a Villager. 2) My feelings against Selrahc don't feel very strong to me. It feels too circumstantial to make it really stick. Still, I can't shake the feelings I have - and part of this game is going on gut feeling, yes?
So, honestly, I'm at a loss. If I had to choose one right now, it'd be Selrahc, simply because pocketbeetle deserves some forgiveness for simply not being around. I'm just not sold enough on it to be clamoring for others to join me, and no one else I want to offer up is even in the running, so I might as well go with someone I have some sort of feeling about. I can't play it safe all game, right? No risk, no reward.
See? Suspicion pointing towards Selrahc. Hesitancy based upon weak, circumstantial evidence and gut feelings. At no point did I fervently try to defend Selrahc, nor attack anyone who tried to accuse him. At most I asked people to post their thoughts on Selrahc, because I didn't have much of my own, and I wanted to see what others thought - discussion, remember? The name of the game here?
Roland Wrote:Actually, not really. It makes me suspicious more than anything. Much as I won't mind seeing you swing in the breeze (always need more archery practice ), I'm not trusting of some of the people who switched - most notably Selrahc.
Getting down to the wire. MASSIVE voting shifts across the board. Appears to be rather chaotic, but Selrahc's switch stood out to me as suspicious - a 'Wolf trying to save his own hide, rather than a Villager voting his convictions.
Roland Wrote:Echoes my own feelings pretty well, and you're right - I do need to make a decision. It's not like me to wait this long, and it's not like I have some grand scheme that I'm waiting to launch last-minute. I have just been hedging, because frankly so much as happened in the last... 18 hours? that I just haven't had a solid target until now. I'm tempted to vote for Rowain, as I don't like his crusade. I'm concerned about the sudden swing from poecketbeetle to Rowain, because although I think pocketbeetle is a Villager that only means he's as blind as the rest of us, and I guess I don't find his argument so utterly convincing that I would expect the mass shift we've seen - even if I agree with much of it in principle. One thing that did stand out to me, however, is Selrahc's shift. He needed a way out from the noose, pocketbeetle gave him the perfect opportunity, and plenty of others jumped on the wagon - excellent cover.
Sorry Selrahc - I'm not certain you're a 'Wolf, but your behavior during this game isn't leading me to believe you aren't. I've asked you to present some sort of defense, discussion, anything, and you haven't responded. I know you said you felt no need to defend yourself against your accusers, but up until very recently I wasn't accusing you - you weren't even on my list back then! I honestly expected to hear SOMETHING from you by now, but I guess you're comfortable where you are.
If you end up a Villager, I'm going to be looking very hard at both Rowain and pocketbeetle after this, but for now it's the vote I feel most confident in.
The final post. My lynch vote for Selrahc, and my reasoning - many of which were posted by scooter just before me.
You know what I see, Serdoa? I see someone who was unsure of who to vote for when given several choices he felt might be suspicious, but whose suspicions were based more on gut feeling and circumstantial evidence than anything concrete. So, what do YOU see? Still a 'Wolf? If so, I give up. My posts speak for themselves. Enough said.
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(ACK! Ignore that above post. It was supposed to be put here. Oops!)
Serdoa Wrote:For Day 2: You did not really address the most important point on Day 2. It is not about whom you voted for in the end but how much you tried to defend Selrahc. You state that was because your suspicion grew over the day. And that you got suspicious because he didn't defend himself. But you also state that people started to go against him without anything to go on. For me that means that you got suspicious because he did not defend against baseless accusations.
Roland, I don't want that you feel I again try to put words in your mouth. I really just don't understand your thought process here. And for me that means that someone is either a villager with blinders (what doesn't suit in this case all that well because you did defend Selrahc because the accusations were so bad) or a wolf trying to mislead others.
