Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB59 Amicalola] The Vespertine Hour(s)

T150 Part Three - Future Plans Ramblings

So having neglected any long-term thinking whatsoever while things looked awful, I've been doing quite a bit of it recently (thanks Pindicator!). The situation has changed extremely rapidly on our island, and a clear Mr. Cairo>Amicalola>Naufragar power dynamic has emerged. Excluding the slightest potential for a win, I think my more realistic goal for the game is to be the eventual 'winner' of the island ('realistic' mischief ). The 1% scenario that I do win starts with that anyway, so it's what I'll shoot for.

The tougher question is how I get there. My army is here (this is pretty much the whole thing, other than garrisons):

And I need to keep it here. Naufragar was very badly damaged by my first strike, but he's started whipping his core, and I don't think I can push further. I don't think he ever signs peace, so a stack of Oromo warriors and 1st-ring culture will be absolutely critical to holding the area. It's unfortunate that I can't have a demilitarised border, but I think it was worth it. So I need to always plan around a potential attack here, and not make the same mistake I did with Pindicator.

Mostly though, what's framed my thinking is that I think Cairo and I are in a nearly zero-sum duel for control of the island. My gains are his losses, and vice-versa. My economy is catching back up to Cairo's now that Pindicator's land comes out of resistance, but that won't last forever; Cairo is either going to settle 1 or 2 Astro Islands, for 6-ish cities each. He's being slow to get the Western one, and if I'd bee-lined Astronomy instead of Gunpowder I could have gotten that for myself to close the gap, but now I don't think that's possible (now that I have Gunpowder, I think I can't bulb Astroalright). I'm on a pretty tight clock, with only a short window before Cairo critically out-techs me.

So, given the zero-sum duel nature of our relationship, I believe that means I need to press the attack before it's too late, and damage Cairo badly enough to extend that clock. That doesn't mean Right Now, especially given the Naufragar situation, but it does mean Soon. There is one thing that works heavily to my advantage here: Cairo is trying to win, and the 'way to win' at RB is to get economic techs first, and then backfill military techs with a better economy (I think it's really interesting that CivForum sometimes does the other way around, e.g. Construction->Currency. Fun meta difference). So, for example, I would expect Cairo to get Education before he gets Rifling or MilTrad, thanks to both his playstyle and the general RB meta. Cairo is also settling Astro islands, which I plan to ignore; for a limited time, they'll have cost more hammers than they've paid back. I believe this could give a critical temporary window, and that I need to press it as hard as possible.

I've identified two possible avenues of attack: cuirassiers or cavalry. Initially I was drawn to cuirs, because 'sooner,' and also because Nationalism is amazing with Ethiopia. But thinking about it more, there's a big problem with them. Cairo is about to unlock Aggressive, draft-able Janissaries. banghead duh rant Against any other civ, I'd prefer cuirs to cavs, especially in CtH where drafting muskets is more efficient than rifles (and Oromos even more). But against the Ottomans they seem so much weaker - that 25% is a huge deal in an iffy fight (e.g. attacking a city). Janissaries are probably great against cavalry too, but I'm hoping they're not quite so scary. I'll badly damage my own economy, but I'll (hopefully) hurt Cairo's even more, which is the name of the game now. I'll need to launch a GA along the way, both to speed up the teching process, convert civics (Nationalism!), and produce more units, but I already have two GP's for that, and unfortunately there isn't much for them to bulb anymore, now that Astronomy's out.

That brings us onto the critical choices from here: Tech Path. I'm just splitting techs into Optional and Mandatory for now, although I'll need to decide on some of the Optional ones pretty quickly.

Mandatory Techs
Drama - Globe Theatre will be crucial for creating another unit hub (production sucks on this map, and mine is even worse than average).
Music - Is a prerequisite for Military Tradition.
Civil Service - Prereq for Military Tradition.
Philosophy - Prereq for Military Tradition.
Nationalism - Drafting Oromo warriors seems like an obvious move.
Military Tradition - Required for cavalry (or cuirs, if I change my mind).
Banking - Prereq for Replaceable Parts.
Paper - Prereq for Printing Press.
Printing Press - Prereq for Replaceable Parts.
Replaceable Parts - Prereq for Rifling, convert many mines->windmills for faster recovery from whips.
Rifling - Required for cavalry, sadly removes Oromo drafts.frown

So even that is A LOT of technologies, which is why I think I need to be really stingy when choosing between the Optional Techs. Cairo has both a headstart on research, and a better economy, so I really need to beeline the military stuff ASAP. I'll say a bit more for the Optional Techs, because there's naturally more debate to them.

