Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Hello and Welcome!

*flails about* I'm here! I'm back! If you haven't seen me about, then well... you're not looking hard enough! hehe, j/k

My igns are all some deviation of Uca. My main if Uca Firewind. People call me Uca. *shrug* THat's pretty much it. thumbsup I've got like 11 characters on my primary account but keeping up with that many is damned hard. And I have 4 characters on my secondary account. That's the Archon Storage account though, so... yeah. Don't really play that one too much. ANYhoo... Can't wait to start up gamin regularly again! *cough* waiting on another variant *cough* wink
Fire good.

<Uca Firewind> <Uca Pandora> <Uca Braveheart> <Uca Al Thor> <Uca No Eyes> <Uca Sedai>

You are teasing us, right? ;p

Nudists can still use another player or 2. There's also Ironman GW style, and the Barbarian has a few people interested in forming up already...

Welcome back!


Er, hello? Hi? Is this thing working?

Oh, right, yes. Hi, My name is theGrimm, and I'm a alco...sorry, member of RB. I'm usually on under some variation of Grimm (most often Alexander Grimm), and the only thing worse than my GW skills are my jokes.

I'd call myself a noob, but I'm not even good at that. lol

Hello Everyone ^.^

I'm Lily (member of Archons Ascendant) nice to meet cha all ^.~
I'm usually really talkative, in fact, I'll ignore the game when theres a good conversation going on; fortunately I won't die or the people I'm healing won't plummit into their demise hehehe :P

Usually my characters are based around myth's or people of legends, but mostly I like to use the ones that are lesser known (I try my best to stay away from Roman and Greek....way overused >.> unless they aren't that well know ^.~ see the paradox there hehehe)

So right now we have estabished that I'm really talkative and name my characters around people in myths/legends (I have ten so far)...did I also mention when ever there's a forum thread going on sometimes my posts are really really really really huge? Sometimes though my writing is horrible and I go off topic a lot kinda like what I'm almost doing now (and I like to put minor conversations in * or ( because I'm just like that >.>). Though to strain your eyes a even a little bit more I'll use ellipses instead of commas and periods hehehe. Of course when in-game it get's even worse for people because when in a long conversation I like to press enter when ever there is a pause so each message is a part of a longer sentence. So it looks like I'm dominating the chat with like four messages when they could just fit into one >.<

I also have different moods sometimes (ya ya multi personality complex who knows >.<), and other times I can spout into some kind of weird jumble of words that looks like poetry but isn't.

Well...with that personal stuff over with let's get to know me in game (yes I'm going to torture you with even more non-essential information about myself because I'm a forum addict o.O). Basically as much as I don't want to admit this, I'm really vain with character appearance in game (it's a habit). I wuv it really much to help people with what their up to and do WISH that more people when making pugs or whatnot would say something (shakes fist at sky as if something up there is messing with me). Now that I really think about it the whole reason I'm still playing is because I can team with people, there's really nothing to it. Besides why play an mmo if your going to be the only person playing and not on a team, I might as well just go do something else that's more meaningful (however; since interaction with people is really a very important thing for me I'm still playing).

Oh and just to sum this whole thing up (because I am conscious when I feel like I'm providing too much typed text) my hobbies include Reading, Writing, Taking Pictures, Thinking (ah yes why not), Long Walks on the Beach, Luxurious Bubble Baths, and Blood Letting Painful Gruesome Torture with a Smile (of course the latter three might be jokes or could they O.O dun dun dun)

Quote:Though to strain your eyes a even a little bit more I'll use ellipses instead of commas and periods hehehe. Of course when in-game it get's even worse for people because when in a long conversation I like to press enter when ever there is a pause so each message is a part of a longer sentence. So it looks like I'm dominating the chat with like four messages when they could just fit into one >.<

LoL, that sound so much like what I do! But that's because I type slow and I want to reply in a timely manner before the convo is way out of sync. It is funny tho to see how many people have ADD and lose track in "mid sentence" [Image: lol.gif]

Ellipses are just thought bubbles[Image: wink.gif]


I guess it's about time I do this. :P

I'm Roland (a.k.a. Roland *The Gunslinger* throughout the lands). All my character names follow a simple schema, so you can always tell when it's me because the first name will always be Roland (PvE) or Rolande (PvP - some PvE exceptions that still have yet to be converted over, though).

You'll mostly see me on in the evenings and weekends, although I do tend to disappear from the world of Guild Wars for a spell every so often. I'm a casual hardcore PvPer (heh), so you'll almost never see me on PvE. I love PvPing, though, doing anything from RA to AB to GvG, so if ever you need a partner in crime on that front, I'm your man. smile Mostly I'm here to kick some PvP tail and just enjoy the social interaction the game has to offer (what can I say? I'm here for the people).

