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Woden's and Chevalier Mal Fet's [Insert Clever Name Here] Team Thread

Turn 23

Man, I happened to be checking the client when the save got to Woden yesterday, and I was all excited because he almost always plays his turn within the hour, and I was ready to play! We'd whip through both our turns very quickly! But he's pretty busy with Christmas stuff, as for the first time the save sat with him for over six hours and I missed my window.  lol Can't complain, our pace has been great so far. I got my turn in last night, and I'll try to give a bit of an overview since I haven't done that in a while. 

Score report: 
Player Score ScoreCivicEmpireGreat PeopleReligionTechWonders
Emperor K202200040
The Archduke192130040
Japper2|?Icon_Science?Icon_Culture35?Icon_Faith ?|?Icon_Gold
Emperor K2|4.1Icon_Science?Icon_Culture302Icon_Faith72|10Icon_Gold
Chevalier2|4.8Icon_Science3.2 Icon_Culture4611.4Icon_Faith 15|8.2Icon_Gold
The Archduke2|3.6Icon_Science?Icon_Culture251Icon_Faith79|13Icon_Gold
Great People GenAdmEngMerProSciWriArtMus
Japper 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Emperor K 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|20.00|0.00|10.00|10.00|10.0
BRickAstley 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Woden 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Chevalier 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Singaboy 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
The Archduke 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Mike 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|18.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0

Notes: A flurry of cities - Archduke, Emperor, and Singaboy all get down their second settlements on the same turn. I knew there were settlers out on the map, and everyone's hot on my heels! I notice my domination score spiked with my city's foundation - do they factor in? But Emperor's domination score did NOT spike - perhaps I'll see that next turn? I dunno. Anyway, nothing else of interest that I noticed. It'll be fun to see if Mike/Emperor start competing GP projects. 

On to my turn:

[Image: qzUakli.png]

I start the turn by finishing foreign trade, finally completing my second civic! Rome/China are already midway through researching their fourth, but we all know how much of a cultural powerhouse Rome is in the start of the game. Once I settle my area and take Kabul I can get out a round of monuments to equalize things. Anyway, foreign trade lets me slot in new policies, so I go ahead and create a new government:

[Image: qo6xAtj.png]

Especially with Salamis being founded, I want to get out of God-King and into Urban planning. However, Operation Apollodorus depends on as much faith generation as possible, so I can't swap out yet, not if I want a good pantheon. Meanwhile, I go ahead and remove discipline in favor of Maritime industries. It won't benefit me for 8 turns - 1 turn to finish mining, 7 to research Sailing - but I'm not confident I'll have Craftsmanship done in 8 turns to slot it in then. Anyway, this civic is usually not very useful, but I'm not fighting barbarians at the moment. When I do gain the ability to build ships, this will boost the production of my first two galleys. After that, I'll swap into Agoge and get my land forces up and running for the Kabul attack. 

The situation at Salamis:

[Image: vySmESk.png]

The purchased builder moves out to the stone. If I had been wise, he could have started the quarry this turn and I would get an extra 2 faith in the pantheon race. As it is, my research mistake costs me only 2 faith, one turn. I hope it's not decisive. 

I start my warrior north. I have fog just two tiles from my capital in the north! My starting warrior got sidetracked down here, hunting down the barb scout and shielding the settler, while my other scout is headed into the great unknown, but it's time to clear out that patch at least as far as the tundra. I have to say, I'm not satisfied with my exploration this game so far - but it's a consequence of only having two units to work with and otherwise focusing on economy (which may have been a mistake - more on that later). 

My other scout continues to plunge westwards as quick as I can go. The land continues in that direction for certain, and I think my next settler is headed out to that isthmus. No foreigners in sight, but the opposite is not true on Woden's side of the map

[Image: 5VFzMa4.png]

There's a city 3 tiles from the shore of that lake! I expect Woden will check it out once he clears out the barbs. Could that be Emperor's new city? A city-state? Either way, there's a settling race in this direction for certain. 