As I understand it, Serdoa, this is the meat of your case. You still have yet to point out where I was defending Selrahc so vehemently, let alone where I was attacking Bruindane. Honestly, show me my posts. I've re-read them 3 times now, and you know what? There's nothing there that even remotely matches up with the picture you're trying to paint of me. Plain and simple, you're trying to shove me into a mold that I won't fit in - I'M. NOT. A. WOLF. Here, I'll quote my "defense" of Selrahc for you, so you can't possibly miss it:
Roland Wrote:Yes, Selrahc is acting exactly the same as he did when I fingered him in WW2. 'Course, I don't think that proves anything except that he's a hot-head. If he's a 'Wolf, he hasn't done anything to provoke the thought, in my opinion. I'd rather he lived for awhile. His experience could prove quite useful if he's a Villager, and it's a gamble I'm willing to take at this point.
So, once more, I ask you: where's the venom? Where's the huge outcry? Where's the passionate defense? My only "defense" of Selrahc was that he was acting no different here, in WW3, than he was in WW2, and that this evidence alone was not enough to lynch him over. I felt that way when I posted it, but Selrahc's continued lack of defense, despite me OPENLY BEGGING him to respond (much as I did with pocketbeetle), pushed me further and further towards suspecting him as a 'Wolf. I took a gamble - that he was acting exactly like he was in WW2 because he was, once again, a 'Wolf - and it paid off. I took that exact same gamble with pocketbeetle - that the lack of defense, and complete dismissal of ANY discussion about it, was a sign of a 'Wolf - and it failed completely. Why would I use that same argument to lynch two different people if I knew one was a 'Wolf and the other was a Villager - a Villager whose lynching was highly controversial, and ultimately highly scrutinized? It makes ZERO sense!
The bulk of your suspicion, as far as I can read, comes from my "defense" of Selrahc, yet there is virtually none! If you want a defense post, look at how I reacted when people accused Jkaen of being a 'Wolf when he came up with his thread summary / review. Or, hell, I don't know what else - there's got to be half a dozen posts where I've fervently defended someone. Selrahc isn't one of them. If you knew anything about me, if you'd read anything and everything I've written with an open mind, you would see that. You haven't, though. You've been out to get me since the beginning, for whatever reason, and you're so blind in your conviction that you're missing out on the simple fact that everyone else accepted long ago: I am a Villager. Plain and simple. No one followed you against me on Day 2. Day 3 you took off to gather your thoughts and plan your big "reveal" of my (lak of) 'Wolfish behavior. Now we're into Day 4, you're ticked off that I helped lynch someone you thought was innocent - someone who wouldn't even rise to his own defense until it was too late to change the course of events - and you want some sort of justice, vengeance even. I'm sure my some of my responses towards you in the past have colored your views of me in an even more negative light. I deserve that, but I'm doing my best to put the past to rest, and focus on the future in a more positive light. You'll notice I have not responded to your accusations in kind, trying to lynch you. That's because I genuinely believe you're a Villager, despite your misguided attempts at lynching me.
If you can honestly come to me with something valid that incriminates me in any way, I'll gladly read it over and discuss it with you, and the rest of the Village. Every point you've tried to make I've addressed, apparently to the satisfaction of everyone but you. You can keep riding your lonely train, or you can hop on board with the rest of us. Up to you. I'd much rather have you with us - the rest of the Village - catching 'Wolves, instead of wasting each other's time doing this dance until the end of time. Choice is yours, of course, and I'm not harboring any bad blood over this, but it really is rather silly to me. I urge you: either come up with something substantial, or move on. I've put forth my best theory at the moment. It's all I have, right or wrong. It's time you found a new one yourself.
For reference, here's the next post after the one I quoted earlier that has anything to do with Selrahc on that day (nothing inbetween page 590 and 56):
Roland Wrote:I suppose I should tack on that, out of the top 3 lynch candidates, I suspect pocketbeetle and Selrahc. Neither have done much of anything in the way of a convincing defense, despite how I understand Selrahc's irritation at the position he's in. It's not helping his case that it's eerily similar to WW2 (minus the Owl scry, of course), but I'm trying not to meta here, so I'm not convinced he's a 'Wolf - just that he's suspicious to me.
