As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Abusing Spectres to the Maximum - Sheaim Succession Game

Hmm, I didn't do the math, but I suspect it's close. Twelve more turns of golden age, or a bunch of beakers saved by bulbing two techs. I think I'd lean toward bulbing, since it lets us research other stuff and we can still grind out some more great people for the two-man GA.

I have a gut feeling that bulbing is better (didn't do any math either). However, if we get another artist GA is probably better.

Another golden age is probably about the same benefit as the last one: 900 gold, 450 hammers. Two bulbs should be worth ~2200 beakers. Given that we're generally converting hammers into gold at the moment, I can be persuaded that 1300 beakers > 450 hammers, yes smile. Especially when those two were in our short term to-research list anyway.

If we get two artists, GA isn't an option regardless, might as well bulb Sanitation while we try for another pairing GP frown.

So yeah, I think bulb.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I agree with bulb as well, unless we get the low-odds GS frown then we have to go GA I think.

Bulbing means we don't get the free swap into consumption (I think the turn of anarchy is still worth it - should pay off in gold in like 3-4 turns; just wait until after the drama bard comes in!). Does it mean we do fishing->sailing next, or straight to CoS? I think CoS. : getting a real army and starting to raze cities will also do wonders for our economy devil

Played the turns. No time for report now but couple things:

- Got both merchant and artist - bulbed Sanitation and like 80% of currency. Currently saving gold on Carto.
- Found Calabim, they fired their WS putting our ecomy break-even at 10% for a while! It'll fix itself once we grow though. Will be pretty bad still.
- Some of our new cities are worthless atm, need more workers. 4 cities I settled cost us at least 25 gpt.
- Did some map trading now most of northern map is known to us, also a lot land revealed from west near calabim/clan
- Someone built MoG on T170
- One of our mines discovered us Gems!
- Traded cotton for Ale with Calabim - we have plenty of happy now for whipping.

- Research Currency and switch to Consumption.
- Then either CoS or Fishing/Sailing (would give TRs with Calabim/Lanun).

Here's the save for Jale!

Yikes, that stings. 10%?

Granted, with Sanitation, we shouldn't have any trouble regrowing. And it's not like we're short on things to stick in the queues while we grow. So I guess a little time to consolidate isn't a bad thing.

Definitely agree we should finish up Currency and revolt, even at the price of anarchy. I think I'd lean toward the Trade route before Ashen Veil.

Even with Consumption and growth, I doubt our economy will be all that great, and we still have a lot of land to claim (expensively). Adding another place to put hammers, on the other hand... Right now, a city needs a Market, Planar Gate, Carnival, Public Baths, at minimum to feel complete. It could profitably use, but not require, an Elder Council, Courthouse, and Granary. If it wants to contribute to the empire as a whole: warriors, workers, settlers are all still needed. The couple cities that are close to complete on those, are working on wonders. Where are we going to find the spare production for AV missionaries and temples? And what good does the AC do us when we haven't gotten the Gates built yet?

Not that AV should wait forever, of course. Probably next after Trade, or at least soon afterward. I just want a bit of a delay to catch up on the other infrastructure first.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Hey, at least we're not on strike! Good job generating the great person we wanted; that makes up for all your map huts in the early game.

I actually think many cities can pass on carnivals. Marauders aren't great, and we can build culture now, plus get it from religion eventually.

Will play sometime tonight.

(July 21st, 2015, 17:35)Mardoc Wrote: Yikes, that stings. 10%?

Granted, with Sanitation, we shouldn't have any trouble regrowing. And it's not like we're short on things to stick in the queues while we grow. So I guess a little time to consolidate isn't a bad thing.

Definitely agree we should finish up Currency and revolt, even at the price of anarchy. I think I'd lean toward the Trade route before Ashen Veil.

Even with Consumption and growth, I doubt our economy will be all that great, and we still have a lot of land to claim (expensively). Adding another place to put hammers, on the other hand... Right now, a city needs a Market, Planar Gate, Carnival, Public Baths, at minimum to feel complete. It could profitably use, but not require, an Elder Council, Courthouse, and Granary. If it wants to contribute to the empire as a whole: warriors, workers, settlers are all still needed. The couple cities that are close to complete on those, are working on wonders. Where are we going to find the spare production for AV missionaries and temples? And what good does the AC do us when we haven't gotten the Gates built yet?

Not that AV should wait forever, of course. Probably next after Trade, or at least soon afterward. I just want a bit of a delay to catch up on the other infrastructure first.

Some of our cities would have Gates way before AV, even if we went straight towards AV, but I agree that we probably wouldn't be able to many missionaries/temples right away. AV is probably around 25-35 turn tech at break-even (once our empire heals up from being eat by vampires) so probably in 40 turns we could hit AV (if we went directly towards it). I can see a reason going after Trade though, you had estimated it to give us around 3gpt/city which would be great boost to our empire (also researchwise as it gives us commerce instead of gold directly). Getting to Trade would probably take slightly less time, maybe 30-35 turns (healing included). Also we have at least 6 cities that could benefit from food from Fishing.

I'd assume if we got Trade then AV that would take total of 50-60 turns. These numbers are pretty much guessing, we'll see things better once our empire heals up.

Getting AV straight away is tempting but Trade offers more economical benefits.

Agree with Jale that skipping Carnivals in most cities from now on would be smart play. I forgot to switch to build culture in our northern cities (and some others as well, so fix that), should do that at least with the cities that haven't put too many hammers into carnivals yet. With tons of food we should start whipping a lot infra: Gates, Markets, Baths in many cities and EC/Granaries/Courthouses in some cities. Whipping costs some research turns though but should put our empire in a better shape.

(July 21st, 2015, 19:03)DaveV Wrote: Hey, at least we're not on strike! Good job generating the great person we wanted; that makes up for all your map huts in the early game.

Yeah, not on strike! dancing

Also, I'm sure my luck had to turn at some point! smug

Current known world:

And from a bit smaller pic:

Got us to 22 workers, need more still.

Our expenses:

Few courthouses here and there probably wouldn't hurt...

Here's an off-the-wall idea: is it worth sending a settler through Elohim lands to grab one of those unclaimed marble tiles in the wilderness between the monks, orcs, and vampires?

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