Speaking of, Woden, I realized that with your military you don't really need to win a settling race. If you send a small army of archers this way, with a warrior for backup, you can effectively deter Emperor from settling in our claimed spots. If he does, without the muscle to back it up, you can just seize the city! I want to see if there's room for small border wars between players, without having to escalate into a full on battle of annihilation. If we seize the city, then offer peace in 10 turns with no further aggressive moves, would the hypothetical Emperor take it? Or would he interpret it as a sign of weakness and press on? Just noodling for down the road. 

Trafalgar I think demonstrates why an early builder might have been a mistake on my part:

[Image: nIphEbW.png]

I improve the horses, then...nothing! I don't want to chop this riverside forest (although a mine might be better than a mill?), I can't chop the jungles without bronze working, I can't plantation the silk without irrigation, and I can't research irrigation until I farm that wheat! The tile picker says it's going to take it, but that's 8 solid turns! I really want this tile over the stupid bananas tile, but I don't see many alternatives here. So, my builder is going to stand around uselessly for 8 turns waiting for a tile to improve or a tech to finish. Should I have built a slinger instead, to explore, and only THEN gone for the builder? Probably, in retrospect. My research mistake doesn't matter here, since the jungles have to wait for irrigation and irrigation has to wait for the borders to grab the wheat, unless I want to waste a bunch of culture. 

I know that small advantages can add up in these games, but I'm hoping that my play in grander strategy makes up for my lackluster micromanagement thus far. 

Speaking of micromanagement, I notice that even working the bananas tile my city is growing slower than a snail in peanut butter, so I swap around the tiles a bit:

[Image: 0JiwNhn.png]

I drop the bananas, taking growth from 17 turns to 31 (whoop de doo), but dropping the trader I started this turn from 4 turns to 3. I can swap back later, or just wait for the wheat farm to be my growth tile. 

As for the trader, I have 3 options, I figure:

1)Send him to Woden's capital to build a road connection between us. This will be important down the road, when we need to shuttle military forces back and forth, but for now I don't think it's high-priority.

2)Send him to Kabul, to build a road for our forces approaching there. However, Kabul is close enough and our timeline on conquest loose enough that I don't think this is an optimal use either. 

3)Relocate to Salamis and run him to the capital (or to Amun!) for a road and boosted yields. I think this is the best choice - extra food for the food-poor Salamis, jumpstarting the city's growth a bit. 

So that's the plan on that front. When the trader finishes, I might get my new settler out fast. I think EXPANSION MODE is the way to go right now - Kabul boosts me for the moment, and is quietly developing on its own. Once I have the immediate area settled and I'm ready to start infrastructure instead of units, the city will have outlived its usefulness. Do you agree, Woden? 

Finally, an overview of the known world:

English lands:
[Image: UcG8pMz.png]

The southwest is looking like better ground than the disappointing northwest. I tentatively plot one of my blocker cities, but I need to explore more to find the best spot. Leyte is mostly a placeholder/jumping off point for discussion. It looks like there's an offshore island with horses, cattle, and whales, as well. 

Nubian land:

[Image: YFkL8Vy.png]

South and east of Woden's capital lies a fertile land of clustered lakes. On the far side of the lake country is likely Russia. I wonder what lies on the far side of Kandy? 

Woden, I think I need either a pair of canal cities or a city on the coast in that direction, to deploy ships. I'd prefer two canal cities, so I can transfer my navy back and forth, but we'll see. Again, just a thought for down the road. 

This will probably be my last update before Christmas. Enjoy the holiday in whatever manner you deem fit! Merry Christmas, all!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turns 22 - 25

Sorry I have fallen behind a little bit but been busy running around to various family functions for Christmas.

(December 24th, 2017, 11:09)Chevalier Mal Fet Wrote: Man, I happened to be checking the client when the save got to Woden yesterday, and I was all excited because he almost always plays his turn within the hour, and I was ready to play! We'd whip through both our turns very quickly! But he's pretty busy with Christmas stuff, as for the first time the save sat with him for over six hours and I missed my window.  lol Can't complain, our pace has been great so far.

The save reached me about 10 minutes after I left to go to my grandma's Christmas and was already running late (kids) so I couldn't turn around. Knew it was going to be awhile but I couldn't give you a heads up because she live 50 miles past nowhere Wisconsin.  