Optional Techs

Astronomy - Starting with a controversial one, I'm guessing. mischief So yeah, obviously attacking someone that has Galleons (and probably even frigates by then) without even having Astronomy seems crazy. And maybe it is. But my thinking is basically that I just need to smash Cairo on land (either overrunning his 'Cairo-land,' or Nauf's land if Cairo and I split that), and that 3000 beakers is A LOT to delay for a tech that doesn't technically help with that. I can always tech Astronomy while the attack happens. Upsides of researching the tech include both the obvious (galleons = AMAZING) and less obvious, such as being able to bulb Chemistry afterwards for Frigates too. The tech I most considered making Mandatory, and I'm super grumpy I can't bulb it anymore. Doh 

Chemistry - Only worth it if I get Astronomy beforehand. Big plus for this is that I will have either a scientist or a merchant from Unison during the GA, and both bulb Chemistry (I'm pretty sure. Bulb paths make my head hurt, and I need to look more closely at it).

Theology - If (when) I convert to Nationalism, I'll lose Vassalage. Theocracy would be a valuable replacement, considering Buddhism will be in nearly every city, and I'll be building nearly entirely units.

Education + Economics - I don't think getting the Great Merchant is realistic (although I'm 90% sure it hasn't fallen yet), but I do think that Free Market is the absolute nuts here. This is one of the techs I'm hoping Cairo will prioritise over military stuff, giving me much-needed time. Free Market might be SO good that I want this too, but it would be extremely greedy.

- - - - -

I'd guess I have about 5 turns to change my mind, which is entirely possible. One idea that comes to mind is if Cairo delays Gunpowder long enough that cuirs wouldn't fight many janissaries in an initial push. Or maybe 1-draft Oromos (opposed to 2-draft rifles) makes up for the cuirs<janissaries problem, and I go for Astro instead of Rifling. Maybe janissaries are just so obnoxious that I can't attack at all, and I'm dooming myself here. But I feel very strongly that I need to do some serious damage to Cairo before it's too late, and if I'm right, anything past cavalry is definitely 'too late.'
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

Like Dave, I want to leave a short "thank you" for those detailed reports of the world.
I only read a couple random pages per week and such postings are great to not get lost by this many players.

Gratz for pindicatorland (slightly surprised wink) and good luck for world domination. :D


(August 11th, 2021, 11:47)klops Wrote: Like Dave, I want to leave a short "thank you" for those detailed reports of the world.
I only read a couple random pages per week and such postings are great to not get lost by this many players.

Gratz for pindicatorland (slightly surprised wink) and good luck for world domination. :D

Thanks klops, I appreciate it. And hey, no one is more surprised than me! lol

Of course, plans for world domination have hit an immediate snag. I want to raze Delhi, because it's expanded borders at the Worst Time (imagine if I could still just walk up to the 1st-ring tile), and makes Hornblower Thunderbolt eternally vulnerable. But who can tell what's wrong with this picture?

Where are all my 1-movers?! rant  The answer:

Twiddling their thumbs on the border with Mr. Cairo, who moved his stack away 5 turns ago. Nice one, Amica. banghead  duh shakehead

The problem is, a victory with many casualties isn't really a victory, because I still need to hold Thunderbolt afterwards. Looking at Vodka, the best time to advance will be next turn, or not all all, depending on what Naufragar builds on the interturn. If there isn't much, I can raze it with more casualties than necessary. If he brings a lot, I just have to grit my teeth and leave it.
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

T152-153: Amicalola Makes A New Plan

Game Stuff
Not actually much happening right now. I've razed a couple of Naufragar's islands (sadly both autorazed), one in the inner sea with a sneaky fort-channel, and one on Pindicator's horse/crab island. I'll try to resettle the latter in about 5 turns. Otherwise, the stalemate at Thunderbolt and Delhi continues, but Cairo's troops are getting closer to his border. I am hoping he declares and invades immediately, although he might just wait for me to give him a better opportunity. Naufragar's GA still has 6 turns to go, and Cairo could make the 2nd half useless if he wants to.