My most common IGN is Rolande Warden, sporting his lovely Shing Jea armor in a splash of Christmas cheer, because I'm just that nutty. Feel welcome to say hello, or anything else for that matter. I enjoy company. smile

I took the liberty a while ago to type up explanations of my character name choices...though only about one has changed a little it's basically still the same thing...>.> Please understand that these choices are my interpretations of certain myths and legends..some I have to say aren't exactly the ones people might expect...

prepare yourselves for a long long long read >.<

Lilith Le Grim (Necromancer)

Well, according to some Biblical references, Lilith is acutally the first wife of Adam. What I found most interesting about this is that it never mentions that Lilith was created by God. Anyways, Lilith was a free spirit who didn't want to be bound to Adam (in other references they were actually joined at the hips), in "certain interactions" or in other places. She did not like to be ruled and thus left Adam to live by the Red Sea. There she was said to control her life and live as she "pleased", she gave birth to 100 demon spawns a day and in way partied-all-night. Adam then began to complain to God, and he sent three angels to take Lilith back to Adam. She refused the they punished her by taking away all her children. (imagine the impact of that on a mother). So it is rumored in the night of newborn children she would come to take them away, and the only way to save them was to have a charm of the Three Angels near the child. Also, (in my opinion being sexist) it is said that she took more attention to male babies then females. I named her LeGrim because I just finished Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced and wanted to name her LiGrim after the final boss/collection of all dreams. Then I did some research and LeGrim fit better having a much more correct language route, and fits much better to her personality.

Psyche Soulseeker (Mesmer)
*now Psyche The innocent, for some reason the Soulseeker name was a little...wako...for my eyes*

Psyche in Greek myths was said to be a very very beautiful mortal women. So much so that the Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, became jealous and ordered her son Eros (Cupid, no not the half naked baby, he's grown) to go and make sure no one would love Psyche. However, upon seeing her, he fell in love with her instantly. In the darkness he swept her away and thus she lived in his "palace of sorts". He would be kind to her, and she fell in love with him also, though never seeing his shape. He also told her to never look at him for it would break them apart forever. Her curiosity, lead her to creep up to where he was sleeping one night. She gasped at his beauty also and a drip of wax fell onto him. He awoke with saddened eyes and flew away from her, and thus they would be always apart. She would wonder the world seeking her one true love. Some interpretations have them find each other some don't, though I find her as a muse of innocence sometimes for her troubles aren't her fault but at the fault of others.

Lady Kishijoten (Elementalist)

Not really a long myth, Kishijoten is the Japanese Goddess of luck and of beauty. She is the patroness of song and dance, protectress of the geishas.
Geishas usually are tutored another one, so I found "Lady" a proper name sake.

Sakuya No Kitsune (Ritualist)

Sakuya is can be seen in two senses, the first is Sakuya a powerful priestess, the second is another name for Ko No Hana. (I think thats right did a lot of research) She is named for Ko No Hana the flower princess (divine) who married Amaterasu's (Japanese Shinto Sun Goddess) son. Unfortunately, he was never home (hunting and man stuff? who knows), one day he returned after she conceived a child. However, he came upon
their house to find it smothered in the ashes of a fire. She and her child died in the fire, some interpretations say that the child was no his and thus she suicided to avoid shame. The "No Kitsune" part was when I orginally was going to name her, kyubi no kitsune, after the nine tailed foxes of Japanese legend. However, that was taken so...well it still was a good end name. Kitsunes were also said to possess women so that might of been why Ko No Hana burned herself...who knows...

Izanami No Yomi (Assassin)

The Japanese primordial goddess and personification of the Earth and darkness. She died giving birth to the Fire God and her husband went to retrieve her from the Underworld (Yomi). However, when he saw her, she was half decay and maggots. In disgust, he ran away from her, she chased but to no avail. (other sources say she didn't want to leave, thus not disturbing the balance of death and life) In the end he blocked the material entrance to the Underworld. She managed to escape and in vengence vowed to kill one thousand of her husband's followers each day.
He vowed to make 15 thousand every day in spite of that.

Arduinna De Mania (Ranger)

Arduinna is the Gaulish (Celtic) goddess of the moon, hunting, and forests.
Thus a Ranger ^.^, "De Mania" comes from the myths behind Mana. The mother goddess (to some), a source of magic and madness. Being a goddess of the moon I thought it would be nice to include something in reference to Mana for respect.

Mistress Nu Gua (Monk)

Nu Gua/Nu Kua/Nu Wa is the chinese Creation goddess. (having created all Chinese people from mud) She was said to be half human half serpent. (upper human lower serpent). She invented the whistle, instituted marriage and instructed mankind in the art of building dams and channels for irrigation. Also she helped restore the world after two great disasters, once when the boundaries between heaven and earth were broken and once when she restored all the four major compass points after they been shifted. Personally, she is my favorite Goddess out of all the Myths. If you translate her proper name directly it means Empress Nu Gua but I thought that didn't sound right so I changed it to Mistress instead.

Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld Norndis (Paragon, PvP Variable, Dervesh)

First of all Urd, Verdandi and Skuld are the Norns of Norse myths, decider of Man and God's fate. Some say they are parallel to the Moirae (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos). Urd is the Goddess of the past and her representation is fate. Verdandi (Berudandi in Japanese, Later changed to Belldandy to be smoother to the Japanese speech, Sci hope you appreciate this data that you might already know ^.^) is the Goddess of the Present her representation is necessity, and Skuld is Goddess of the Future her representation is being. (representation as in domain) The "dis" part of the family name is actually accented on the i, but the game didn't let me do that >_<. "Dis" (Disir) is a title given to great Norse Goddess for their power and importance (basicly power over death) for example Freya (Norse goddess of Beauty, War, etc can be named as Vanadís or Dis of the Vanir). Just having the last name of Norn didn't sound right so after much research I added the "Dis". Urd is a paragon because being the Goddess of the Past, she is reference to history, oral history is an important part of life in past times so thus, she is a paragon. Verdandi is a pvp variable because being Goddess of the present she is constantly changing, what else than something that can change with her? Skuld is a dervesh because she is Goddess of the Future which many refer to as death, derveshs are like avatars of the death because of scythes and the hood and such. Also all these "sister" characters are also created with height in mind. Urd being the eldest will be the tallest, Skuld being youngest will be the shortest, and Verdandi would be medium height.
[Image: medusa9db8.gif]

Interesting - better than all those no-thought "I Kill U"s you see wandering around (yuck). Mine are pretty straightforward - things involving Beef :P Beefina Onthebone was kinda obvious, but I don't really like the way the capitalisation comes out. Beefina Duneborn is the dervish, fairly self-explanatory. Snares the Beef's my ranger - spent ages coming up with some sort of pun on "Where's the beef?" and that kinda fit for a ranger, plus it sounds like a description of what he does with his time smile
He may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!
MordorXP - freeware dungeon crawling remake in progress, featuring crazy ideas and descriptive text from the keyboard of your favourite Beefy.
Too Much Coffee Man

Just a few of my toons: Most of the charaters are typecast and made with the "attribute distribution system of old" in mind when changing builds was not so easy.

Demi Maul (E/W)
A take on Demi Moore. She's a melee maul warrior with the wrong primary profession.

Thin Air Persuasion (E/Me)
Another toon with the wrong primary profession. Illusion and Inspiration (with a little air magic thrown in sometimes). This is one Mesmer who got a lot of invites for FoW/UW, muhaha!

Half Moons (M/N)
Created the toon and stuck on the naming panel so I named her after her half shaven hair style - works for a monk/nec dealing with life and death.

Jinni Jinx (W/N)
Djinn Curser, just because it rhymes

Domi Andre Marie (Me/E)
Domination, with lighning magic hence André-Marie (Ampère)

Vex Heleleld Zodeth (N/R)
aka Breath of the Dying.
Nudist, first to adopt Diablo rune words in naming.

Cat on the Ninth ®
Name made for a survivor ranger.

Misty Wildchild (R/E)
Wilderness Survival, Beast mastery and some Water magic.

Helel Vexortgul (N)
aka Death
Legendary survivor working on some kind of a big deal with zero death.

Iam Sodead (D)
After having said "I am so dead" so many times playing survivors it's only a matter of time before I made this name, besides, it sounds Elonian.

Surel Surlosol (A/E)
aka Wind Dragon
Caster sin with many things somewhat related to a dragon: Armor, Forgotten staff, mini Kaunn and our Cape smile

Ugo Phurst (P)
Got alot of chuckles when people realise it's a survivor and what the name says.



Lady Alkimiyia Me/N, has a rather long history, going back about 12 years lol...Alkimiyia is unique, for the word itself is my own creation, as far as I know part, it is derived from my old Diablo name, Lady~Alkemelych, a name dubbed to me by an old old friend who compared me to a plant.....(Alchemilla is derived from the Arabic word, Alkemelych (alchemy),and was bestowed, according to some old writers, because of the wonder-working powers of the plant. Others held that the alchemical virtues lay in the subtle influence the foliage imparted to the dewdrops that lay in its furrowed leaves and in the little cup formed by its joined stipules, these dewdrops constituting part of many mystic potions...oh, and for those who are lacking in the botany arena, alkemelych's common name is Lady's Mantle)...the same friend who dubbed me also came up with a cute nick for me bacause of it...Lady AllComeMeLick..hence to say, I quickly rid myself of Alkemelych ^^

Lauree Alkimiyia, Mo/ monkie, Lauree is part of my given name, you get to guess if it is first, middle, or maiden name smile

Caressed By Death, N/Me...I wuv my neckie, whether I ss, mm or 55, though, I can't quite drive 55! workin on it lol *fwaps Rusty for being a horrible tutor*

Angeni Alashanee, E/ fire ele, whose name, when loosely translated, means 'angel who plays all the time'...and as with my monkie, it also carries one of my given names, though spelled differently smile

Angeni Ayebe, R/Mo....Ayebe pronounced 'I be'.

Fwapped by Alki, newest character...oh and for all of those who keep using my fav term *fwap*, which I use when smacking someone and you are still not sure what it means...

*Friend With Alternate Plumbing*


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