Anyways, on to the turns...
Turn 22

Start this turn realizing my slinger by Salamis is stuck, so I move him to defog the coast off this point...

All I really discover is some whales off the piece of land in the south. Might be a nice city down there with horses, cows, and whales. Don't know if it is an island or part of our main land mass. Barb scout shows up near my warrior...

And I defog a little bit south of Amon. Found a freshwater lake. Not a lot of rivers in the southeast. Builder moves to the Jade and I mine it, giving...



That is about it for this turn. 

Turn 23

Quite turn. Just moving units. Here is how most ended up...

Should be able to take the barb camp in 4 or 5 turns. 

CMF, you may want to double check Mike's empire score. I see an empire score of 11...

But your score tracker shows 14. 11 makes more sense; 1 city, 1 district, and 3 population. Don't know if it shows something different for you.

Turn 24

Another quite turn. I do finish Archer...

Not much else and this was the only screenshot I took. Just moving units.

Turn 25

Start with...

Whcih allows me to change policies...

Don't need God King anymore since I have my pantheon. Not sure if I needed it anyways but better safe than sorry. Also go with Agoge. Not seeing anytime soon where I won't be running that. It grants me 100% bonus on range (+50% for card, +50% civ ability). Also means all chops can be doubled. I feel I have had a slow start to this game but lets look back in 20 or so turns after a few chops. 

I do hit the barb camp with my warrior. Here is how things look at the end of the turn...

I am bring a slinger back to Amon to get upgraded once I clear the camp. The slinger by England is also moving to England's capital to get upgraded. I will upgrade the on at Amon next turn and the one by England when I clear the camp. Then I will have a few good scouters to find and destroy barb camps and/or find Russia/Germany. 

I know a lot has been discussed since my last turn report. I will discuss some of those points tomorrow after I review the posts again and it is not so late.

No worries, Woden, I figured it was Christmas stuff. I trust you had a lovely holiday. :D Get anything great?

For the first time I have two turns to report, since I didn't log in at all on Christmas (and found the save was with me for 12 hour! Don't you people have families!? :P)

So, Turn 24 & 25, England 

Score report: 
Player Score ScoreCivicEmpireGreat PeopleReligionTechWonders
Emperor K204200060
The Archduke192130060
Japper2|?Icon_Science?Icon_Culture35?Icon_Faith ?|?Icon_Gold
Emperor K2|4.1Icon_Science?Icon_Culture302Icon_Faith92|10Icon_Gold
Chevalier2|4.8Icon_Science3.2 Icon_Culture4615.4Icon_Faith 23|8.2Icon_Gold
The Archduke2|3.6Icon_Science?Icon_Culture251Icon_Faith105|13Icon_Gold
Great People GenAdmEngMerProSciWriArtMus
Japper 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Emperor K 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|22.00|0.00|11.00|11.00|11.0
BRickAstley 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Woden 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Chevalier 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Singaboy 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
The Archduke 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Mike 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|20.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0

I missed a turn, and I'm not updating the domination scores for this turn since I didn't have the time, so those are out of date. Plus, I have no idea how much information they really convey anyway! My own score has fluctuated wildly over the last 3 turns as I founded a city and bought a unit, so I think gold and cities are incorporated somehow? But I'm not at all sure, and CQUI isn't especially helpful in determining what the cause is. 

Anyway, the only significant thing was Rome finishing its settler on turn 24, while the GP race seems to have died down. 

My own two turns were quiet. The scout pushes west:

[Image: HzbbBPz.png]

Lovely countryside out here. Definitely superior to the barren north - I think I want a wave of settlers sent this way (with a modest military to escort) sooner rather than later. I can worry about monuments and other infrastructure after I have the land locked down. 

