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Tech choices vs Discounted Research

(April 25th, 2024, 06:30)rgp151 Wrote: I think we can all agree, however, that getting more tech options in addition or a discount is stronger than not having more tech options. 

I think we can also agree that Pslions are head and shoulders above all other races in the game, with the exception of Klackons. What makes Psilons so good is having 75% of the tech options in every field. 

Sorry but no, I disagree... 

What makes Psilon really strong is spending only half the BCs for each tech... that is 80% racial discount x (2/3 RP per BC spent) = 53,3%

If you compensate those 75% tech choices somehow (let's say for example, playing with a rule that you can only pick one tech per tech tier), you'll still get your techs much faster, or at the same pace as with other races but having much more budget to develop your economy or building ships

The Psilons are extremely strong for multiple reasons. Getting more tech choices is big, the bonus to research spending is big, having no natural enemies is big. All of it together makes them one of the best if not the best. Their only real drawback is that it takes time for their tech potential to turn into actual advantages. But their lack of enemies usually gives them enough time. If they had several natural enemies like the cats do, or were generally disliked like the shifters, they would get attacked earlier and have more problems.

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