I log in to check a litlle the map.Rememner when I said Laz starting position was overstron? Check out this...
So he has a forested deer and that is not all he got as well , a grass deer and thats not all folks he has a second 2/2 tile , already an improved Ivory for example. And us was denyed a forested freaking Ivory? oh and he has plains cow as well
Man this map is so unfair I have no words for it. And his second city is far better then ours as well.
talikng about second cities check this out?
yeah totaly comparable with what you Gira got
(there is gras cooper, gras horses, weat corn and riverside cows). NO wonder Noble is doing so well. Well there is civac having same with 2 horses and a cooper, riverside rice and more gems which i found nowere.
So lets supse we setled in place we got a fish and riverside cow(very demanding in tech) , and second city would got Horses and dry corn , and city for cooper would had like food a dry rice. Can you even think to compare this stuff?
We must got something to compensate for that? A close fur? 7 tiles from our capitol 6 from Laz. Man if didnt took the city with horses from Laz(yeah was way closer to him) we had nothing.Gems? nope those are for civac, and even worse all grain resources on our side of map are dry.
I know is not easy to build a map, but realy I dont get it why this position must be so bad. Add some freaking river , gave a plus happines , gave a forested deer or at leas how was requested forested ivory make game fun for all. Is like Gira is a super campion and needs to play with severe handicap compared to Noble, civac, or vanromer even Laz. I am realy open to see at least one thing we had so we can compete.