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Epic Eight - ARABIA

Settling Mecca was probably the toughest decision of my game, it looks like you didn't see a spot that was clearly better than other either. I think thus far everyone has settled Mecca in a different spot, interesting. Thanks for reporting.
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

My report.

A diplomatic victory in 1840AD, my first one on Monarch. Contains an almost unbelievable demonstration of an AI navally invading and razing a fully defended enemy capital. Don't miss this one out! wink

My report (Space victory in 1947.)

Most interesting contents: an all jewish world.

My report is here:

This was my first attempt at a 3CC game. Please tell me whether the report format works, or I should go back to a chronological listing of events.

I like how you handled the settling difficulty for Mecca- just do a 3CC- so moving is no big deal. In the end I do like your move though, caus then, if you wante you could have gotten both golds, clams, cows and farmed a grassland tile, then you could have worked all the tiles at maxed happy/health. I think that every Arabian reporter thus far has built Mecca in a different spot 8). Good Game and thx for the report.
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"

Zeviz Wrote:Please tell me whether the report format works, or I should go back to a chronological listing of events.

I liked your report quite a lot. It is actually more logical to write the report thematically as you have done plus it makes (to me, at least) more enjoyable reading. In a chronological report the reader easily misses the big strategical aspects behind the details no matter how often you try to emphasize them. I think that you have found quite a nice concept and I do encourage you to write more reports using it, if you only can find the time it takes to mentally reorganize your notes. thumbsup

On a sidenote, I agree that the total lack of AIs pursuing any other victory condition but space (and even that one unefficiently) can become frustrating. I don't mean to offend you by any means nor take away any glory from your victory, but it is obvious that Hatty could have just run over you in the end to prevent you from winning. Of course, if the AI did actually care about winning or losing the game, it would make these OCCs or 3CCs practically impossible to win.

I want to once more congratulate you for a good game and the nice report.

Atlas Wrote:The graphs of GNP and Crop yield is the AI shifting Civ wide between commerce oriented tiles and food/hammer oriented tiles (just a guess though).
Hmmm, I'd always assumed that they were due to periods of Anarchy as that seems to have strange effects on GNP, but I'm not sure why it would affect Crop yield as well.

Would be easy to test, just watch the reply and reference the graphs for the spike dates....

Zeviz - you rule. I've actually taken notes from your past reports to help with my spaceship victory skills. And now a 3CC launch? For god's sake, man - where will it stop?!

That was a well-played Cultural victory, and pretty fast too on the ending date! thumbsup

I was surprised that you didn't found both of the early religions (Buddhism/Hinduism); as the only civ on the map that started with Mysticism, I'd expect Saladin players to be able to grab all three of the early faiths if desired. You just have to remember to go Meditation/Polytheism instead of the other way around. nod Anyway, a thought for future such games.

I think the drafting strategy was really sound thinking with a powerful neighbor nearby. Drafting is a lot better than many people think; I don't see it getting used nearly as often as it should be...

As far as your Legendary Three cities, I was surprised to see relatively few cottages in several of them. Particularly Medina, which was heavy on irrigation and low on commerce. With the vast majority of your culture coming via the culture slider, it's usually best to get as many towns you can possibly support. With the cultural modifiers in place, a single town can easily by worth as much as 30 culture/turn - that's a lot! smile

And believe me, I'm well aware of the power of the culture slider. (I have an Always Peace domination victory game report in the works as we speak, which naturally was a clinic in that sort of area.) That still doesn't mean I like the implementation of Cultural Victory in this game though, which mostly consists of turning off research and crossing fingers that the AI won't attack you.

Thanks for the report, it was a good read. nod
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Founding ON the cow tile? Is this Sirian in disguise playing? And you do realize that you referred to Egypt as "Spain" throughout your report, right? lol

Love the hovercraft jumbo too! smile

You were producing some serious science at the end there, at over 4000 beakers per turn. I wonder how that would compare to someone who simply stuck with the initial cities and built peacefully (?) Oh well, I'm sure I'll find out as I continue to read more reports. Good game, Ruff. nod
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