Gamestate: AI Survivor Edition
With turn 113 rolling around here and Sullla restarting the AI Survivor series, made me think about the game here if everybody retired right now and the game wrapped up with our AI leaders. I think my bet is on me or Pin, actually.
PindicatorPacal is riding high beating up on
GavagaiDuGaulle, definitely likely to reach catapults in time to conquer the lion’s share of Rome. He’s got good mutual military struggle happiness built up with
meSaladin, his other main neighbor. AI is completely pants at overseas fighting but that’s fine, after consolidating Rome he’s got
SuperdeathDarius looking weak, so there can be some gains made there if the peaks don’t completely screw up his pathing. Looks pretty solid, and an AI likes being high in city count.
CommodoreSaladin, on the other hand, gains not a ton of territory from
GavagaiDuGaulle but loves having Pacal as a mutual military struggle buddy. Biggest risk to that relationship is that
PindicatorPacal will go Hindu after capturing Rome if he’s not converted earlier, which Saladin hates. The game’s complete loon
NauflgrowerMontezuma is actually kind of friendly thanks to shared religion and built-up hate with others. Smashing into
BingVictoria is a little risky, but Vicky being Vicky I don’t think Saladin gets hurt too much. Biggest threat is the Peaky Peninsula, the cities there are a pathing nightmare for the AI so that’s not helpful. On the other hand, means Saladin definitely will last to the end of the game.
BingVictoria has done the Successful Vicky Thing by claiming decent land without getting into too many wars.
CommodoreSaladin is a problem for her unless she manages to get a Buddhism spread ASAP, but if everything remains peaceful she probably has a chance at researching her way to rifles in enough time to be safe from anything outside of those grenadiers.
GingerJoao is very occupied and
SuperdeathDarius is weak, which is what Vicky must have. Mostly the issue is the usual Vicky issue which is that if a rival starts to snowball she won’t be able to snowball in turn.
NaogrowflowerMontezuma definitely does have a shot at winning, in the only way Monty ever does, which is having a safe friend on one side and a weakened victim on the other. Winning the
GingerJoao split with
Magic ScienceTokugawa is vital, to snowball to enough size to be able to conquer
BingVictoria’s inert self and then just be top dog. The Buddhism spread being so powerful is great for Monty, and he’s just turns away from bulbing Theology (which for the human means the Apostolic Palace but for Monty means THEOCRACY). Good setup for a warmonger, but Monty being Monty I think he’d still screw it up.
Magic ScienceTokugawa has a shot at winning but true to AI form he’s managed to avoid signing a lot of OB and has a religion nobody else practices. Oops. Winning the
GingerJoao split with
NowfroglerMontezuma is vital, to snowball to enough size to be able to conquer
BingVictoria’s inert self and then just be top dog. With his size and science flavor Tokugawa can definitely win this, particularly with that delicious
SuperdeathDarius little empire to eat too. Still think Toku’d have economy and diplomacy issues, though, and if he warred with
PindicatorPacal he’d have huge pathing issues.
Superdeath DariusSuperdeath DariusSuperdeath DariusSuperdarius is playing his AI personality perfectly. I have no idea what the inert, passive, and peaceful AI would do differently from the human here. Probably would have researched a little more intelligently? No clue.
GingerJoao and
GavagaiDuGaulle just die slowly, sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