I finish mining and start research on Sailing to get my galleys going:

[Image: j84eeZp.png]

I immediately build Salamis a quarry, which in turn triggers the inspiration for Masonry and drops an envoy each into Kandy and Kabul. Faith spikes from +1 to +3 per turn. Will it be enough to outrace Rome? Hopefully! We'll find out in about 5 turns! Research is set to Sailing before Irrigation, since I'm stuck at Trafalgar waiting for border expansion. Everything is bottlenecked by culture at the moment, since most of my important improvements are locked behind irrigation and THAT, in turn, is locked behind the farm-a-resource inspiration. Soon, though. 

The trader finishes next turn, and I'll rebase him to Salamis and start a route back to the capital. 

Sorry for the short report, but not a lot happened over the holiday. I'm eager to see what Woden finds in the east after he clears that encampment - is it a city-state, or another player? Tune in next time (well, in a week or so more like) to find out!
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turns 26

Start this turn with some interesting choices. First...

Do I hit the scout or do I move to upgrade to an Archer? I decided to move to upgrade since I wouldn't kill the scout and can chase him down with the 3-movement Archer if I find him again. 

Next, the barb spearman moves out of the camp...

I hit him with the Slinger and then stuck with the option of taking the camp for 50 gold or attack the spearman. I decided to remove the camp since I could see another unit popping out of there next turn if I didn't. 50 gold for me, plus camp gives... 


Spearman should attack in between turns and both the Slinger and Warrior will survive. Then I will get the eureka for Bronzeworking and bring its research time to 6 or 7 turns. I should also be able to upgrade the Slinger over by England in a few turns.  That is about it for this turn. I am last in score but it is way to early for that to make much difference. I should be able to catch up soon, once I can get a Builder out and do a few well timed chops. Definitely be able to move to the head of the pack once I become Suzerain of Valletta and don't need to sink Icon_Production into City Center infrastructure.

Responses to discussion

I figure I would take a little time and respond to some of the discussion that has gone over teh last few days.

To start off, good catch CMF on the city in the southeast, I missed that one. My warrior will head down there after the spearman is dead. My thinking is that it is most likely a city state on the outskirts of Russia's/Germany's continent but I guess it could be one of their cities. I guess we will find out in a few turns. Weird that you haven't met them yet, I have met both of them. I wonder if TheArchduke has not met me either?

A brief look at our landmass and I think your next city should go in the southwest to have a presence there and, likewise, my second city will go to the southeast. I think for your 4th city, you might want to send it to the southeast and settle the eastern canal city to make sure we can get it. Plus, it is on a different continent, so you will get a free melee unit. Hopefully by then we can scout the southern coast and know if we can get another canal city. It would be nice to have access around our continent to shift units around as needed. As for my third city, I will go either the Horus location or I want to check around the northern spot with the double stone to see if there is more food up there. I can see cows but if there is another food resource it might be a better 3rd city location that I can use for a settler farm. I will send one of my chopped Archers up there to check it out. 

I agree with both you (CMF) and oledavy that we need to check out Russia/Germany before we go all out on military build up but I do want to be prepared. I definitely don't want to make a move and have them hit Machinery right as I get to there cities. I will send the Archer that I just upgraded to check out the southern coast and then make his way to find Russia/Germany. then we can make an assessment once we find them. My previous strategy was more of a framework to guide my development and I still think it is fairly valid. I am also convinced that if they are relatively close, early aggression is the best move.

I don't know if I am missing anything else. If so, let me know. I think we are on track and it helps that everybody else is going for religion (I guess we don't know yet if China is but I don't see why not).

Edit: The answer one more question, I did get the Rise and Fall expansion for Christmas, so I will count that as an awesome gift! How about you?

Turn 26

It only took the save 8 hours to get back to me! Remarkable! 

Anyway, while Woden has action-packed turns fighting barbarians and upgrading super archers, I'm quietly building.

