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Races, Units, Buildings

Hordes are situationally really powerful, but they're not very interesting or fun IMO. Giving orcish bowmen poison 1 could work. Or giving them something like poison 2 and requires forester's guild. Orc's would use poison! They're dastardly. Cost increase, new name, etc.

Quote:they're not very interesting or fun IMO
This is the main design concept of the race. To be the most generic, most average race in exchange for being good overall. I mean they have no drawbacks at all, they build anything, and even get a few advantages on top of it (fast growth and lower maintenance).
Also they already have a poison unit with quite strong poison too.

Yeah bUT wyverns aren't early - so they get good with wyverns and hordes, but ugh before that. I could see their bowman having poison 1.

I could also see them staying as is.

Well they have a unit with strong poison, might make sense to give them a unit with weak poison. Or not. You're right. In MoM orc's are more human than humans. If you want that to stay true in CoM, fine. I'll think of something else.

If we want a unit with ranged poison, I think manticores are a good choice. It would change the role of the unit quite a bit though, a weapon immune flying poisonous ranged unit is far more than just a cheap scout and anti-early game unit.
Not sure if there is a need to change them though, although they're horrible against the dwarves my current enemy uses, they should be pretty good against other races that do not have max resistance. The unit might be coming a bit too late for weapon immunity to really matter though.
I think this is more about what we want for the race, an early, cheap flying unit which it is now, or something stronger, that probably should also require more buildings.

No I don't think Manti core need to change. Not that I eve use them.

Manticores are a solid scout to build a couple of in a neutral city you claim, but I've never built one for actual combat roles.

What if we make spearmen a bit more relevant slightly later in the game and make swordsmen a bit more advanced but requiring barracks as well as smithy? This way, all tier-2 units require smithy plus an additional building (stables, sawmill, barracks) and still feel like an improvement over an enhanced version of spearmen

Cost : 10 -> 20
Melee Attack : 2 -> 3
Defense : 1 -> 2

Requires smithy and barracks (except for halflings which don't have barracks allowed)
Cost : 30 -> 40
Melee Attack : 3 -> 4
+1 defense or +1 movement (the latter for me makes more sense for variety)


Except if you give a spearman heavier gear he shouldn't gain a movement.

The economic difference between dwarves and dark elves is absolutely huge. Any suggestions on how to play dark elves when it takes me 10 times as long to get going? And I can't build a strong army until I have multiple cities generating gold?

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