Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 38

(September 22nd, 2020, 10:16)DaveV Wrote:
After spoilers: yeah, I thought of WORMs and MOLEs, but I think those are more a concern in home lawns and gardens than large scale agriculture.

I would absolutely hope all farmers are concerned with getting lots of worms and general soil health. Though I know that sadly that is not the case. frown

  • A farmer may raise a CHICK into chickens (strong).
  • A farmer may plant crops in the GROUND (strong).
  • A farmer may do so in the SPRING during planting season. (strong).
  • A farmer may work with liveSTOCK or rootSTOCK (moderate).
  • A farmer is responsible for feeding many MOUTHs (weak).
  • The MOON was once used to held judge planting seasons (weak).
  • The ground to till may include WORMs or MOLEs (weaker).
  • A farmer needs to TAG valuable items (weaker).

(September 22nd, 2020, 10:23)BRickAstley Wrote: I would absolutely hope all farmers are concerned with getting lots of worms and general soil health. Though I know that sadly that is not the case. frown

I don't know much about farming other than from observation, but I can't imagine a lot of worms survive the plowing, harrowing, and disking that I see taking place in the local fields (not to mention the chemicals).

Seems like we're unanimous on

Point to GROUND
Point to CHICK
Point to SPRING

Ground is Grey

Red is up
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

That was.. not the best start for us.

Sorry, team, GROUND was at or near the top of everyone's list.

University: 4
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

A SCHOOL where you earn a DEGREE so you can be a DOCTOR or LAWYER.

Other, weaker options:
You might DROP out.
The faculty might go on STRIKE.
There might be a teaching HOSPITAL attached.

Biblethump Biblethump

School and Degree are locks, Doctor and Lawyer likely. None can be any worse than gray I'm sure. Nothing else is even close to those I think.

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