Score report: 
Player Score ScoreCivicEmpireGreat PeopleReligionTechWonders
Emperor K314210060
The Archduke192130060
Japper4|?Icon_Science?Icon_Culture35?Icon_Faith ?|?Icon_Gold
Emperor K3|4.1Icon_Science?Icon_Culture302Icon_Faith102|10Icon_Gold
Chevalier3|4.8Icon_Science3.2 Icon_Culture4618.4Icon_Faith 39|8.2Icon_Gold
The Archduke3|3.6Icon_Science?Icon_Culture251Icon_Faith118|13Icon_Gold
Great People GenAdmEngMerProSciWriArtMus
Japper 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Emperor K 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|24.00|0.00|12.00|12.00|12.0
BRickAstley 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Woden 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Chevalier 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Singaboy 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
The Archduke 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0
Mike 0|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|22.00|0.00|0.00|0.00|0.0

Emperor's the only one with a city and a district out, for a high empire score, but Mike just finished his first settler. Rome's settler is still en route. I forgot to enable CQUI for my turn, so I can't update domination scores anyway. Plus, I worry that since I played the last week or so in a hurry, some of my scores are getting out of date - Mike's inflated empire score was one error that crept in, and there may be others. At turn 30 I'm going to carefully calibrate all our cloak and dagger information, so we know it's accurate. 

Let's see, other news? Not really. Almost certain that Japper/Mike have a scientific city state, and Rome/China have a cultural one. Both excel in those areas. Woden and I lag in score by comparison, but our city-state bonuses are geared towards stuff that doesn't show up in the score: Faith and units. So I'm not too worried that we seem to be perpetually last in score. 

Here's my scout, pressing on. The land sprawls wide:

[Image: 4ZOnxfD.png]

No sign of intelligent life anywhere - settler map remains all green. Not sure if I should swing north or south to stay in contact with the coast, or continue to focus on distance. I think I'll avoid the south coast, since I can scout that with a galley, so it's either north or west for my choices. Or north west! 

[Image: vL5LPsR.png]

At home, Trafalgar finishes its trader, which is rebased to Salamis to get that city off the ground. I'm left with the choice of continuing my settler, or building a military unit. I decide to start working on a second slinger. My reasoning:

1)The slinger is quick to build, only 4 turns. Low opportunity cost.
2)The barbarian camp to the west may very well have produced another scout or similar unit. I need a unit to escort my settler anyway.
3)Growth - I still would like the capital to hit size 4. At 14 turns, even working my highest food, I may grow tired of waiting, but at least I can crank out a pair of slingers first. 

Next turn I'm going to carefully consider my terrain to the west, and start a dotmap in that area. Lepanto and Actium are both second-tier cities at best, and nothing at all around the desert seems promising.
I Think I'm Gwangju Like It Here

A blog about my adventures in Korea, and whatever else I feel like writing about.

Nubia-Turns 27

I really do love the Pitati Archer...

Forgot to get a before picture but my Archer  started on the desert tile. Normally I could not hit the scout because the wood blocks vision but since I have 3 movement points I was able to move to the Jungle plains and still have movement to attack. Plus the +5 strength (30 instead of 25) let me kill the scout! This was my 3rd kill, so...

This drops Bronze Working down to 6 turns. I move the western Slinger into English lands to upgrade next turn and I move the eastern Slinger back towards Amon to guard the Settler being produced next turn. My warrior eliminates the Spearman threat and will now move back south starting next turn. 

In international news...

Emperor K's empire score jumps again! 27 to my 8! Checked the GP screen...

Looks like he built/chopped another Lavra plus a few shrines (6 GPP). He is pushing hard for religion. Hopefully this has everybody else push hard too so that we can get a cheaper Prophet if we every find a natural wonder. 

Lastly, I tried setting up a settling strategy in the desert areas to maximize the number of cities I can get the +40% production on districts (having a Nubian Pyramid next to the city center). Here is probably the best option...

In fact I think this is the only option for getting 3 cities into this area. Might be able to shift it around if there is more desert in the north by the mountains but it is fairly tight for three cities. Let me know if you see something different. Now that I have this set up, I will play around with district placement to get some sweet Nubian Pyramid tiles with lots of district adjacency bonuses. 

Speaking of districts, I hope you saw Cornflakes post about the district discount...

