William Shakespeare's Golden Age continued, and I kept on building infrastructure and running specialists. Henry Ford was born in Damascus last turn and is headed for Constantinople to build the Taj.
One great person down, four more to go I thought of another way to leverage the golden age. After the waiting period for the first civics change ends, I'm going to switch into Pacifism for 6 turns to give me an additional +100% Great Person Generation. I adjusted my missionary priorities to Jericho, Acre and Jerusalem accordingly. My military is small enough that the increased upkeep costs will not be too severe - and this will still allow me to switch into Theocracy for the end of the Golden Age. Constantinople will produce the next Great Person in 3 turns, running five scientists and an engineer in addition to the 2 wonders already producing GPP. Here's hoping it's not a spy or prophet!
I got this message from Darrell before the start of this turn.
I am really curious as to how 'Krill the Clever' made that work. My best guess is that he had 274 saved, and was due to earn that amount for his next turn. So, he offers us each 274 gold and next turn he starts with 0 gold. That payment allowed me to continue my 100% research and got me into nationalism.
NoSpace didn't get any new techs, I believe they're running break-even research into printing press based on the graphs and the diplo screen.
The vote for the Apostolic Palace came up this turn.
Vote for Rego or abstain.....like my 9 votes mean anything anyway. I voted for Rego in the end.
I noticed this turn, that by possessing music and nationalism, I'll be in good shape to tech Military Tradition if I want to at some point in the future. Finally, this turn I got Rego and Darrell's maps.
I'll soon have Shoot's and hopefully NoSpace's as well. I'll be putting up a detailed population and infrastructure analysis at some point later today after I have some time to study the maps.
One great person down, four more to go I thought of another way to leverage the golden age. After the waiting period for the first civics change ends, I'm going to switch into Pacifism for 6 turns to give me an additional +100% Great Person Generation. I adjusted my missionary priorities to Jericho, Acre and Jerusalem accordingly. My military is small enough that the increased upkeep costs will not be too severe - and this will still allow me to switch into Theocracy for the end of the Golden Age. Constantinople will produce the next Great Person in 3 turns, running five scientists and an engineer in addition to the 2 wonders already producing GPP. Here's hoping it's not a spy or prophet!
I got this message from Darrell before the start of this turn.
Quote:[COLOR="Yellow"]Krill the Clever found a way to offer 274 gold to each of you this turn, even though I don't have it. Updated ledger:
Dave = 998 - 274 = 724
Shoot = 670 - 274 = 396
I am really curious as to how 'Krill the Clever' made that work. My best guess is that he had 274 saved, and was due to earn that amount for his next turn. So, he offers us each 274 gold and next turn he starts with 0 gold. That payment allowed me to continue my 100% research and got me into nationalism.
NoSpace didn't get any new techs, I believe they're running break-even research into printing press based on the graphs and the diplo screen.
The vote for the Apostolic Palace came up this turn.
Vote for Rego or abstain.....like my 9 votes mean anything anyway. I voted for Rego in the end.
I noticed this turn, that by possessing music and nationalism, I'll be in good shape to tech Military Tradition if I want to at some point in the future. Finally, this turn I got Rego and Darrell's maps.
I'll soon have Shoot's and hopefully NoSpace's as well. I'll be putting up a detailed population and infrastructure analysis at some point later today after I have some time to study the maps.