question: does anyone know how to play a map you create in the civ 6 worldbuilder? Tried making a sim based on what I saw in the screenshot, but once I save the map in worldbuilder I don't know how to play it in the game.
at last, greenline is playing the kind of game he wants to
(July 21st, 2024, 19:51)greenline Wrote: question: does anyone know how to play a map you create in the civ 6 worldbuilder? Tried making a sim based on what I saw in the screenshot, but once I save the map in worldbuilder I don't know how to play it in the game. If you select a new map for a new game, you have to switch to worldbuilder maps in the top ? (July 22nd, 2024, 17:48)xist10 Wrote:(July 21st, 2024, 19:51)greenline Wrote: question: does anyone know how to play a map you create in the civ 6 worldbuilder? Tried making a sim based on what I saw in the screenshot, but once I save the map in worldbuilder I don't know how to play it in the game. Turns out you also have to enable each map you make 'as a mod'. Very weird stuff. I got the map loading in single player, but the settler refuses to spawn in the right place. I think I will just have to draw the sim at the location the settler spawns at... In the meantime, I've found a better way of taking screenshots instead of using the printscreen button (I tried to take several last turn and only one showed up with that method), so have some more of those. ![]() So, here's what I revealed last turn after settling and moving the warrior. Coast tiles to the east aren't ideal, although I can eventually build a harbor there for more capital pop. I decided to move the warrior further north, to scout out the rest of the river from what I could see from tile bleeding. ![]() Wheat and maize further north, not resources I was really hoping to see. The shape of the river makes it seem like I can fit two cities around a dam, but not three, for a lategame industrial center. Since I will probably put the government plaza on this river, I can still get good hammer potential from these two cities. Playing Korea gives you more flexibility on where you want to put the plaza, since you don't want your campuses to touch any other districts. ![]() Here's a stab at district planning with tile markers. Since the capital doesn't have spot on the river next to the plaza, I think I'll skip building a commercial hub on the river and just build a harbor later. I'm not sure if I could move the northern city closer or what tiles here I can put dams on - all the more reason to get a sim working. No idea what pantheon I should go for. Early culture would be ideal, but I have one pasture resource visible and no plantations. And Whosit will be getting first pick of pantheon, and probably Krill second if he runs culture projects early. I am debating on what a best use of early gold would be as well. I've seen several uses of early gold - rushbuying a trader, a monument, a builder, or upgrading archers. It will depend on what city states happen to be in range. The medium longterm goals haven't changed. Use Seowons to get an early science lead, attack in the medieval era. As for the naming scheme, I'm going with the folk music Civ 6 uses for the soundtrack. I renamed my capital to Arirang, which is the song Korea uses. The orchestral version of the song used ingame is definitely less happy and playful than the typical folk arrangement. Both I found very pleasing to listen to.
so I have sim working... sort of. I can make the map in worldbuilder, but I have to spend 10 turns waddling a settler to where I set up the terrain. So it's not really the best for accurately judging production and tech times. But it is good for testing city limits and dam placements:
![]() Those three tiles are the ones that Arirang can dam, and I can't found the other city on the river any closer. So this looks like the best government plaza setup I am going to get. Next question is, do I go for Magnus or Pingala first. A strategy I do in SP sometimes is grab two Pingala promotions (Default + 1 culture per city pop) to rush PP, then grab Magnus to prep the government plaza city for chopping settlers out once Ancestral Hall is ready. I think that's what I'm going to do here - even just two Seowons boosting a few mines gives a ton of science early. There also aren't so many forests / stones to harvest that Magnus before Pingala feels the correct path.
To spam my thread more while going through the early turns, I also want to talk future potential balance mod stuff.
One thing I'd like to change are the pantheons. The selection of pantheons currently in the game is OK, but it feels like there will be 2 or 3 good ones and a lot of crummy ones per the terrain. A small change would be buffing the useless pantheons to be better, so you can always grab a decent pantheon even if you don't get lucky with a religious city state envoy early on. A bigger change would be letting players pick overlapping pantheons. I'm not sure if the latter would be better or even possible to implement in Civ 6's lackluster codebase, but I find it worth considering. Small pantheon buff ideas: A pantheon that gives +hammers +faith or +culture to improved farm resources Making the pantheon that gives faith to stone also give +hammers, or make it give faith to other quarry / mine resources Same with the faith for gems pantheon Change the "free builder" pantheon to increased builder production
Got a new turn in today, and the barb menace has already begun:
![]() No more carefree ending turn and warrior scooting. Thankfully, I found the camp first rather than the scout. The question is whether the scout has already ran off and found a player or a city state. I think I will play it safe and scout near it for a couple turns before attacking. The good news is that there's a lot of good quality river land up north. Probably the direction to be settling in. Also, forgot to check the great people, so here's a screenshot of that: ![]() The scientist is pretty meh, essentially equaling one random medieval eureka, considering how easy the math eureka is to get. Annoyingly, I will probably end up getting this scientist since Korea has a leg up with the cheap Seowons, unless someone goes campus project crazy in the early game. Still worth getting anyway for the Education and eventual Enlightenment eurekas, though. The merchant and engineer are both good, and both up for grabs equally amongst all players. I can probably land the engineer if I rush apprenticeship and build the IZs early. But I don't know if I will have the hammers to spare for that when planning an attack. ![]() Why hello there, borders. This is either (hopefully) a commercial city state ripe for the taking, or it is Krill being right next door. In a couple of turns I will know for sure. I will hold off on attacking the barb camp because the scout almost certainly will have spawned units here already. ![]() Redid the pins for the industrial complex. Because I can move the second city one tile closer I can get more bonuses from the aqueduct + dam, but there isn't really room for the government plaza. I might move the plaza near the water to boost a harbor instead.
Big news of the turn is, we have contact.
![]() Whosit's warrior pops out of the fog from the north. Given that this would be at most 4 turns of moving south (or east?), we must be close neighbors indeed. But that's life with a random pangaea map, sometimes you get starts smooshed together. Whosit at a neighbor is not great. Rome is not that good to attack early on with their UU and culture boost in the early game. Nor do I want to attack them early since that is time not pressuring Krill and CMF from getting their economic engines spinning up. I also suspect Whosit might try and attack me early with legions, since he would judge that his civ will fall behind mine in science given time. So I might have to attack him early and then use his land to keep up with CMF in the midgame. The good news is he is not TheArchduke who would be the worst neighbor to have close given the field and the settings. As for the borders visible last turn... ![]() It indeed turns out to be a commercial city state. I get the first to envoy, nice. Commercial city states are good to have around, and Zanzibar has a strong unique effect, giving 2 unique amenities to the suzerain. I could hypothetically see myself preserving it for trade routes later in the game if I can settle around it to protect it with my borders. If it neighbors another civ, I will have no choice to annex it. |