Here's my next response with regards to Selrahc:
Roland Wrote:As for Selrahc, I'm not really feeling the 'Wolf in him, either. I certainly didn't agree with his decision to lynch MJW, even if I did agree with his reasoning behind it (does that make sense?), but I don't think that makes him a 'Wolf. He hasn't really brought any discussion to the table, true, but that's the case for lots of people, so I don't see how that makes him any more suspicious than, say Bruindane or Cull. It feels like a fishing attempt to me. I don't see enough evidence to hang him on, and I do feel uberfish's arguments against him are a tad weak. It seems like he's pegging him because he's a convenient target, and - again - trying to fish for a response. Neither party seemed satisfied with the other's response, so that kinda ended the discussion.
Where's the aggressive attack? Where's the fervent defense? Uberfish made an accusation, but failed (to me) to expound upon his reasoning. He stated his beliefs in a very succinct manner, but it did nothing to enlighten me as to his deeper thoughts. I just flat-out did not understand why uberfish was so hung up on Selrahc, and I indicated as much when I said it sounded like a fishing attempt. That was all.
Here's my next post concerning Selrahc:
Roland Wrote:. . .
After all, neither of you are unique in suspecting Selrahc (as we're now seeing), nor is novice unique in thinking you're a Villager.
. . .
I don't see much of a case against Selrahc, except his comments about how having a 'Wolf as a Mayor would be great - feels entirely like trying to shake suspicion off himself and onto someone else, and novice appears to be the most convenient target.
. . .
I mean, I don't agree with you on either novice or Selrahc, but that doesn't mean I don't think you're a Villager.
Again, I wasn't seeing a strong case against Selrahc at this point. However, I think I illustrated that the pieces were starting to pile up. His continued frustration (who DOESN'T get frustrated when they're accused?), his poor attempts at defense, and now his attempt to paint novice as a potential 'Wolf by removing the idea that a 'Wolf most likely wouldn't try to be Mayor. None of it was very solid, certainly no more so than my reasons for suspecting pocketbeetle, and yet you're (Serdoa) attacking me for questioning the meager evidence against Selrahc, when you did the exact same to me with regards to pocketbeetle yesterday? Hypocrisy, much?
Here's my next few posts:
Roland Wrote:Great. Now we have a 3-way tie.
Roland Wrote:Because of the three, there's only two I'd consider voting for (Selrahc and pocketbeetle), and I'm not liking some of the people who are voting for either of those two? Of the two, I trust the people voting against Selrach more than I do those voting against pocketbeetle, yet I'm more suspicious of pocketbeetle than I am of Selrahc. Essentially, it's a catch-22.
Frankly, I'm more inclined to vote to lynch you, especially since you've yet to give any reasoning for switching from pocketbeetle to Selrahc.
Yes, here I was "aggressive" towards Bruindane. I saw him as posting one-liners and pictorials that barely explained his position on anything, if it did so at all. Furthermore, trying to get him to elaborate was like pulling teeth - frustrating, to say the least. These factors, combined with a few others, were making me feel like he might be a 'Wolf trying to lay low and pull strings. Obviously, he's done little since to get me to keep thinking that way, or at least I don't feel as strongly about him being a 'Wolf as I was considering back then. Yet, I did keep saying I suspected Selrahc - so I ask you ONCE AGAIN - where's the defense? In almost all of my posts I state that I suspected Selrahc (and pocketbeetle), so it's not like I suddenly swung from one end of the pendulum to the other.
(Note: Much was cut from this post. It's worth reading, but this post is too long already, so I trimmed it.)
Roland Wrote:...I honestly don't get you Bruindane. I suppose if you are a 'Wolf you'll be found out eventually, but frankly I'm finding less reasons to consider you a Villager by the minute. I don't know. Maybe I'm just wasting my energy on this right now. Probably am. At any rate, I want to hear what Selrahc has to say in his defense, because even though I have my own reasons to suspect him they're rather frail, in my opinion. In that sense, I don't find that voting for him would make my vote "matter" any more than it would if I voted for, say, Gold Ergo Sum.
