Bobchillingworth Wrote:Not much of note happened in the turn log except someone got the Titan on the last turn of the blitz. Probably Thoth. I didn't want it, so fine by me. Seems kind of early- was there really going to be that much competition for it before even turn 70?
Gunning FotT so early wasn't so much a matter of grabbing it first as it was trying to get some use out of Industrious while I still had it.
Bobchillingworth Wrote:Thoth's GNP is disgusting. Granted some of that is from the Bone Palace which he recently built (and which I really should have taken long ago, but was too busy investing tons of hammers in military), but it's still terrifying. I guess he just has lots of infra and aristofarms. I haven't checked his civics in a long time, I should get around to doing that next turn.
At this point I'd already built 3 Philo Libraries. Plus Arisofarms and GAge. (and Consumption which I used the GA to swap into anarchy free).
Bobchillingworth Wrote:Meanwhile, Thoth declared on Kuro and captured his sole worker with a single hunter, which Kuro should have seen coming from at least a turn away. Fuck you, Kuro. He even kept it, too.

Sareln Wrote:*twitch*
Massive doesn't do it nearly enough justice.
Selrahc Wrote:Go get Nox Noctis. He's Grigori, so can't get it. Massive equalizer defensively.
Nox isn't quite so bad when you're not locked up in a NAP. It's still ugly, but letting your foe get the first shot with invisible troops fucking sucks.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:
(why does this even have a refusal option?!)

No cheap GE for Thoth. No Cheap Great Bard for Thoth. No free Golden Age for Thoth.
Just a "free" Smelting.
Not complaining about the results, I like the "double events" option for a reason (it tends to even out good results).
I'm just taking a shot at the Lurkers who were saying I had Massively Good Luck with events (never mind the Murris Clan gobbos or the early game lost pop points from disease).
Bleah. Lurkers.
Nasty-ish Thoth stack near PYFT. I've moved some of the troops out of PYFT to take a barb city to the north, but I think I have enough there to be okay if he decides to move on me (plus advance warning via floating eye). Thoth really loves those heroic assassins- this one seems set to blitz away adepts from a golem stack.
Think I already answered this but, HELL YEAH!
Poisons ain't cheap and Assassins ain't either. But if your foe is coming for you with cats or want the ability to stick a knife in his back.

Bobchillingworth Wrote:Rev is in trouble, last a major city to a few champs from Thoth. Looks like it was just an attack of opportunity, but he really needs to actually build some military, like now. I'm not going to intervene for either side, just need to stay focused on the ToM.
A few champs....should have kept your Hawk around for another turn.
Initial assault was an attack of opportunity, but the followup brought in the home team.