Okay, so to recap, I will click and save and upload the smilies locally. And I have completed writing a report in Microsoft word and converted it to html, and I'm using the view source feature to make it look nicer since it's finally written. So my last question (host of questions in one, actually) is where do I upload the html docs/smilies/etc to? What folder do I put them in and do I have to give them certain names to make sure they show up? How do I assign one as a homepage? I got the account at byethost.com and here are my folders in filemanager:
htdocs (directory)
tmp (directory)
.htgroup (htgroup file)
.htpasswd (htpasswd file)
htdocs (directory)
tmp (directory)
.htgroup (htgroup file)
.htpasswd (htpasswd file)