Yes, here once more my frustration with Bruindane was coming out fully. Every attempt at gleaning more info from him was just... given barely a glance and a nod, it seemed to me. It's STILL not a defense of Selrahc - I just wanted him to give his OWN defense, since it was reaching the point where I was running out of excuses not to vote for him, and he had been given more than ample opportunity to come up with some sort of more capable defense.
Roland Wrote:Now, I'm personally leaning towards Selrahc. It's not so much about Ichabod's post, because as Lewwyn said it's rather circumstantial. No, for me it's because he's acting almost exactly like he did in WW2, when he was the Devil. Granted, he's obviously not the Devil here, and I'd be amazed if he turns out to be the Void Wolf, but it's still rather suspicious to me that he hasn't posited a single solid defense against the more meaningful accusations against him.
. . .
If Selrahc is as experienced as we all believe him to be, and if he truly has the Village's best interests in mind, why has he contributed so little to the conversation?
. . .
I'm still hesitant to vote, in all honesty. 1) I'm worried my bias against pocketbeetle is little more than just that - bias, not to mention the only other thing I have against him is his inactivity, which does line up with his overall forum activity. I'd hate to lynch him on the basis that he's simply not around, especially if we find out he's a Villager. 2) My feelings against Selrahc don't feel very strong to me. It feels too circumstantial to make it really stick. Still, I can't shake the feelings I have - and part of this game is going on gut feeling, yes?
So, honestly, I'm at a loss. If I had to choose one right now, it'd be Selrahc, simply because pocketbeetle deserves some forgiveness for simply not being around. I'm just not sold enough on it to be clamoring for others to join me, and no one else I want to offer up is even in the running, so I might as well go with someone I have some sort of feeling about. I can't play it safe all game, right? No risk, no reward.
See? Suspicion pointing towards Selrahc. Hesitancy based upon weak, circumstantial evidence and gut feelings. At no point did I fervently try to defend Selrahc, nor attack anyone who tried to accuse him. At most I asked people to post their thoughts on Selrahc, because I didn't have much of my own, and I wanted to see what others thought - discussion, remember? The name of the game here?
Roland Wrote:Actually, not really. It makes me suspicious more than anything. Much as I won't mind seeing you swing in the breeze (always need more archery practice ), I'm not trusting of some of the people who switched - most notably Selrahc.
Getting down to the wire. MASSIVE voting shifts across the board. Appears to be rather chaotic, but Selrahc's switch stood out to me as suspicious - a 'Wolf trying to save his own hide, rather than a Villager voting his convictions.
Roland Wrote:Echoes my own feelings pretty well, and you're right - I do need to make a decision. It's not like me to wait this long, and it's not like I have some grand scheme that I'm waiting to launch last-minute. I have just been hedging, because frankly so much as happened in the last... 18 hours? that I just haven't had a solid target until now. I'm tempted to vote for Rowain, as I don't like his crusade. I'm concerned about the sudden swing from poecketbeetle to Rowain, because although I think pocketbeetle is a Villager that only means he's as blind as the rest of us, and I guess I don't find his argument so utterly convincing that I would expect the mass shift we've seen - even if I agree with much of it in principle. One thing that did stand out to me, however, is Selrahc's shift. He needed a way out from the noose, pocketbeetle gave him the perfect opportunity, and plenty of others jumped on the wagon - excellent cover.
Sorry Selrahc - I'm not certain you're a 'Wolf, but your behavior during this game isn't leading me to believe you aren't. I've asked you to present some sort of defense, discussion, anything, and you haven't responded. I know you said you felt no need to defend yourself against your accusers, but up until very recently I wasn't accusing you - you weren't even on my list back then! I honestly expected to hear SOMETHING from you by now, but I guess you're comfortable where you are.
