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PBEM 5 - regoarrarr spoiler thread

Time for some more planning.

I just whipped 2 settlers, who unfortunately are just hanging around. I whipped them a turn (or two) early because I was trying to get those cities populations lower in an attempt to (once again) secure a double holy city. Of course the holy city did NOT go where I wanted it OR in either of those 2 cities, so.... oh well lol

[Image: civ4screenshot0093.jpg]

First settler is in Cortes. The galley to pick it up is to the north, having already moved this turn (T79). It will move as indicated and pick up the settler on T81, unload on T82, and the city should be founded on T83.

Cortes has overflow to complete a workboat next turn (T80). That WB will head south to Cook, whose borders should expand in time to have it net the clams once it gets there. It actually has enough overflow to complete another workboat on the following turn (T81), which will go to net the fish at the new city. Then it could work on a missionary or maybe some infra (library)

[Image: civ4screenshot0094q.jpg]

Here's the south. Same basic plan - except the city will be founded a turn later (T84). 2 workers are busy forting that desert tile, JIT for the galley to sail through. Still tossing around what to build. I have 19 hammers overflow and 19/26 into the missionary at La Salle. But because the crab is in the first ring we don't really NEED a missionary here - a workboat or library might be a better call. Yeah I think workboat->library->missionary (watch for hammer decay).

Note too that I have not discovered Hunting and I'm not sure when I plan to. I realized the other day that because I have metal hooked up and roaded, if I research Hunting, that is going to remove my ability to build warriors as MP. I don't think it's worth it yet, especially since I just got dyes, and will have wines and sugar hooked up within 3-5 turns. I do have deer and ivory around as well, so I'm definitely going to have to research it at SOME point.

Probably shouldn't have roaded my copper, but it wouldn't have mattered anyways since I roaded the iron hill before I knew there was iron there.

And I'm pretty happy that I am knocking out a 265 beaker tech in 1t (though I do have some overflow and it's a double pre-req tech and I had cash saved up because I delayed CoL 1t to spread my religions for the aborted double holy city try).

I am bummed that these settlers are waiting around for 2-3 turns frown I feel I should have my MMers badge revoked lol

How long do you think it will be until you found all the cities you want?

Also - what is your economic plan for the next phase of the game?

Square Leg Wrote:How long do you think it will be until you found all the cities you want?

Also - what is your economic plan for the next phase of the game?

Hmm I was giving this some thought last night, and I think my plan for my current cities are:

Growth to happy cap -
Columbus (capital)
Drake (holy city)
Pizarro (Moai) - slow growth / no food
Magellan (gems) - slow growth / no food

Basic infrastructure
Hudson (sugar)
Cook (easternmost city)
the new cities I'll be building

Settler / worker whip pumps
Cortes (horse / fish)
La Salle (cow / clam)

Magellan will be my warrior "pump" - it only makes 2hpt, so I'll just set it on MP warriors for all the cities - that should free up the other cities to do more important things.

Cortes and La Salle I will just keep growing up to the happy cap (they are both at 6fpt though Cortes has to share its fish with Pizarro) and then whipping workers and settlers. I actually think that I don't need THAT many more workers as much of the land is water.

Economically I think my long term goals are

a) Liberalism (though what to take is still up in the air
b) Steam Power (for my uber UB)
c) Medicine (for Sid's Sushi) (By way of Economics for the GM since I'll also need Corporation)

I'm also noodling a detour to the top of the tree for
1) Literature to build the National Epic
2) Music for the free GA

But I think the time is not ripe for that just yet. I want to make sure to press my advantage in GNP to claim all the "first to" prizes, since that should (hopefully) widen the gap between us.

Quick update for Turn 84. I will hope to post a more detailed one later on today as I think we should get another 1-2 turns in at lunch today.

I was JUST short of finishing CS this turn, so I worked commerce heavy tiles to squeeze it in at the cost of food and hammers. I figured an extra turn of Bureaucracy would be worth it.

It was a bit tricky since I also did 2 3-pop whips of settlers (taking away 6 coast tiles or 18 commerce). I wanted to whip them this turn so that the settlers could move next turn while I'm in anarchy.

Darrell just finished Metal Casting I believe, which puts him down Meditation, Code of Laws and Civil Service to me, or just shy of 1100 beakers.

He does have a bit of a food advantage on me, and is up 13-10 in city count, but I outshine him in prod and am destroying him in GNP.

Okay a bit more of an update. I think we ended up playing 3 turns this afternoon. First off - the big news

[Image: civ4screenshot0103.jpg]

I revolted on T86 to both Bureaucracy and Hereditary Rule.

Darrell founded his 14th city on T87. I will found #11 next turn (T89) and #12 on either T90 or 91. He said that he has 2 more cities to go - which would put him at 16. I thought I had 18 on my dot map (though 1-2 of those are pretty junky cities), and that would not include the deer / silver city. Here is the old dot map

[Image: civ4screenshot0058r.jpg]

Red, cyan, green and brown are already founded, and orange dot will be founded next turn with white dot shortly after that.

