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[SPOLERS] yuris125, Pitboss 71. The battle Warrior of Light is unlikely to win

My god, 22 is a lot.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Yeah 22 killed is insane. Honestly great job and thanks for reporting. Sometimes you get Superdeathed, GG go next.

I feel like maybe there's something wrong with the counter, because 22 really is a lot! Wonder if it's counting them twice, 11 would be closer to what I expected

SD trapped my workers

Which is fine, they had to be there to chop, as I'm looking for every hammer I can scrounge for the archer spam. Deleting them is painful, but largely they did their job, and I would've had to delete them anyway before SD would capture my last city

In more amusing news

Did Krill's scout annoy SD that much, or is there something else going on?

Thoth now has iron, so I went ahead and asked for his copper. If he wants me to continue holding out against SD, he might be generous.....


I really wanted to have copper this turn, because I'm out of hammer overflow in Kugane, and needed to put something in the queue before double-whipping next turn. Being able to start the spear this turn means I can double whip with max overflow

Otherwise it would've had to be dry-whipping an archer

Thoth's 2nd city was a major annoynace for me, but now that I'm reduced to 1 city and merely surviving, that very city gives Thoth the incentive to keep me alive, as it makes his border so safe

I'm not naive enough to think I can push SD back, but this will certainly slow him down even further

It's T100, but there's not much of an overview to post. I questioned a while back whether I would survive this long, so I guess me not only being alive, but not really threatened right now counts for something lol

Whipped a spear as planned, not much else to do with my single city

If there's anything you would like me to show (it is T100 after all), do tell!

Don't know why I haven't deleted the worker yet. I'm not accepting peace unless SD at least gives Ishgard back, and even if her were to offer that, not sure if I would accept. But don't see that happening, and don't see a reason to accept peace otherwise. So probability that the worker still get a chance to do something productive in this game is very low. But don't think the city is falling this turn, so might as well keep it around for now

Not attacking out of the city. It made sense to risk my spears on attack when I tried to protect against pillage. But now that SD already pillaged everything, there's no reason to sacrifice defensinve bonus. My trade with Thoth is sea-based, SD cannot disrupt it (I think Old Sharlayan is his only coastal city, and we know that the sea it's on is not connected to the Kugane sea), so I don't care about him pillaging the roads if that's what he wants to do

SD did pillage the roads, and now has 7 keshiks in range. I have 7 defenders (3 spears and 4 archers), so technically I could die this turn, even though it's very unlikely. Still keeping the worker around, if SD does capture the city without losses he can have it, but if he suffers massive losses and I get a chance to work on improving tiles again, I will regret deleting it. Most likely will have to delete it next turn or the turn after though

Are you for real mate?!?

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