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Adding "the hell" doesn't make you more convincing
I'm mainly suspicious of you because of the vig issue, someone is lying about it and you're a very likely candidate. Moreover, I find your silence damning as you're next in line to hang the way discussions are going. I don't see how your claim becomes more credible by not being pressured to reveal, quite the opposite. As NAP, I think you claimed in order to gain credibility and burned your fingers when Gaspar turned out to be a vig.
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Silence? I've been half the discussion twhen I'm not at work or sleeping. That is BS. And I'll be back in 3 hours or so.
iPhone post.
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Selrahc (5) - Cyneheard Gaspar MJW Novice Tasunke
Cyneheard (3) - Catwalk Mardoc Selrahc
not voting - Sareln
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Cyneheard Wrote:Silence? I've been half the discussion twhen I'm not at work or sleeping. That is BS. And I'll be back in 3 hours or so.
iPhone post. I'm not seeing that, I think your posts since the night kill have been largely without content. I do understand that you're busy (and believe that, I also think slowcheetah was busy) but I'm surprised to see you insist that you're half the discussion. In fact, looking through the thread I see very little from you last few days other than posts saying you're not a wolf.
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uberfish Wrote:Selrahc (5) - Cyneheard Gaspar MJW Novice Tasunke
Cyneheard (3) - Catwalk Mardoc Selrahc
not voting - Sareln
I'm voting for Selrahc, post 1438. So it's 6 - 3 right now.
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Selrahc (6) - Cyneheard Gaspar MJW Novice Sareln Tasunke
Cyneheard (3) - Catwalk Mardoc Selrahc
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See? Extra day of "discussion" adds almost nothing. Shoulda just lynched me back 24 hours ago. :neenernee
Just to undermine myself, can I ask what people will do when I'm revealled innocent? Is that still going to be a cue to dogpile Cyneheard? Or have I at least convinced you that an innocent Selrahc means a guilty Gaspar
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Why are you more convinced of Gaspar's guilt than Cyneheard's?
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Catwalk Wrote:Why are you more convinced of Gaspar's guilt than Cyneheard's?
If Selrahc is innocent, then why would Wolf Cyneheard With Infinite Vig-Blocking Roleblocks have protected Selrahc or blocked Gaspar, when instead Wolf Cyneheard could have blocked you (as either baner or vig, you're an obvious roleblocking target for Team NAP, and it's not like you could've had any other roles given what you'd been claiming) and made sure that the person the NAPsters wanted to die died without risking one of their own?
But if Selrahc is innocent, then Wolf Gaspar could be motivated to ensure at least one mislynch, if not two.
And you wonder why I focus my posts on "why I'm not a wolf"...what else is there to talk about? There's the Roleblocker/Selrahc/Gaspar conundrum, and that's it today.
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Catwalk Wrote:Why are you more convinced of Gaspar's guilt than Cyneheard's?
Because I see no profit for the wolves in saving me from death. But I do see how making it appear as if I was saved from death could work to their advantage.