Dreylin Wrote:Thanks, and sorry to be difficult/obtuse! 
As Griselda said, we welcome those seeking clarifications about something that reads ambiguously to them. That's different than looking for theoretical ways to break a scenario, and even that has its place.
From paragraph two of our tournament intro:
Quote:Each game is subject to rules, but we keep the framework light, the emphasis on excellence, the focus on the spirit of the game.
Anybody believing or espousing that anything not expressly forbidden by written rule is to be embraced is mistaken. Our Civ community was built on the understanding that Civ3 did not play well enough as-is to maintain our interest. We as a community set additional boundaries, not all of which were formalized, which created for us a "safe space" within which we could enjoy the game.
That Civ4 does not need as many user-originated boundaries represents progress, but it does not mean a shift in our approach or philosophy.
One of the most important reasons not to become depedent on written rules as the sole form of boundary on behavior is that laws and rules, by their very nature, will be as imperfect and flawed as the people writing them. To close loopholes always comes with side effects and consequences. This is all too often necessary, but sometimes it is avoidable. I would encourage our players to avoid the avoidable cases, when possible.
All that I did with the rules update for Epic Five is to close the ship loophole. I was not aware of it, but the intent of the scenario was "no ships". Take away one of the resources necessary to build that particular ship type and, by written rule, the loophole is closed. The game itself should not be allowing those ships in that situation, but it is what it is. People will just have to live with the side effects this time. Perhaps in future, self-restraint and a clearer grasp by new arrivals on the now-ancient and much-entrenched culture of Realms Beyond can provide a more elegant solution for similar problems that will, of course, eventually turn up in future events.
Don't worry too much about it. Go, play. Have some fun.
- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.