If you end up a Villager, I'm going to be looking very hard at both Rowain and pocketbeetle after this, but for now it's the vote I feel most confident in.
The final post. My lynch vote for Selrahc, and my reasoning - many of which were posted by scooter just before me.
You know what I see, Serdoa? I see someone who was unsure of who to vote for when given several choices he felt might be suspicious, but whose suspicions were based more on gut feeling and circumstantial evidence than anything concrete. So, what do YOU see? Still a 'Wolf? If so, I give up. My posts speak for themselves. Enough said.
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scooter Wrote:Right now, Zakalwe and F&I are my top two candidates, so I will vote for one of those two. I will probably not vote for Mr. Nice Guy. I'm going to stay on zakalwe for now as I'd slightly prefer him over F&I, however if it seems my vote will be useless on him, I will swap to F&I.
I'd say we get fire&ice next, because if fire&ice is a wolf, Zakalwe trying to draw attention away from Selrahc and towards fire&ice doesn't make sense to me.
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I promise I will get caught up tonight guys. I feel bad about my lack of activity over the past couple days.
I don't feel I can cast a competent vote ATM without seeing the discussion. I especially need to see the arguments against F&I, as I don't really recall much against him before now.
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Roland, I probably did not write it as I should have: For me, exactly those posts, questioning Bruindane why he switches to Selrahc made you suspicious in my eyes. As you have shown you wrote all the time that you suspect Selrahc but when someone switched from PB to him you started to question him. You even told him (because you were frustrated as you say) that you would vote to lynch him.
I think you are very smart. And I think you did not try to defend Selrahc in the normal way, lobbying to not kill him. If he does get killed that makes you look bad. But you did try to get people to consider other targets, to explain why they are voting for Selrahc. Especially the one who switched from the other big target that day: PB.
You can explain it with being unsure. And that might very well be. Or you are a wolf sitting on the fence waiting if you have to vote for Selrahc or if you can save him by letting others switch first so that your vote in the end is not doing anything.
Btw: I don't see the points Mardoc raises as valid. Roland voted when Rowain had 7 and Selrahc 6 is what he is stating. That means it was close already and he had to decide to either look good nailing a wolf or look bad by either not voting for a wolf lynch (especially after he stated that he suspects Selrahc) or lynching a villager (if Rowain is a villager what is from all that we know a possibility). If he had waited any longer it would have looked even worse as he got already called about sitting on the fence. He basically was forced to do something and that meant to decide if he gambles or not. With the late switch from novice on Day 1 and him being Mayor to boot, it does seem for me his only valid choice was to vote Selrahc, no matter that he is a wolf buddy.
Sorry Roland, but I think you are a wolf. Btw: One thing: I am not after you since Day 1 or 2. I know you feel this way but really I am not. It is no personal vendetta, no seek for vengeance, it is simply my belief after 3 Days and Nights that you grow fur in the night.
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Gold Ergo Sum Wrote:I don't feel I can cast a competent vote ATM without seeing the discussion. I especially need to see the arguments against F&I, as I don't really recall much against him before now.
Honestly, the arguments against F&I are precisely that nobody can recall much about him. Plus a smidgen of Pocketbeetle pointing a finger at him as we dragged him to the gallows.
The arguments for the other suspects are more detailed.
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Roland and Serdoa - it'd probably be best if you guys just agree to leave each other alone. I'm already at the point where I more or less skip by you two's posts when they are talking about each other. I think it's painfully obvious to everyone that you guys do not and will not get along, so it's probably best to just leave it at that.
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Serdoa Wrote:Roland, I probably did not write it as I should have: For me, exactly those posts, questioning Bruindane why he switches to Selrahc made you suspicious in my eyes. As you have shown you wrote all the time that you suspect Selrahc but when someone switched from PB to him you started to question him. You even told him (because you were frustrated as you say) that you would vote to lynch him.