Commodore razed an island city of TBS Donovan's, and that combined with a general heavy whip cycle by Donovan has pushed me up to 5th in food! But the gap between me and the top four (Civac, Miguelito, Mr. Cairo, Piccadilly) is large - I doubt I'll get past 5th for a long time. Miguelito and Civac made peace and are splitting Elkad. $100 says they're at each other's throats in 9 turns.

New Plan
So I wasn't super happy with the Rifling Plan, because it's just so far away that I have to neglect both Galleons/Frigates and Free Market to get a reasonable window of attack. But I was chatting with Vanrober about the game (and PB60), and he reminded me that cannons exist. I remember reading a lot last year during PB52 about how going for early Rifling is a bit of a single-player trap, because rifles are worse against humans, and cannons/cuirs are better. And because I've never captained a game to this point, I feel like I was falling into that trap a little. smoke

So I have been thinking recently that it would be better to attack with Cuirs/Oromos/Cannons. Other than the 'cannons are great' benefit, the other big one is that Chemistry is literally on the way to cannons, which means Galleons/Frigates are only 1 tech (Astronomy) away. I wouldn't have to research Printing Press, Banking, Replaceable Parts, or Rifling (Mandatory->Null) while only really adding Steel to the Mandatory Pile (I feel like Astro+Chemistry are borderline necessary). I think Free Market is still too expensive, as strong as it would be - Education+Economics for ~100-150 commerce-per-turn would be amazing if I was planning to build from here, but I'm not, and I don't know if I can afford the detour. Let's assume I can't for now, and hope I'm wrong.

I can broadly clump the planned techs into a few clusters:

Drafting Cluster - Drama, Theology, Philosophy, Nationalism (6120 beakers)
Cuirassiers Cluster - Music, Military Tradition (4680 beakers)
Ships Cluster - Paper, Astronomy, Chemistry (7920 beakers)
Cannons Pipedream - Steel (5040 beakers) (ALT - Military Science (2300 beakers))
Total (no cannons) - 18720 beakers   |   Total (cannons) - 23720 beakers

So you can see why Free Market looks like an unaffordable luxury right now. That's a lot of beakers!yikes I can count on using 1 Golden Age, and 1 bulb (probably of Chemistry) to get there, and I'm considering a risky conversion to Serfdom in the GA, mostly for the farm commerce (worker speed for Pindicator's land is nothing to complain about, either). I could also switch from Vassalage to Bureaucracy, to up my research rate by a little more. I'm pretty confident I could get the first 3 clusters in a GA launched around T158-160, but the cannons will be trickier. Maybe I attack initially with just cuirs, oromos and galleons, and tech/bring cannons for the 2nd wave? Maybe I wait a little longer? Maybe this plan is just as unrealistic as the Rifling one? It's hard to say... crazyeye
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)


I've literally never seen this in a multiplayer game before. 

On the one hand it's a good city and Cairo's moved his stack away. On the other, keeping this would be a real slap in the face. On the first, razing it would probably still make Cairo furious. Naufragar offered peace this turn, which I declined but can reoffer. Double slap in the face? Is Mr. Cairo the kind of person who could forgive such an unforgivable slight?

I have absolutely no idea what do to. crazyeye
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

I played before Cairo so I didn't get a chance to see what his stack is up to. The good news is that he didn't immediately move it back towards our border last turn, so perhaps he's taking the culture flip as an annoying-but-tolerable inconvenience. Perhaps. scared 

I spent the turn figuring out 8 cities to put theatres in, which I need to build Globe Theatre. Speaking of Globe Theatre, I've decided to build it in Pindicator's old capital, Baggins The Scouring Constellation. If I had taken it on T100 I would probably turn it into a cottage city like Unison, but I don't think there's time to grow the cottages anymore. The city can get a +16(!!!) food surplus at Size 5, which is an overkill amount of food to go from Size 5->6. So if we build Globe instead, we would get to draft an Oromo literally every turn! The timeline is a little wonky, but I'm hoping that that goes a very long way towards securing the south from Naufragar.

