Speaking of not being able to figure out why I couldn't do something
This happened this past turn. I unloaded a missionary in the city of Cabot and I was like "WHERE IS THE SPREAD CHRISTIANITY BUTTON?!?!!?". I thought maybe that it was some sort of bug with coming right off the ship.
Then I saw the cross that said it was already in the city. Turns out it auto-spread the turn before. Nice timing!!
And here's a nice shot of my intrepid ice worker scouting for some food near that ice copper
Nope. So I won't be founding a city up here.
Tech-wise, I finished Machinery and have saved 2t for Feudalism, which I will top off with 2t of 100% research the next 2 turns, followed by Guilds and Banking.
I kind of lost darrell's teching / pop numbers. The further that we get along, the harder it is to determine this stuff. I started writing a simple Java program to take the number of cities and his population from the demographics, and just brute force what his cities pop his. I think it could get you pretty close.