Well, turns out he DID have chariots, and all were mobilized to defend Dr. Tachyon (though I think he whipped one of them in).
Situation at the beginning of the turn:
The somewhat irritating thing for me (guess I can't really be complaining right now) is two axes ended at 9/10 xp so didn't didn't get to the 10xp threshold and heal, bleh. So the upcoming combat is close. End result:
That one chariot left is sitting on .3/4, though I imagine he'll get an promo this turn. I lost a 65% and 50% shot to start, but then won two ~55% shots on the back end, so luck ran roughly even.
Dependant on how much he can reinforce this again, I'm pretty sure I'll get the raze on the next turn (man I really wish I hadn't turned that back ax around, though I guess who can say if TBS would have done the suicide attack if he hadn't left the area). All 3 of my units have earned a promotion, mostly likely grabbing city raider for all of them.
I imagine both the capital and Sleeper are near empty right now, but there wasn't really much of a way to outflank Jowy given his chariots can beat me to the capital and the ability to whip in more archers.
Oh also there's 1 TBS ax unaccounted for somewhere.
EDIT: Rest of the empire = boring. Following the plan I already laid out.
Fear cuts deeper than swords.