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Epic Eight - AMERICA

Nice - another American report! Congrats on your first monarch win. thumbsup You're English is fine, by the way. I'm always impressed by anyone who can write a report in a second language.

It's interesting to see how different our later city placements were, since we founded the capital in different locations. Your second city was roughly where Caesar's second city was in my game. And his second city in your game was roughly where my second city was in my game.

Just finished reading your report paleman, very fun game you got there. Our strategy were very different but similar in some points like destroying Rome early before they have praetorians. I actually didn't build a lot of city's in the north as you did, because i spend almost all my game at war with someone and the peace times improving captured city's, that i didn't have time to expand north.

And i can see that Egypt turned out to be a ubber civ in your game too.

And btw i just love your city's name's :P

It's pathetic, but here is the writeup for Compromise's Report. Sounds like we had one of the better starts for this one.

Finished reading both of the other American reports.

@paleman: Go w'hogs! Great subvariant. I thought about going that way too, but you nailed it right from the start. Very cool and a great read.

@eYe: Your English is better than that of most Americans! I see we chose the same spot for New York...sweet. Nice work on grabbing the Domination Victory. It was cool to see the big blob of American territory in your minimap at the end.

I used my starting warriors almost exclusively for fogbusting. I never even found the barb city, and I never knew that we had a little peninsula to ourselves (after driving out the filthy Romans, of course).

That barb city's defense was *huge* from the very beginning. Was that placed by Sirian? Maybe it was supposed to slow us down on our uncramped corner of the continent? Maybe my Americans heard rumors and secretly deleted my files so as not to face the fierce barbarians....

@ eYe - I'm noticing that Egypt turned out to be the uberAI in lots of games. Also that the AI Rome took advantage of that empty space in the north just as much as the AI America

@ Compromise - that's too bad about the save files. I wish you had played it out again from the beginning and posted a shadow, but I understand if you felt it wasn't worthwhile at that point. And I think you're right that Sirian must have placed Navajo as some kind of brake on expansion in that direction - either a brake on America or on Rome. Our start was good, but Rome's' starting site might have been the best - flood plains, grassland, gems, AND iron. Yow.

Roman players must have pressed north as their first expansion, dealing with Roosevelt early on, so they only need to bother about the south.

That barb town was really good to me, i captured 3 workers and there was already lots of improvements on it.

Sorry I'm late, my internet has been down :mad: . Now I need to reconfigure it to upload my report :mad:.
Currently on Emperor in CIV
"Eppur si muove"

That game looked like an enormous amount of fun to play through. It was also one of the most entertaining reads I've come across for this event - well done! thumbsup I especially liked Mao's comment about the bourgoisie. "Nothing is more bourgeois than trying to build all the wonders." lol

I stated in my report that I thought America had the strongest overall starting position, and I think your game reflected that. It's too bad there weren't more American games reported to show that fact. If the American player could cut Rome off from the north, there was LOTS of land up there to expand into (plus stone AND marble for an Industrious civ!) In my game, the AI Rome sent its first settler to the east instead of to the north, and the AI America went on to grab the north and become the dominant AI power. However, in some games the AI Rome settled north first, and the AI America was clearly weaker in those situations. It was fun to watch things play out differently in each game, especially those from the perspective of different human civs.

Thanks for the report - I thought the variant was very clever! smile
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Another first win on Monarch, excellent! thumbsup

The most interesting thing in reading your report, along with paleman's, was the location that the AI Rome chose to place its second city (Antium). In your game, you took the spot on the west coast, and so Caesar grabbed the location in the north near the floodplains and copper. It was exactly the opposite with paleman, as he took the northern location and the AI selected the western spot on the coast. Amazing how that could happen across two totally different games.

Your English is easily readable, so I wouldn't worry about that end of things. Glad you were able to lay the hammer hammer down throughout this game!
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Sorry to hear about your savegame problems. cry As someone who had that happen personally (see Civ3's Epic 9), I know how frustrating it can be. Even a very abbreviated reports is better than none at all though, so I'm glad you let us know what happened. smile
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