I was frustrated at his lack of open reasoning behind his actions, his lack of further explanations when prompted, and just a general feeling that he was not contributing to the discussion, instead subtly trying to steer the outcome while laying low. You yourself questioned him on his lack of input, too. Does that make you suspicious?
Serdoa Wrote:I think you are very smart. And I think you did not try to defend Selrahc in the normal way, lobbying to not kill him. If he does get killed that makes you look bad. But you did try to get people to consider other targets, to explain why they are voting for Selrahc. Especially the one who switched from the other big target that day: PB.
So, wait. Now I didn't try to defend Selrahc? At least, not in the "normal" way? I instead tried to move people OFF Selrahc, by inquiring as to their motives for Selrahc (and PB, and novice, and everyone else who was a serious candidate)? Could you possibly grasp at straws any more? At this point you're practically molding the events that occurred into your 'Wolf mold, regardless of whether they belong or even fit.
Serdoa Wrote:You can explain it with being unsure. And that might very well be. Or you are a wolf sitting on the fence waiting if you have to vote for Selrahc or if you can save him by letting others switch first so that your vote in the end is not doing anything.
If I wanted to do that, I could have voted for pocketbeetle, whom I also suspected. Oh, wait, that's right - I couldn't do that, because he's a Villager. That's why I waited a full day to lynch him! Oh, wait...
Seriously, read what you're saying and tell me it makes any sense at this point. You're blinded by your convictions Serdoa! You're refusing to accept anything but what you WANT to believe! Look:
Serdoa Wrote:Btw: I don't see the points Mardoc raises as valid. Roland voted when Rowain had 7 and Selrahc 6 is what he is stating. That means it was close already and he had to decide to either look good nailing a wolf or look bad by either not voting for a wolf lynch (especially after he stated that he suspects Selrahc) or lynching a villager (if Rowain is a villager what is from all that we know a possibility). If he had waited any longer it would have looked even worse as he got already called about sitting on the fence. He basically was forced to do something and that meant to decide if he gambles or not. With the late switch from novice on Day 1 and him being Mayor to boot, it does seem for me his only valid choice was to vote Selrahc, no matter that he is a wolf buddy.
So now I'm a 'Wolf because I not only voted Selrahc, but didn't vote for novice? Or Rowain? There is seriously just no winning with you!
Serdoa Wrote:Sorry Roland, but I think you are a wolf. Btw: One thing: I am not after you since Day 1 or 2. I know you feel this way but really I am not. It is no personal vendetta, no seek for vengeance, it is simply my belief after 3 Days and Nights that you grow fur in the night.
Oh really?
Posted during Night 1:
Serdoa Wrote:But I agree that I cannot be sure that wolves won't be as aggressive as you said. So, should we then vote for Roland?
Posted during Day 2:
Serdoa Wrote:Ok, now more seriously: I really am suspicious of Roland. He normally is very eloquent and even gives you 5 sentences answer when you yourself wrote one. And still his answer to this long post from Mardoc is:
It might be understandable that Roland discards Mardocs post, but doing that by simply stating "it is full of holes"? That does not coincide with his normal style. I would rather assume that Mardoc was not that far from the truth and that at least 2 people out of his list are indeed wolves and that Roland is another one, trying to save them. Therefore Roland
Also posted during Day 2:
Serdoa Wrote:As for the PB or novice discusison: I would like to lynch Roland but it won't happen today it seems, so I want to make my vote count. Now that means I probably have to decide between PB and novice.
Also posted during Day 2 - noteworthy because I feel it pertains to some of the accusations posed against me by Serdoa:
Serdoa Wrote:Honestly, I feel we should have lynched Cull. If we had lynched him today we would have got some information about what happened on Day1. Was novice switching to a wolf? Or was he only switching between villagers? Did the bandwagon try to lynch a wolf or not? All that stuff would help us to understand better whats going on. Instead we are doing the same stuff as on Day 1: Voting without having much idea and mostly on gut feeling and only a little bit of evidence. But as several people stated this is because we have nothing more to go for.
