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Abundance spell

I agree that it's not an exciting spell. Does Nature need a rare city production boosting spell? Are you likely to have a game where it made at least as big a difference as Gorgons or Blizzard? If not, maybe scrap it and replace it with something more interesting.

Does anyone have an "I wish Nature Rare had a <combat global spell (boosting your units or hampering the enemy) or maybe a city enchantment that summoned a few random Nature units in combat.>?"

(May 15th, 2022, 16:13)JustOneMoreTurn Wrote: ... maybe scrap it and replace it with something more interesting.

No! Don’t scrap it!  For example, it could be enhanced by reducing the over-farming penalty as proposed. Or how about moving it to uncommon tier? The effect may need a little more time to unfold. Or: Commons and Uncommons could also have 12 spells. I already have an idea for a super interesting common Nature spell: Wall of Stone! ;p

I actually do miss Wall of Stone... a little bit. It might have become interesting if it created an unbreakable wall rather than an ordinary one. But then, there's Nature's Eye, which is a very effective defensive enchantment on its own. (I've seen people say it's not great, but to me it's one of the most desirable common tier spells.)

(May 16th, 2022, 13:50)jhsidi Wrote: I actually do miss Wall of Stone...

Aha. Me too. But it is probably not possible to revive the spell with the current modding options. However, I built a second wall on top of a stone wall some time ago. A doubled wall bonus seems to be working. Not so some graphical details ...

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Oh no! Moldy Walls! Run Away!!!

I like it.

Would it be too strong as a stackable, repeatable spell on target city? Something like +2 would require almost 10 casts to reach cap on a 20pop city,.
It could be fitting the whole abundance theme, by casting it more and more to get more and more population in a single city, up to the 48 pop cap of course.
It'd also make the spell be a big investment for a kinda big return, instead of just a "fire and forget" kind of deal.

Now that i think about it, it could also have an effect like "the housing project can now increase your pops over the city's cap", with the 48 pop per city still being the hard cap.
This way, the benefit increases the more you commit to it by using housing, sacrificing current production for long term benefits.
This would also give more value to a mostly unused Housing function.

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