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[Spoilers] Old Human Tourist: Empress of Azteca

(April 20th, 2014, 07:52)Old Harry Wrote: Also, have you got a recent sandbox Fintourist? The last one I have is turn 16.


I plan to do a micro post in the near future, but due to Easter/family duties I'm not quite sure yet when..
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Turn 30

Let's run away from the bear... HUT! jive


rant banghead rant Seriously!! rant banghead cry

Oh well, now our scout has 10 XP so we have unlocked Heroic Epic. That's something...

And yes, we found our western neighbor, somewhat closer than I hoped, but no can do. That little marble island is surely out of our reach and there will be a contest when it comes to getting all those nice resources between us. The positive thing is that the fact that this hut was still there means that our neighbor has not scouted this area so let's cross our fingers and hope that he pushes towards west..

Btw, based on color I think that's Azza of Arabia, but I'm far away from sure so I leave this speculation for later..

Unfortunately the bad news of this turn do not end here. Can you spot what I mean?

There was a forest growth N of our warrior. This might sound silly, but I'm not a least bit happy about getting an extra forest for our 2nd city, that's really a micro disaster. Roading that plains tile played a crucial role in our plans. I actually had prepared everything and I was planning to record a video showing our plans for the next 20 turns, but now that damn forest destroys the whole micro plan. So yeah, now we need to decide what kind of setback we choose..

a) If we prioritize the development of our 2nd city and improve our food resources ASAP we will lose 3 worker turns, which means that our 4th city will be delayed by a turn + everything else around our capital will be delayed a bit too
b) We avoid wasting worker turns, which delays the development of our 2nd city, it will finish a worker one turn later, 4th city will probably still be 1 turn slower, but other complications will be smaller
c) something else

Sigh. I would have enjoyed spending my time creating a video, which shows how beautifully we get our civ going instead of spending my time trying to figure out how we can handle this in a way that slows our development as little as possible. Sigh. rolleye
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Wow pretty bad luck there.

After staring a the screen for 7 minutes I'm 99% sure your neighbor is Azza.


Argh! You're just not doing this hut thing right! You need to sneak up on them...

What promo do we give the scout? (I believe we need to promote him to unlock HE.)


The forest growth is pretty unlucky too. Chopping the forest into a worker instead of roading the tile E of copper slows down the pasture and then farm by two turns, but that doesn't impact the other cities that I can see, does the earlier worker speed things back up later?

The coniferous forest growth tells us something about which bit of the map we're on (near the pole, but not near enough for snowy trees) and makes me suspect that the deciduous trees around it were hand-planted by our map maker...


Anyway, to be a bit more useful here is some C&D on our neighbours:
Azza: Washington (EXP/CHA) of (Arabia Myst/Agri/Camel Archer/Madrassa)
T6 - 35 - got a tech from a hut (no idea)
T11 - 41 - researched a tech (Mining, Meditation or Hunting?)
T17 - 42 - grew cap to size 2
T20 - 45 - 3 points for land and grew cap to size 3
T25 - 50 - 5 points for land
T28 - 56 - researched a tech (BW)

Either the T6 or T11 tech was mining. Not sure about the other, could have been an attempt at religion? I don't see any trouble with meeting him next turn, want to try to get sight of his city?

Cheater Hater: Bismark (EXP/IND) of Zulu (Agriculture/Hunting/Impi/Ikhanda)
T8 - 35 - researched a tech (presumably Fishing)
T15 - 41 - researched a tech (presumably Mining)
T17 - 42 - grew cap to size 2
T20 - 46 - 3 points for land
T24 - 47 - grew cap to size 3
T25 - 51 - 4 points for land
T28 - 58 - grew cap to size 4 and researched a tech (presumably BW)

I don't think we need to worry about an Impi-rush from this direction before we hook copper (turn 52?) - if there is a land route between our capitals (which there might not be) it looks like it's at least ten turns for an Impi, he'd need to settle city 2 for copper and know which direction to go to come straight at us.

Yeah, that's Arabia.

Thanks everyone for border color confirmations bow So Azza it is! nod I'll try to put together my own thoughts about Azza and CH after I've managed to somehow solve our current domestic issues.

(April 21st, 2014, 07:35)Old Harry Wrote: What promo do we give the scout? (I believe we need to promote him to unlock HE.)

I'm pretty sure that we don't need to use the promotion and the game just checks if you have a 10XP unit, but there is no much harm in promoting our Scout either. Combat 1 is probably pretty solid in this case (if we don't take the promo guerilla might be better option in some situations)

Quote:The forest growth is pretty unlucky too. Chopping the forest into a worker instead of roading the tile E of copper slows down the pasture and then farm by two turns, but that doesn't impact the other cities that I can see, does the earlier worker speed things back up later?

Yeah I think we will skip pre-roading the plains tile E of copper for now in any case and do something about that new plains forest tile. There are several options (which all annoy me quite a bit) how to play this. Chopping the forest immediately and being behind 2 turns when it comes to pasturing and farming our food resources sounds pretty brutal. One option is to road it, then pasture cows (1 turn too late) and then either pre-chop or chop the forest before farming. It is just pretty wasteful to chop forests when there are 6-foodhammer tiles that can be improved... rolleye

Getting the worker our of City 2 one turn later is probably not so crucial while of course inferior to out previous situation. One thing that I'm trying to handle is how to produce our settler for city number #4. In our previous micro our worker improved cows and corn ASAP and then used the road to reach the forest 2N of capital and chop it. That chop came just in time so that we could finish our settler with that one chop and 1-pop whip and settle our 4th city on turn 50. Now there is simply no way to get that chop in time and I think we are going to 2-whip our settler in capital, which I guess is somewhat acceptable thanks to IMP bonus.

I'll be trying some stuff and try to turn this "#%#"¤rant%"#¤%#ing forest into a victory that e.g. gets us an earlier granary in city #2 and makes our growth curve amazing.. crazyeye

Quote:Anyway, to be a bit more useful here is some C&D on our neighbours:


I don't think we need to worry about an Impi-rush from this direction before we hook copper (turn 52?)

Thanks! bow So yeah I agree, there is no need to be worried about an attack yet. I think it's more probable that our neighbors don't know that we exist than other way around. I'm not quite sure when we hook up copper, T52 is easily doable if we need, something like T54 is more comfortable if we think we can afford it.

I'm not sure if we want to make contact next turn. I kind of would not like to alert Azza that there is someone competing for his land to his east, but there are risks also in an approach where our first contact is made through an aggressive city plant of ours.. Where is my crystal ball when I need it. tongue
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

I'm pretty sure you do need to spent the exp on promotions to unlock HE.


(April 21st, 2014, 17:20)retep Wrote: I'm pretty sure you do need to spent the exp on promotions to unlock HE.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Old Harry ' Wrote: Mean time there is a new exciting adventure starting over in Civ general! This probably isn't the best place to advertise is it?

I heard it here first! Would love to try it, great concept.

(April 21st, 2014, 12:56)Fintourist Wrote:
(April 21st, 2014, 07:35)Old Harry Wrote: What promo do we give the scout? (I believe we need to promote him to unlock HE.)

I'm pretty sure that we don't need to use the promotion and the game just checks if you have a 10XP unit, but there is no much harm in promoting our Scout either. Combat 1...

Incorrect, promote that boy before he automatically takes the 'jaguar lunch' promotion!

good luck witb combat one though... lol

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