(Today, 08:19)Desertfox Wrote: Asmodeus and Baphomet are Jewish/Christian demon lords. Enkidu and Marduk are Mesopotamian. With such names you are pulling in classical planet Earth mythology, which is okay if it is the start of a theme. But on their own, these names are out of place.
I used them specifically to make them in place.
Merlin, Horus, Freya, Kali. 1/3 of the wizards in Master of Magic are named after gods and mythological beings.
As for heroes some of them are even more explicitly "earth mythology."
B'shan is a Dervish, which is a type of medieval muslim, that I believe is still around today. If I recall correctly dervishes forsake worldly possessions and must live off of charity, and that they attempt to make themselves immune to the bite of iron of fire through faith. The latter is weirdly in common with berserkers of nordic mythology/history. There are druids and such but those are often generic fantasy classes so they don't really strike me as drawing from earth things, however other than in MoM I've never seen the term "dervish" used in fantasy stuff. Maybe I've not seen enough of it I suppose.
Roland the Paladin is based off of Roland the Paladin, who served charlemagne.
Morgana the Witch is another name for Morgan le Fey, the sorceress from the king arthur myths (who usually is stated to be his sister)
I could've just used any names that I wanted for the heck of it, I could've called the Klackon wizard that I did "Greg", but I called it Ixitixl specifically to make it fit in with the design choices of MoM. In the MoO1 manual, Ixitixl is the klackon emperor in a diplomacy screenshot. Therefore, it's the most "canon" name for a klackon leader as we have.
Just like the Draconian is named Sss'ra, which is one of the default leader names for Sakkra leaders in MoO1.
My problem is usually overthinking things, not underthinking them lol.
If I can figure out how to add more options to the poll, then I am happy to take more suggestions, I suck at naming things, so I trust you guys to be able to come up with better stuff than me.
Oh, also the last two names in the poll are Celtic gods. So they are all from earth mythology.