Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Athlete and Lewwyn are SHAKA OF THE VIKINGS

I've just been doing some late planning and I think I've decided this route.

As of EOT 103, Niagara Falls just completed a worker. It will start a settler immediately and 2 pop whip it on T106. It will found on T108 to the NW of Niagara Falls and fit quite nicely into the gap between Niagara Falls and Montreal.

On T105 Halifax will start a settler at it's newly acquired size 7 and 2 pop whip it on T107 which should allow it to found on my back island on T111.

That will bring me up to 8 cities. At that point I might try to get 2 more out and aim for The Hanging Gardens but who knows for sure.

Also I'm currently on 0% research on Currency and starting T104 I can turn on research and blast through to complete Currency at EOT107. However I am going to spend one more turn on 0% and hammer out Calendar before getting back to currency. This will allow me to continue to grow Charlottetown and soon Halifax past size 10 as I've got 2 calendar happy, soon to be 3 once I regain the sugar by Ottawa.

Oh and I regained the gems 1NW of Ottawa this turn which was super nice!
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

Nice update. A few cities going to library builds I notice. lol

How long did it take you to do the multi-unit highlighted screenshots?

spacemanmf Wrote:Nice update. A few cities going to library builds I notice. lol

How long did it take you to do the multi-unit highlighted screenshots?

Maybe about 15 - 20 mins. The most time consuming part of it is all the cutting and pasting bang.
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

Which programme do you use to cut and paste Athlete?

I'm just using paint right now. I don't have any other type of graphic media though if I had any interest I'm sure I could find some. Anybody use anything different that might expedite the process somewhat?
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

T104 went about as expected for the most part. An axe appeared close to Montreal so Ray Bourque promoted to Flanking I and killed him. I then moved some units around for fog busting, followed by all my worker actions. I moved the spear (Brent Seabrook, I think) out of Ottawa to cover my worker chopping a jungle 1W of it. Niagara Falls had completed it's 1T worker so I've now started a settler.

At the EOT the demographics showed that I had finally moved into 4th place on the population stats. It's too bad because over the next several turns I'll be whipping a couple of cities whip
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

Played T105 this morning. Unfortuneately it didn't make it around for a 2nd turn today. Oh well.

Started a settler in Halifax and that was about it. Though I did realize this turn I had sent my 1T worker from Niagara Falls to the wrong spot to road for the next city site. I could have corrected it this turn and still been able to found on time but as I rushed through I just started a road on the tile I was on so the net result is delaying the city by a turn. Good news is though my city going on to my back island (settler from Halifax) will actually be able to settle on T110 not T111 as I originally posted.

The lord giveth and taketh away smile... <--not meant to offend anybody
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

[Image: T106-OverviewNF.jpg]
Here's a picture of where my next city will be founded. The green path is what was supposed to happen and because of my goof the yellow path is what I will follow. It is now 1T delayed. I could go back on to the green path with still a 1T delay but there's a Byzantine axe in the fog right there so no need to let him know I've got a settler there until it's founded.

Apart from that T106 was just doing some worker actions and moving units around.

I highlighted the score box so you can see just how far behind I am. I'm hoping to change that obviously!
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

Played T107 last night.

My workers unloaded to where I will plant my city on the back island and now have 2T of chopping into that forest. It won't give me much but some is better than nothing. My galley is on the way back to pick up my settler which completed thanks to a 2-pop whip at EOT 107. I was at 40/100 and producing 20F+H so would have been at 60/100 and been able to 2-pop whip the settler. For some reason I believed I couldn't 2-pop whip at 60 (with a forge) so whipped a turn to soon. Not the end of the world but whatever.

Niagara Falls moved it's settler and started on a library while working Pigs, Gold, Grass/River/Cottage and a Grass/River/Iron/Cottage. T108 I'll road the gold and then T109 I'll mine the Iron. That will give me atleast 4 Libraries by the time I start on Currency. Oh and working the gold here has sped up Calendar by a turn so I shall have it at EOT108 which will be nice.

Fredricton I will be 2-pop whipping a Library soon (next turn I think) and I will overflow onto Stonehenge and slow build the rest of the way. I'm struggling on how to best get my 2nd GP from here. I believe I shall build Henge, a temple and hire a priest but also hire 2 scientists from here. If I get a GS, great I get an academy. Otherwise I get my shrine. I'm not sure of timeframes yet but I think that would be best rather than forget the scientists and aim strictly for a Priest.
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

So T108 played and Calendar came in at EOT.

2-pop whipped the Library in Fredricton. Having a poke around I saw that Stonehenge was 120H. I had thought it was actually 180. This means that with Stone and a Forge my overflow is going to give me 117H on T109 if I select StoneHenge. I may just have to stop working a farm for an Engineer so I can 1T build it! The Collossus is also due at EOT 109 so I could have both wonders on the same turn!

I will have a Spices with a plantation done beside Ottawa in time so that when Charlottetown grows to size 12 it will have the happy cap space. Also the silks by Montreal will be done shortly after that so I'm fine for the immediate future.

Moai Statues is due at EOT 115 right now in Halifax but I think that might drop once it grows. Either way it will be complete by the time that it's ready to start working coastal tiles. 2/1/3...not bad.

Quebec City is set to be founded on T109 and St. John's on T111. I'm back to T111 on the 2nd city as there's a barb galley around there now and I'd rather not risk anything while a settler is aboard.

I just noticed that Babylon (TRD) has construction. I'm not overly fond of this...but oh well. It was bound to happen. I'm going to blow through currency...should be done about T113...spend 3 turns on gold for Seven...and then get construction myself. So I should have it by T122 at the latest. Next up is to get Code Of Laws and then Civil Service. And the time spent between getting construction and getting Civil Service is going to be spent mostly on building Catapults twirl. I'll probably squeeze a market in a couple of cities but apart from that...

I've still got my eye on The Hanging Gardens to be built in Niagara Falls...though no definitive plan yet. I might try to get that one done tomorrow.
Played in:
RBPB2 - Willem of Ottoman - 6th/10
RBPB3 - Joao of Inca 13th/17 or so???
PBEM6 - Shaka of the Vikings 2nd/5 (thanks Lewwyn)
Dedicated Lurker For: Scooter/Pindicator/Noble PB8

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