220) (again)
Ahh.. Yes, silly me, magic immunity did use to give 30 resistance..
Bug already reported and solved in [What could be cause of endless loading crash during start new game after modding?] with "I am the boss" where "It's stuck on the Myrran wizard requirement."
I tested this a bit furter, continental lord is not required for the crash. And Race to the unknown have the same problem when I pick Myrran on my Wizard, crash every time with high AI count. (Guessing the fix will solve both Score Modifiers already..)
But world equalizer dosn't seem to have any problems, tried 10 times with myrran and 10 times with non-myrran wizard.
Not sure if I ran headlong into a different bug testing the previous one or if they are related. But this time it is still the I am the boss but only one AI. And no Myrran on any of my wizards. Had 6 world generation crashes testing this.. Got three in the log.
Advanced, 1, minimal, Islands, 1, Fair, Rich.
Random wizard (not myrran each time), noname, random race, random color
I am the boss, plane of earth, disconnected, Continental lord
This crashed 4 out of 14 times. (Got no completed savegames from the nice new feature..)
I later tried to replicate the crash, this time it took me 25 tries to get one crash. And another 2 tries to get another. Total of 6 out of 41 have crashed.
Started New Blob. Blob Size =5 Blob radius =4
Current center distance difference = 1
Direction 0,1 z=2
Continent created, center tile : 2,5,6
Continent blobs =1
Continent created, center tile : 2,7,7
Continent blobs =1
Continent created, center tile : 2,7,7
Continent blobs =1
Elevation to land type
Planar Links
Elevation to land type
Planar Links
This is the same settings that caused the game to crash back in number 216, back then the log said "World generation complete!"
Had another two crashes, one got logged:
"Planar Links
Wasn't there something about an update that preventede the game from generating game starts with excessive ressources next to the fortress? Or was that only the "high" tier ressources?
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Chaos Spawn has illusion immunity
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Hydra is supernatural
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Great Drake is supernatural
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Volcanoes provide 7% production as though they were regular mountains to the owner's cities only. Hovering over my own volcanoes with the F1 advisor there is no mention of this bonus, but it is added to the city correctly..
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Chaos Surge, "effect of second and later copy are reduced to a +1 bonus" vs the version in the manual "Multiple copies stack but at halved effect." Those are different things.
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Chaos Surge, dosn't give +2 fire breath
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Fire Elemental have a casting cost of 14 (16)
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Warp Lightning, the in-game spellbook text dosn't mention that it is an armor piercing attack.
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Warp Creature, in the manual it says it can give "Halved defense" but in-game it says "two-thirds of their defense". (Last one is the right one)
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Armageddon in-game text dosn't mention the +2 unrest in enemy cities. And the manual havn't been updated on the new "number of squares formula"
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Doomsday in-game text dosn't mention the +5 unrest in enemy cities. And the manual havn't been updated on the new "number of squares formula"
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Wall of fire dosn't mention that it have an upkeep of zero
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Hell hounds, Gargoyles, Fire giant, Chimeras and Doom Bat all have scouting 2. Efreet and Great Drake have scouting 3. Chaos Spawn have scouting 4.
Mystic surge just gave my Fire Elemental Magic Immunity, haste, heroism, Holy weapon, true sight, immolation, animated, spell lock. (Also Mystic surge and healing immunity of course). Next turn undead and no healing showed up on the unit too.. 8 spells, intentionel? (My highest is 8 spells and orihalcon)
Mystic surge gave my unit animated, but it was first the turn arfter it got the undead status, no healing, death immunity and cold immunity.
Arfter quite a bit of testing, still no other metals than Orihalcon?
Fought in a lair, the other wizard have Evil Omens cast and my spells cost 50% more in this lair as expected. (disintegrate cost 50 mana * 1,5 *0,9 = 68 mana) But there is nothing in the [info] button.. Unless I fight directly against the wizard this overland spell isn't shown?
Note: Playing against one AI (advanced) it have started to cast a hell of a lot more disjunctions than before, and it is quite agressive to threaten me and declare war when I cast the big evil spells..
And it managed to stabilies its population and economy even when I had doomsday, armageddon and meteor shower active.
Checked all spells research costs and with 233 spells you can research, having only 6 "not up to date" is pretty impressive
CASTERWIN.html - Nature: War bears research cost 320 (260)
CASTERWIN.html - Nature: Cracks Call research cost 1280 (1600)
CASTERWIN.html - Life: Endurance research cost 1280 (380)
CASTERWIN.html - Life: Ruler of Heaven research cost 12000 (10000)
CASTERWIN.html - Sorcery: Uranus' Blessing research cost 3200 (4000)
CASTERWIN.html - Chaos: Doom Bat research cost 4800 (4000)