I figured 8 border cities that can have theatres by T158, so I guess that's when the whipping of Constellation starts. I think it's probably better to use overflow to build Globe, rather than raw hammers, although maybe that changes during the GA. The goal would be to have it finish by the end of GA, so around T168-9.

Music is the last tech I finish before saving gold. I want it now because after Thunderbolt builds a theatre, it will build pure culture for a few turns. I feel like getting the first ring back is a massive priority there, maybe even getting the theatre first is too greedy. The saving grace is that I can finish it in 1 turn, since the forge was the only surviving building there.

Edit: I did a little digging on whip mechanics and it's not as bad for National Wonders as I thought. Every population whipped contributes 22.5 hammers (multiplied by 2 in this case), so an 8->4 whip would produce 180 hammers, or more than half the building. So perhaps the best way to build the Theatre is a direct whip of the wonder itself, instead of overflow. Or rather, after overflow has already contributed 120/300 hammers.  contemplate
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

I Had Another Idea

My demos are improving faster than I expected, and more dramatically. I am starting to wonder if I might be able to keep up with Cairo for longer, after all. Kicking myself for not rushing Astro and getting the other island already. If I think I can keep up until rifles, it could be better to wait for that, right?

What if I just use the Golden Age to get Galleons and Cuirassiers, and use those to split Naufragar with Mr. Cairo (without much whipping, maybe 1 whipped cuir/galleon in every city). Then I could tech Chemistry/Steel or Rifling while the splitting is happening (and at a much more leisurely pace), and attack Cairo with a Horde afterwards. If I made the goal with that attack to take Old Cairo-Land, then it would be 3.5 cores vs. 1.5 cores (+1-2 Astrolands), which feels like a much more guaranteed win than 3 cores vs. 2 cores (the original plan). If I tech Astro now, I might even be able to get an Astroland for myself, although that might just be a waste of resources. So many options, so much time to ruminate on them...
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

Thanks for the extensive Turn 150 Infos! Like the other guys who already responded, I found them very helpful!

(August 20th, 2021, 02:27)Papa Bear Wrote: Thanks for the extensive Turn 150 Infos! Like the other guys who already responded, I found them very helpful!

Man, why bother with my own turns when I could just do more of those instead? lol

More seriously I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll try to do more, since it got such a good response, something like every 25 turns.
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

T156-157 - Peace (Yes, Really!)

So, I offered Naufragar peace last turn. He took it. The Vespertine Empire is at genuine peace for what feels like the first time in months. So why did I do it? Well... Call it greedy. Stupid. Suicidal. But I'm having a really hard time passing up Free Market on this map. 

I feel like at this point, I've successfully avoided the 2v1 that felt inevitable 15 turns ago. I'm not sure whether I got lucky or made a smart move, but I managed to essentially trick Cairo into moving his stack in the other direction, which was the ideal outcome for this war (probably more valuable than even the 5 cities). 

I've bloodied Naufragar badly, such that he had to spend his Golden Age whipping and buildings units instead of teching. It means he has a new stack, but it also greatly shortens the clock until my military is a generation ahead of The Village. 

Finally, I can't advance into Nauf any further without help from Cairo, and (I think) the same is true for him. But if Nauf has to choose which of our stacks to massacre during a joint-invasion, I don't think he'd find it a very hard choice. So peace, for now. hippy 

I think I'm going to delay the 'everything' timeline by about 10 turns to squeeze Free Market in. I thought about getting Astro before even that, and making a late dash to the remaining north-eastern island, but to be honest that feels like a waste of resources when war with Cairo is so inevitable. I feel like everything I have needs to either give me better military, or make that process faster (Free Market). Free Market means that when I whip everywhere to the ground (again), my economy will be able to take a lot more and keep chugging. And if I do end up in Free Market, I feel like that also gives me a lot more flexibility in how I fight Cairo down the track. Maybe I don't have to choose between Cannons and Cav/Rifles - having both would certainly make things easier...
Past Games: PB51  -  PB55  -  PB56  -  PB58 (Tarkeel's game)  - PB59  -  PB60  -  PB64  -  PB66  -  PB68 (Miguelito's game)     Current Games: None (for now...)

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