[Image: civ4screenshot0105.jpg]

I did finish Moai statues in Pizarro, which is now working on its lighthouse. It's borrowed the fish back from Cortes to grow up to its max happy cap.

After pondering things a bit, I have decided that (eventually) I am going to move the palace here, with Iron Works along with Moai. With a dike and Moai (17 water tiles), the city center and the 5h copper, we're looking at about 40 base hammers, so with forge+fac+power+IW we're looking at 120 or so hpt.

I will build the NE and GT in the former capital of Columbus, and then the FP in Drake along with Wall Street. I may decide to put Oxford there with WS, which would mean I'd need to find a better spot for the FP over on the west side. Maybe the gems city but that has nothing for production.

Okay - trying to plan out where my next settlers / cities are coming from:

Hudson size 4, 11/18, 4fpt
Cook size 4, 11/18, 5fpt
La Salle size 5, 15/20, 6fpt

La Salle
T91 size 6, 10/21, 0/67
T92: 10/67
T93: 20/67, triple whip
T94: settler born - last settler from here, overflow to forge / library

T91: 16/18
T92: 12/20
T93: 17/20
T94: size 6, 12/21, 0/67
T95: 8/67, triple whip
T96: settler born (could delay 1-2 turns)

T91: 15/18
T92: 10/20
T93: 14/20
T94: 18/20
T95: size 6, 12/21, 0/67
T96: 8/67, triple whip
T97: settler born (coudl delay 1-2 turns)

southern galley back to La Salle on T95. Picks up settler and Missionary. Can found plains hill city on T99.

Northern galley needs to pick up the settler from Cook on T96 (or so). It can load 2 missionaries at Cortes on T91, and deliver one to Cabot on T92.

New galley started in Pizarro - due in 3 turns (T93). Can make it over to Hudson on T97, to pick up settler and warrior from Magellan. I really tried to figure out how to deal with just 2 galleys but I don't think that it makes sense.

Hmm actually a better plan is as follows

[Image: civ4screenshot0107.jpg]

Galley has already moved this turn T90. Moves along the green line T91 and T92, picking up 2 missionaries on green circle. Then move as indicated on the red lines, dropping off one missionary T93 at the red square.

Then we'll pick up the worker on the blue circle on T95 after he's finished chopping that forest (there's also a settler underneath the worker who will settle 1E), while dropping off the other missionary. T96 we'll drop off the worker on the blue square, where he'll make his way over to camp / fort the furs (Depending on if I've researched Hunting by then).

That galley will follow the blue lines, picking up the settler on the same green circle on T97 (where he's made his way by land from La Salle), unloading on the plains hill on T98 and also founding on T99, but also getting 2 missionaries and 1 worker where they need to be. I feel like I'm in some sort of arcade game here!!! lol

So while that takes care of the south (minus a missionary for the plains hill city) that leaves the following actions that still need to happen in the north:

1. Missionary to Cabot
2. Missionary to De Soto
3. Settler from Cook T96
4. Settler from Hudson T97
5. Warriors from Magellan

[Image: civ4screenshot0108.jpg]

So I think that I still need the galley from Pizarro. This northern galley can move to the east of Cortes, picking up La Salle's new missionary on T93 and delivering it to Cabot where it can unload and spread on T94. Right now I am running up on the missionary limit with 2 done and 1 in production. The logistics is a bit crazy here with all these islands.

The new galley will still head to Hudson to pick up the settler / warriors and found Lewis up by the NW Fish.

So in tech news, I mis-uploaded the save last night, which meant that darrell accidentally opened my save, and saw that I finished Aesthetics. That's not a huge deal, but it does let him know I'm going for the top of the tree. Which means he may try a run towards Liberalism, which I think previously he had given up on as he couldn't possibly catch me.

I was also giving it some thought and although as you can see I continued onto Literature (mostly for the National Epic for Columbus), I started beginning to have some misgivings about continuing on to Drama / Music. Although the Great Artist would be nice, I don't think it's necessary right now. I think darrell is unlikely to head that way (especially after seeing me take Aesthetics), and I think another option seems better.

But I'm not going to go for Liberalism right now either. I may have to head down that way if I notice darrell going there, but I think I have enough of a lead (he is at best working on CoL and I already have CS) as well as a much faster rate that I'm going to go Machinery->Feudalism->Guilds->Banking.

Guilds and Banking are big for the money buildings especially in the shrine city, and Mercantilism will be huge, since I don't have foreign trade routes anyawys. That would especially be true if I could combine that with Representation (70% chance of an engineer in I think 7 turns).

Then the plan would be Paper->Education->Philo (possibly going for Drama and Music here?) ->Liberalism. Taking either Nationalism, or Economics, or Printing Press. Need to see where darrell is at that point.

Just wanted to say I have caught up on reading your thread and am now an official lurker! Great read though smile

Cjreynol Wrote:Just wanted to say I have caught up on reading your thread and am now an official lurker! Great read though smile

Thanks!! Good to have you and let me know if you have any questions!

You seem to be having a lot to do with religions, any possibility of going for theology and building the AP?

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