The latest leader of the OSG-38 considered his time in office as he prepared to hand over control. The previous ten years had been difficult times of war and destruction, with terrible loss of Psilon lives. But the balance of power in the galaxy was steadily shifting in the Psilon people's favor. Hopefully all the warring would finally end soon, and the study of science could once again take priority.
(Unless otherwise mentioned, assume there are multiple skirmishes with rock fleets and repeated smashing of 1 or 2 human bases at Maalor every single turn. The rocks are certainly persistent....)
2500 (inherited turn)
Send our fleet at Willow to Firma to clear the rock bases there
Spend on terraforming at Willow as waste has current pop over planetary cap
Smash most of a rock fleet at Uxmai, the rest retreat
Destroy rock bases at Firma, send invasion force from Mentar; spend heavily on eco to replace pop
Rocks now have Zyro Shield
Shuffle fleets to hit Centauri in 2 turns while still covering Willow and Firma
Our ground troops capture Firma, loot Zyro Shield; choose Deflectors 11 next (over Personal Barrier Shield)
Core planets begin maxing out with new pop, factory limits
Our bombers clear rock bases at Centauri; major world, 115 pop, 39 bases; Mentar sends invasion force
Begin accumulating new bomber fleet in south to open second front against rocks
Rocks have a new design, the Polaris; huge with lots of Tachyon Beans and a few heavy fusion beams; our Pushbacks can handle them, due to Repulsor Beam
Cats now have Particle Beam
Rocks get the wealthy merchant event, get 2000 BC
Our ground troops capture Centauri thanks to superior tech; loot Mass Driver (only rock tech we did not have)
Our spies detroy 5 missile bases at Xudax and frame the Klackons
Meklar complain about our expansion
Send Phasor6.0 to Ryoun to check situation
Cats complain about our expansion
Meklar cancel our NAP; could be nasty if they come after us, as they have neutronium bombs
Ryoun is size 65 with 22 bases and a Monitor (huge with heavy ion cannon and merculites)
Send northern fleet to Kulthos (rocks)
Our fleets clear bases at Kulthos and Ryoun; both are medium size hostile planets; send invasion forces to both
Our spies steal ECM Jammer 5 from Meklar
Our ground forces capture Ryoun; loot ECM Jammer 6
Our spies blow up 2 bases at Xudax, which has 28 of them
Our spies hit the Mrrshan and steal
Anti Matter Bombs!
Also frame the rocks for the theft
Notes for the next player:
We have ground troops arriving at Kulthos next turn, should easily take the planet.
With our new anti matter bombs, we should create a new bomber design and stop building the old ones. LOTS of planets will need to be updated.
We have sizable fleets at both Kulthos and Ryoun. Keep the plaanets covered until they are secure, but can move on as ships are available.
Watch out for the Meklar, since they cancelled our NAP.
Computers, propulsion, and weapons have all entered the (very low) percentages. Construction is an almost full bulb. More tech should hit during your turns.
Good luck! I think we are now definitely in a winning position.
- DaveV (UP!)
- RefSteel (on deck)
- shallow_thought (waiting)
- haphazard1 (just played)