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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

Rowain Wrote:Tell me what are you thinking about Meiz' votes on this day. He was on Selrahc. Then as Selrahc made his entrance he switches together with Selrahc on novice and later he -again in company with Selrahc- moved to vote for me.

I'm thinking we lynch Meiz tomorrow if you turn out to be a Villager. If you turn out to be a 'Wolf, I say we spare him - for the time being.

That said, I'm going to borrow a page from novice. I've played it safe long enough this game, and I need to make up for my major screw-up yesterday.


That should make a tie between Rowain and Jkaen. Let's see what happens today.

No offense Rowain, but I still feel lynching you will tell us the most out of anyone - IF you're a 'Wolf. If you're a Villager... well, it complicates things a bit. Unfortunately, being that I'm at work I have no concrete recollection of who I suspect (let alone why), and my few brief glimpses at my hard work are not proving as enlightening as actually doing the work was (it was a real eye opener, let me tell you). Also unfortunately, not only do we have less than 2 hours left, but I still remember feeling that lynching you was the best outcome at present. Still, as I said if by some reverse miracle you turn out to be a Villager it's going to paint Meiz (and perhaps Jkaen) in a very, very poor light. I'm hesitant to lynch you, if only because I'm not as certain this moment as I was last night going through all the data, but there's nothing I can do about it now.

One way or another I intend for us to learn something with each and every vote me make at this point. Every lynch has to count, so I'm doing my best to see which ones will tell us the most - regardless of the outcome.

Mardoc Wrote:Meiz is very good at pushing bandwagons along, getting them critical mass and going. I'm hoping he's using his powers for good.

I think his record shows otherwise

Mardoc Wrote:.... or he's succeeding at getting a lot of villagers lynched.

That part is absolutly correct.

I have to admit that you are making a good defense, Rowain. I just don't like the tone of the discussions between you, Meiz and JKaen... too harsh...

I had Meiz on my suspect list and reading the thread again I find myself suspecting him over and over again. But I ended up crediting it to his style, which made him the lynch target on day 2 of WW2. It's probably stupid to do it, but, well, I can't help it.

The problem I see with your defense, Rowain, is that each post makes sense, because you are a very intelligent guy and is able to craft them. But the whole picture is strange: If you thought Zak and JKaen were the masons, why haven't you put Zak on your 3 wolf list (when you counted the votes) together with JKaen? It just seems to me that you are firing to all directions...

Werewolf is a hard game to play. I'm constantly telling myself to switch the vote against you, that I'm wrong, etc. But I have to make a decision... This is my first "serious" vote after the Selrahc one, the one I had the time to think through, so if I'm being unfair, you can be sure I'll have a very guilty conscience later...

Again, I have to make a decision and I need a little bit of tunnel vision to not fire votes at everyone in the village :neenernee

I'm finally caught up... For whatever reason, zakalwe dropped off everyone's radar today, so I'm gonna give that up as a lost cause and go with Rowain.

Seriously now though, let's not do any of this last minute voting roulette again ok? Last minute voting frenzies = chaos and chaos = good for wolves. It's easy for them to "accidentally" manipulate the vote when they can blend in with 40 other votes that are all happening in 10 minutes.

@Ichabod: Adding zakalwe do it would give a strange voting pattern (at least in my eyes). I can believe Jkaen and zakalwe beeing Masons. I can believe one of them beeing a villager accompanied by a wolf for cover.
But given especially the voting on day3 where those 2 stood out as the only ones voting for MNG I have sever doubts that they are both wolves.

The alternate (and thats why I tried to offer Jkaen a way out) is that Jkaen is a villager and Meiz + zakalwe are the wolfes.

scooter Wrote:I'm finally caught up... For whatever reason, zakalwe dropped off everyone's radar today, so I'm gonna give that up as a lost cause and go with Rowain.

Seriously now though, let's not do any of this last minute voting roulette again ok? Last minute voting frenzies = chaos and chaos = good for wolves. It's easy for them to "accidentally" manipulate the vote when they can blend in with 40 other votes that are all happening in 10 minutes.

Yeah let's not do any last minute switching. That might get scooter lynched.
I have to run.

scooter Wrote:I'm finally caught up... For whatever reason, zakalwe dropped off everyone's radar today, so I'm gonna give that up as a lost cause and go with Rowain.

Another surprise vote lol

scooter Wrote:Seriously now though, let's not do any of this last minute voting roulette again ok? Last minute voting frenzies = chaos and chaos = good for wolves. It's easy for them to "accidentally" manipulate the vote when they can blend in with 40 other votes that are all happening in 10 minutes.

Bah, are you trying to deprive me of my fun?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Vote Tally:

6v: Rowain ( Meiz, Ichabod, JKaen, Mardoc, Zakalwe, scooter )
5v: JKaen ( Serdoa, Gold Ergo Sum, Lewwyn, Rowain, Roland )
1v: Scooter ( Novice )

  1. Meiz votes Rowain
  2. Roland votes Rowain
  3. Ichabod votes Rowain
  4. Serdoa votes JKaen
  5. Rowain votes Roland
  6. Mardoc votes Zakalwe
  7. Zakalwe votes Rowain
  8. JKaen votes Rowain
  9. Novice votes Scooter
  10. Scooter votes Zakalwe
  11. Mardoc switches from Zakalwe to Rowain
  12. Lewwyn votes Mardoc
  13. Gold Ergo Sum votes JKaen
  14. Rowain switches from Roland to JKaen
  15. Novice switches from Scooter to JKaen
  16. Zakalwe switches from Rowain to JKaen
  17. Lewwyn switches from Mardoc to JKaen
  18. Novice switches from JKaen to Scooter
  19. Rowain switches from JKaen to No Vote
  20. Zakalwe switches from JKaen to Rowain
  21. Rowain switches from No Vote to JKaen
  22. Roland switches from Rowain to JKaen
  23. scooter switches from Zakalwe to Rowain
I have to run.

scooter Wrote:I'm finally caught up... For whatever reason, zakalwe dropped off everyone's radar today, so I'm gonna give that up as a lost cause and go with Rowain.

Are they both wolves then?
I have to run.

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