Serdoa Wrote:Going on a crusade (even if you may be right, I don't know) won't help. It will often keep the discussion focused on one or two players (the one on the crusade and his target), it will give great cover for the wolves and if we are unlucky it will cost us some villagers for no gain.
Still during Day 2 - finding himself just as perplexed at Bruindane's actions as I was, but I'M the 'Wolf for questioning Bruindane (repeatedly):
Serdoa Wrote:Bruindane could you somehow... I don't know, give some explanation to your thoughts? Right now I simply have no clue why you think that novice is a wolf. And I would like too because I suspected him, but after the lynch yesterday I am not so sure anymore.
Posted during Day 3 - finding me suspicious because I'm "aggressive":
Serdoa Wrote:Really if I should state what I find suspicious then for me one thing sticks out: Rolands behaviour. Every theory is called by him because it does not have enough evidence presented (he explained it for Rowain already, I still think he simply tries to make sure that no votes gain traction except for those he wants - what could either be an overconfident villager or a wolf) and he is acting much more aggressive then I remember from WW2. Especially this aggressive behaviour I am not used too. Maybe it is just him trying hard to be right but as of now it is for me a reason to be suspicious of him.
Also posted during Day 3 - remember folks: PB died because I FUCKING SCREAMED EVERYONE DOWN WHO DOESN'T AGREE WITH ME YOU IGNORANT MORONS! GRAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (BTW Serdoa - THAT is screaming, just for reference. I had a hard time keeping a straight face when I wrote that ):
Serdoa Wrote:I stated it now several times, I don't know if PB is a wolf or not. But I know that if he is one it would be pure luck and Rolands way of screaming down people who don't agree with him that made that happen and not any sort of evidence.
Posted during Day 4 - finally, his magnum opus:
Serdoa Wrote:Roland
Why Roland? Lets look at the past Days:
So. Care to explain to me again how you haven't been riding me since Day 1? At this point it's more flattering than infuriating. It helps that you still have yet to present a single convincing argument for my guilt, especially in light of the evidence that points to my innocence - both positive and negative. Maybe I should just turn around and try to lynch you? Is that what you're looking for? It's not going to happen Serdoa. I see you as no different than Rowain was with pocketbeetle: a blind Village so hung up on his convictions he won't see anything that doesn't agree with him. I was wrong about pocketbeetle, and you shot me down for it. Maybe it's time you turned that critical eye towards yourself, and truly weighed your theories in the light of an objective, unbiased viewpoint?
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scooter Wrote:Roland and Serdoa - it'd probably be best if you guys just agree to leave each other alone. I'm already at the point where I more or less skip by you two's posts when they are talking about each other. I think it's painfully obvious to everyone that you guys do not and will not get along, so it's probably best to just leave it at that.
Look, at this point I've put aside any past anger I've had towards Serdoa. It's not about bad blood for me. He has been running since the end of Day 1 with this theory that I'm a Wolf in his head, and he refuses to let it go. I'm just trying to prove to him, once and for all, that he's wrong - I'm a Villager. I'm sorry if the back and forth is causing too much of a distraction for you, or anyone else, but he's pushing against me very hard. I'm not going to pull a Selrahc or a pocketbeetle and just brush him off out of hand - they both did that, and they got lynched. No thanks. We've lynched enough Villagers so far. I'm not about to contribute towards another if I can help it, especially when I KNOW I'm a Villager. Unfortunately, I've posted my highest suspect at the moment, and I'm not really following the reasoning behind zakalwe and Mr. Nice Guy very much. So... that leaves me little else to talk about at the moment.
Honestly Serdoa, I don't care about this except to clear my name. I'm not harboring any ill will, and I'm not going to turn around and suddenly start a crusade against you because of your accusations. I'm rapidly reaching the point of giving up, because I don't know how many other ways I can say this: you're wrong. I don't know. What do you think I should do? Continue to respond to your accusations, or just let it lie, and hope you don't get enough followers to lynch me? What would you do if the situation was reversed?