Sad to say, but I think this game is lost. We've got a whole lot of crazy left plus me and Sareln and I don't have the mental strength to argue with MJW, Catwalk and Tasunke.
I'll have a re-look through the thread later but I think MJW's constant "we wouldn't make a wolf" a double voter stuff is foolish as usual. I was a double-voter wolf in WW7. We've definitely seen it before. I think Cyneheard's role proves that uberfish truly just plastered out the roles without much concern for their usefulness.
If Catwalk were lying about being baner, someone would have gotten upset at this roleclaim and pointed suspicion on him. So I'm inclined to believe him, even if his play has been rather... spotty.
That leaves MJW, Tasunke, Sareln. I could be talked into any of these. The night kills haven't had much concern for past performance, which is a bit unusual as well.
Anyway, my vote at the moment is for Tasunke. But I as well would like to hear Sareln's power. He's intimated its a night-kill immunity but I think we've reached all cards on the table stage.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
I realized after writing this that MJW is indicating he doesn't think Tasunke could be role-blocker plus double-voter. I agree it seems like it would be odd. But everyone has a metagame excuse at this point. I just go where the vote is pointing me at the moment.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
I disagree with your analysis of the game being lost Gaspar, because I'm holding pocket aces
Hi guys. My name is Sareln. I am a member of the Civilized world. I am a kill-blocker, a mirror of Cyneheard's ability, including the 2 charges. The ability is called Emancipation, and I fucked up night 4 when I kill-blocked Gaspar.
Why did I kill-block Gaspar on Night 4? Because if Gaspar was the deep-wolf beyond Selrahc, we would never be able to hang him and that would be the game. From a tactical perspective, the night was a good one for the wolves to use an unsuspected wolf as their killer, so I figured if we were going to catch Gaspar, it would have to be with demonstrated power proof and night 4 was my best shot to catch him at it.
But I was wrong. Gaspar isn't the last wolf, he's the vigilante and I scuttled his shot on a likely wolf. The correct play for the village then if I revealed then would be to hang me, and that would only be good for the NAP. So I stayed quiet. When Selrahc turned up wolf I knew that I would have to hold off on my reveal until I could use my 2nd charge, or the last wolf was definitely unable to stop me if I revealed before the 2nd charge could be used.
There could probably be some argument as to whether or not I've played correctly, but that's where I stand. I apologize for the confusion, but I think it was necessary to keep the wolf in a lose/lose position for eating me so that we could get to this point. I have a kill-block to use with a chance to scuttle the night kill and/or confirm someone through negative proof.
The wolves didn't kill-block Gaspar, I did. That was a mistake, but I still have one charge left and intend to use it tonight to get us to the final day with as much information as possible.
Sareln Wrote:I'm leaning Tasunke today, but I'm still having trouble reconciling his day-1 use of his power with a wolf-alignment.
Elaboration. Cyneheard and I had the traditional role-block split between us. Once the alignments were set and team wolf didn't get role-block at all, Uberfish gives them something strong. Before last night, I would have said that Mardoc's power would have been strong enough, but with him gone, I think Tasunke's double-vote is definitely strong enough to fit the meta-reasoning.
The only thing that doesn't fit is him using it day-1.
Sareln Wrote:Elaboration. Cyneheard and I had the traditional role-block split between us. Once the alignments were set and team wolf didn't get role-block at all, Uberfish gives them something strong. Before last night, I would have said that Mardoc's power would have been strong enough, but with him gone, I think Tasunke's double-vote is definitely strong enough to fit the meta-reasoning.
The only thing that doesn't fit is him using it day-1.
So Sareln who did you kill-block? If you did not kill-block anyone that is so silly I would have a hard time beliveing it.
Well Gaspar I guess the metagame bails you out. You have to be some short of vig and it would be very silly to come up with shooting someone else crack theory thing while under deep cover.
The Tasunke metagame issue is resolved about how could he be a wolf. I'll place my vote on him but would switch to Sarlen if he does not answer my question.
Hmmm.... Shooting a wolf would still take a mislych away from town. Selrahc was doomed ether way. So shooting a wolf would give gaspar tons of browie points.
But because Gaspar no longer has his power there is no rush to kill him.
However, Sarlen was able to roleblock you. This means that Cyneheard would not be able to roleblock you. This means cyneheard's role is very crappy if you are the last wolf. Uberfish would have come up with something different for him.
So I have to chose who is least likely to be a werewolf, Sareln, Gaspar or Tasunke. Cyneheard would be extremely crappy if Tasunke is the last wolf; only being able to block slowcheeath. He cannot block ichabod because Ichabod's role is a passive one.
I'll go with Sareln for now. I'm not very confident.
You still have your charge??? Well, at least I know that Tasunke is unlikely to be a wolf due metagame issues so you and Gaspar are the last plasible wolfs in my eyes for now.