November 22nd, 2014, 15:03
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November 22nd, 2014, 19:56
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Turn 22
Where is Copper?
I think that was the only Copper visible on our map, but I might have forgotten to check some places. I also fortified the Warrior because there's no need to take a dumb risk just to advance a tile right now. Hopefully that lion just attacks and dies.
Here's a useless grassland camp. Agriculture is queued up as the next tech.
Demos were snapped I put us into anarchy, soooo. Whoops.
Also, Shaka/Rome and Monty/Vikings got a score increase of 6, so probably a tech. I really should put the opponent list somewhere on the first page, because I am having trouble keeping track of the combos and who is who. Average enemy soldier points went up 2K, so that's like 12000 points out there. Rival highest didn't change, but since I haven't really been tracking this since the early turns nothing I can tell.
I have this weird compulsion to look at the demos even though I have no intention and no capability of doing anything with that info. I'll probably keep posting them every turn, though.
November 22nd, 2014, 19:58
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As far as cities to grab the Copper are concerned, I'm thinking it'll be our City 3, and probably 1E of those plains sheep. It loses out on being coast, but at least it can pick up that flood plains (it'll have to be farmed, I'm sure). Hopefully City 4 can grab that gold. Not really sure where to go next, but north seems to have more food than the south.
November 22nd, 2014, 20:23
(This post was last modified: November 22nd, 2014, 20:24 by Gavagai.)
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Why not 1W from Copper? Capital will pop borders on T50 and get the Sheep into our culture. So, it's not pressing to have it in the first ring.
November 22nd, 2014, 20:25
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Also, none of improvements are useless. They can be pillaged for gold with warriors at the very least.
November 22nd, 2014, 20:27
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Actually, 1NW from Copper looks even better.
November 22nd, 2014, 20:56
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Good point about pillaging for gold, I forgot about that.
It's true that the capital will expand borders on T50, but we'll probably have our 2nd Settler out on Turn ~42, and I figured it's best to have food in the 1st ring for growth (we haven't met anyone yet, so I'm not worried about being rushed by anyone). However, 1NW of Copper has merit as it definitely looks stronger long-term, so I think you will probably convince me. I suppose the Gold site could make use of the pigs or something. Maybe even settle 1E of the Gold? It could borrow the wheat until borders get popped.
What role do you think the Copper city will have? We can get: Sheep (4 food), FP Farm (4 food), Wet Wheat (5 Food), so +9 food surplus at size 3. 4 hills (one with copper) and 2 foods that provide hammers, so I'm thinking this is going to be a production city. We can get a happy cap of 8 there (6 base, +1 Ivory, +1 Gold), and work.... all the mines for sure. That'd be 5+4+3+3 = 15 hammers, plus 3 from city and wheat and sheep, so 18 base hammers. Yeah.
Oh, for what it's worth, it could also work a cottage for the capital.
While we're on this, what's the long-term plan for city 2? It's pretty green and will have a decent food surplus with the corn, flood plain, and crabs (with border pop), so probably a cottage city, and it can make use of a couple mines when it needs more hammers?
November 23rd, 2014, 11:47
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Brief non-picture update because I'm in a rush:
Warrior defeated Lion, but requires 3 turns to heal. I'm going to fortify to heal because the Warrior is no scout and I don't want him to die because of low HP.
Scout sees nothing of real interest.
Worker Completes Mine. Next turn city grows to 4, completes Warrior 3, starts Settler.
Immediate micro plan is: Worker roads hill, then worker finishes road 1W capital, then roads to corn, yes? I think we'll want to have 2 Warriors covering the area, otherwise the Worker or Settler will end up exposed. There's at least 1 wolf lurking around.
Pictures later.
November 23rd, 2014, 16:17
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Injured Warrior. Will heal, then reveal that fog.
Interesting spot, side by side are two grassland forest mines (2f/3f). Those are actually nice tiles, and if there was some way to get those in a city's BFC....
Top food and production the same. I forget who else is size 3 right now. I'd have to go back and try to figure it out from score increase.
By the way, Gav or Lurkers or whoever, on turn 20, how many points is it one gets from land tiles? I forget the formula.
I'll also try to do a few sims tonight to get an idea of what to do.
November 23rd, 2014, 19:49
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So I just kinda mashed through the sim. I don't get the 3rd Settler produced until T61. (2nd Settler was T46--I got the Granary first.) I had also produced 7 Warriors before Copper was hooked up (ended up with 2 Spearmen because I didn't time things well). 4 Workers (5th would finish T62). I'm pretty sure that this is way too slow for expansion. I didn't track my exact choices, but basically I grew the cities on Warriors (because there was nothing else to build), got Granaries in our first 2 cities as fast as possible, chopped where I could, and made sure to have a road to city 3 in time for the Settler. Copper was hooked up first, and I didn't particularly plan worker actions around the border expansion, but got the Sheep hooked up fairly quickly. Capital was size 6/7 at this point.
So those are my benchmarks. Gav, I'm assuming that by turn 60, I should have more?