Serdoa Wrote:Oh come on zakalwe, right when I request it - why are you able to read my mind?
I had some magical skill before.... ummm, I mean... pure coincidence.
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |
Werewolf 3 Game Thread
Serdoa Wrote:Oh come on zakalwe, right when I request it - why are you able to read my mind? I had some magical skill before.... ummm, I mean... pure coincidence.
Rowain, I find it funny that you earlier liked my suspects list, but now you think that everything I suspect is wrong, since I've been wrong before. Hmm,,,
zakalwe Wrote:As the morning bell chimes Greatest bard of all time! Thanks Meiz Wrote:Rowain, I find it funny that you earlier liked my suspects list, but now you think that everything I suspect is wrong, since I've been wrong before. Hmm,,, That was your list then: Meiz Wrote:I think we can find at least 2-3 wolves from this list: And look for whom I voted: scooter and look for whom I vote now Roland look who is missing on your list but for whom you vote: me. Look who was last placed on that list and who got killed as a villager: fire & ice. Look who was voting with you against f&i: zakalwe, Jkaen and Roland. So you were quite happy to vote with 3 people out of your 5 suspects to kill another villager Sorry I can't describe it in any other way: either wolf or fool. Rowain Wrote:That was your list then: Oh, it was that outdated one, sorry for the confusion . I remembered your comment was for the never list. The more up to date list was, (this is a bit outdated no, since I think Mardoc might be a villager after all). Rowain Wrote:And look for whom I voted: scooter and look for whom I vote now Roland look who is missing on your list but for whom you vote: me. If anything, this just proves that I'm not playing with blinders on and can adapt my list of suspects and innocents as the game goes on. I now vote against you based on the new evidence, which is quite overwhelming, I have to say. I did not see that evidence at that point, unfortunately. The outdated suspicion list was not in any specific order, and I mentioned that it's possible that 2-3 of them are wolves . At that time I thought they were F&I, Scooter, and maybe Zakalwe (most unsure). I later dropped Zakalwe out of this list, and think of him as a villager (hence my vote against F&I to save him). So it didn't bother me at all to vote with Zakalwe, Jkaen and Roland,. Roland Wrote:Don't mind Lewwyn. He went off the deep end about a week or two back, and hasn't fully recovered. Of course, I don't disagree with his methods at the moment, but you should know it's nothing personal. Thanks. I guess I shouldn't really post when I'm that tired. zakalwe Wrote:Ouch. Sorry! It's just that novice has two votes and Meiz posts a lot. Plus, well, a smidgen of you having done more suspicious things, so you'd be easier to get. I figured even if I was right and you're all wolves, voting novice or Meiz would be an easy way to guarantee myself being lynched instead. Unless I had some evidence first. zakalwe Wrote:Pretty sure there are three wolves left... maybe you forgot to count yourself? I guess I was assuming that Rowain's a wolf who's already slipped. Either that or I just can't count when it's 11 at night and I'm mad. I don't know why I should assume that I know anything now, though, when I didn't know anything yesterday, and I haven't known anything for the past couple weeks (after I got over my conviction that I knew *everything*). Maybe Rowain's innocent after all and Meiz is too and all that's left is confusion. I think that's why I supported the mason reveal plan, so I could feel less stupid. At the moment, though, I'm thinking we probably do have a wolf, so they can wait another day. Irgy was right that the reveal gets more valuable every day.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker
A pissing contest that didn't involve Roland . . . impossible!
I think I will be able to be around tomorrow morning, so maybe I'll roll a die and change my vote based on that ~20 times in five minutes to keep the good times a lol'ing, since I missed out on the wackiness last time around. The only person I am certain is a villager is Ichabod, but I have 2-5 others I feel are villagers with varying degrees of confidence. I am kind of reluctant to publish that list though. Isn't that essentially telling the wolves who to off?
I guess at this point in time that really does not need to be that much of a concern anymore. Especially as it is rather obvious who is seen as a villager by most players. And the wolves don't seem to go for that anyway (Ichabod for example was probably an attempt to hit the Baner then anything else).
A theory for you to consider.
lets start with the famous list of Jkaen Jkaen Wrote:My Current hit listNow the first thing I found suspicious about this list was the missing of Lewwyn. Though my first guess was Jkaen put one wolf under the top(Meiz) one on the end(Bruindane) and ommitted the last one (Lewwyn). But when I looked through the votes they didn't make any sense at all. It didn't fit with Meiz as wolf and it didn't fit with scooter instead of Meiz. With other words I had to discard this theory. It was then that I realised that Jkaen had put 2 wolfs at the end(Bruindane & himself) and 2 near the top(Meiz & scooter): Lets look at the votes: day1: Lynch: 8v: MJW(Serdoa, Selrahc, Bobchillingworth, Mr Nice Guy, Cull, Jkaen, Irgy, Lewwyn) = 2 wolves 7v: Cull(Meiz, Roland, Uberfish, Sandover, Mardoc, Scooter, Novice ) = 2 wolves 3v: Pocketbeetle (Rowain, Bruindane, Zakalwe )=) 1w 3v: Lewwyn ( Ichabod, MJW,fire & ice) 1v: novice (Pocketbeetle) 1v: sandover ( Gold Ergo Sum) day2: Lynch: 9v: Selrahc ( Ichabod, uberfish, Irgy, Bruindane, Gold ergo sum, scooter, Roland, novice, sandover ) 2 wolves 6v: Rowain (Pocketbeetle, Meiz, Selrahc, zakalwe, Serdoa, JKaen ) 3 wolves 5v: Pocketbeetle ( Rowain, Lewwyn, Mardoc, Fire & Ice, Cull ) 1v: novice ( Mr Nice Guy ) Note scooter switched after Jkaen joined the vote against me to avoid 4 wolves on a villager -lynch and to provide himself cover day3: Lynch: 7v: pocketbeetle ( Rowain, Roland, Meiz, Irgy, Lewwyn, Sandover, Bruindane ) 2 wolves 4v: Lewwyn ( Gold Ergo Sum, Novice , Pocketbeetle, Serdoa) 3v: Jkaen ( Fire&Ice, Mr. Nice Guy, scooter ) 1wolf 2v: Mr. Nice Guy ( Zakalwe, JKaen, )1 wolf 1v: Rowain ( Mardoc) 1v: Ichabod ( Ichabod ) day4: Lynch: 9v: Mr. Nice Guy ( fire & ice, Jkaen, Zakalwe, novice, Lewwyn, Serdoa, Irgy, Meiz, Mardoc ) 2w 6v: fire&ice ( Roland, Mr. Nice Guy, scooter, Gold ergo sum, Rowain, Ichabod )1w day5: Lynch: 5v: fire&ice ( zakalwe, Jkaen, Gold Ergo Sum, Meiz, Roland) 2w 4v: scooter ( Rowain, Lewwyn, Serdoa, novice ) 3v: zakalwe ( scooter, Mardoc, Ichabod ) 1w today Vote Tally: 6v: Rowain ( Meiz, Roland, Ichabod, Zakalwe, JKaen, Mardoc ) 2w 2v: JKaen ( Serdoa, Gold Ergo Sum ) 1v: Roland ( Rowain ) 1v: Zakalwe ( Scooter )1w 1v: Scooter ( Novice ) 1v: Mardoc ( Lewwyn ) |