(December 27th, 2017, 12:11)Cornflakes Wrote: The district discount mechanism's mysteries have been unveiled! Source post at Civ Fanatics: The explanation there is somewhat opaque. After reading the post I had to scratch it out with paper and pen to wrap my mind around it, so I'll restate it here in a way that I was able to understand it better. With the following variables defined:

C = total number of completed districts (regardless of type)
P = placed districts of the specific type in question (e.g. Commercial Hub), this includes the sum of completed and uncompleted districts of the specific type
A = available districts to build, which is based on techs discovered. (e.g. Astrology + Writing + Bronze Working = 3 available districts)

For a specific district type, the discount is available only if both of the following are true:
1) C>=A
2) C/A > P

The discount does not apply to Spaceport, Aqueduct or Neighborhood and thus these districts are not included when counting up A & C. Count only Aerodrome, Campus, Commercial Hub, Encampment, Entertainment Complex, Harbor, Holy Site, Industrial Zone & Theater Square. Thus A has a range up to 9.

For an example, say there are 4 total districts complete and 4 possible district types you have the tech to build. Thus C=A=4 and C/A = 4/4 = 1. Let's say at this point you have not placed any Holy Sites (HS) so P = 0. Both conditions are met for the first HS district placed. After placing the first HS, P becomes 1 thus C/A is no longer greater than P. HOWEVER, after completing the HS (or any other district), C/A = 5/4 which is greater than 1 and the discount then applies to the 2nd HS.

A initial thought about this is that I am going to figure out how to abuse it. I just need a little time to work it out. Another thought is that you need to have 1 district type that doesn't get the discount and this should be your first district. IMO, I think it makes beelining Bronze Working the best move. Encampments are the only district that gets a production boosting card (Veterancy at Military Training). Therefore, if you make the encampment your first district and build as your first district in all cities, once you get to Military Training, you can build all districts with some boost/discount. This is even better with Nubia that gets a +20%/+40% production boost. Building discounted districts with a production boost means lots of districts. I will discuss this more once I wrap my head around the mechanics of it and look for the optimal path. To be continued...

Looking at my settling plan, I spy another city location. If you remove the Actium pin, I can another city 1 tile NW of there, or 1 tile east of the Dye. It would need an aqueduct but it is doable. Plus, I really think all your cities should be on the coast for maximum trade route potential. This will include along the coasts by my capital. IDK, what do you think?

What is the TL;DR version of Cornflakes's post? And how does it generally apply to your game here?

I like the flood plains dot a lot for a fairly early Nubian city. Need a little more vision before settling on the location though.

(December 28th, 2017, 01:36)oledavy Wrote: What is the TL;DR version of Cornflakes's post? And how does it generally apply to your game here?

I like the flood plains dot a lot for a fairly early Nubian city. Need a little more vision before settling on the location though.

TL;DR: If you're building up all your districts evenly (#1 of each type, then #2 of each type, then...) you will get a discount on every single district you build except the first one that pushes up to a new #, as long as you completely finish it before laying down all your other districts of that #. Also, there's a tech-related floor of districts you need to get the bonus, so you won't get it in the very early game unless you do some odd stuff.

(There's more to it - you can get the bonus even if you're not building up perfectly evenly, it just changes some of the numbers - but that's the best nutshell explanation I can come up with.)

(December 28th, 2017, 01:36)oledavy Wrote: What is the TL;DR version of Cornflakes's post? And how does it generally apply to your game here?

I like the flood plains dot a lot for a fairly early Nubian city. Need a little more vision before settling on the location though.

Pretty much what Quagma Blast said but will add that Cornflakes found the mechanics behind the district discount over at CivFantics and laid out a way to abuse maximize it. 

As to how it relates to this game, I think I need to reconsider a few things:
1) Since I am researching Bronze Working for early Encampments, it might not be best to research Currency right after Writing if I don't have 2 encampments and a place to put a Campus to lock in the discount. Plus, I will need to wait until I finish the Campus or a 3rd Encampment before placing a Commercial Hub., etc.
2) In general I think it might impact how districts are built and placed to maximize the discount; 
3) Need to figure out if it is worth it to play towards using the discount.

Still trying to warp my head around the mechanics and the best way forward. Will update as I work things out.

As for floodplains city location, I will have an Archer head that way once I upgrade him next turn. Hopefully there is some good production up there.

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