You've become such a troublemaker haven't you?
Here's a sample of monk skills seperated;
Charr Shaman
Bane Signet
Heal Area
Infuse Health
Shield of Judgement (HM)
Charr Shaman Lord
Healing Seed
Orison of Healing
Scourge Healing
Zealot's Fire
I guess what I didn't like about KoP's suggestion is that it's obvious which of these gimped bars every monk is going to end up playing. Also there is technically no boss for the Shaman Lords. Also all the non-Dragon's Gullet bosses are deprived of HM elites, which is possibly less fun.

(Then again, maybe should ban the HM skills just for old time's sake...)
Again compare gullet eles:
Charr Flame Wielder
Aura of Restoration (Bosses)
Conjure Flame
Lava Font
Meteor Shower (HM)
Charr Flame Lord
Fire Attunement
Lava Font
Mark of Rodgort
Not hard to see which I'd pick.
Now we could adopt a "No Gullet Charr" policy, but I don't know how many people we will find willing to play hard mode with just infuse health keeping them up. At the same time I personally think it stinks not to make use of the iconic lowbie charr skills. Is there another way to manage these two contradictory impulses, I wonder.
Perhaps we (I) could put out pregenerated templates based on lowbie charrs, and then players are allowed to pick one skill from the gullet charr list. Sortof "Charr Elites", since it is the "Elite Charr" using them... Orison (or seed if you're good) is all you need to make the infuse monk viable. Maybe even count the HM skills on that same "one of" list. So
Cyclone Axe
Healing Signet
Penetrating Blow
Shield Stance
Wild Blow
Healing Signet
Shield Stance
Choose One:
Axe Twist
Hundred Blades
Bane Signet
Infuse Health
Heal Area
Choose one:
Orison of Healing
Healing Seed
Zealot's Fire
Scourge Healing
Shield of Judgement
Favorable Winds
Ignite Arrows
Penetrating Attack
Troll Unguent
Choose One:
Dual Shot
Distracting Shot
Greater Conflagration
Serpent's Quickness
Aura of Restoration
Conjure Flame
Lava Font
Choose One:
Fire Attunement
Mark of Rodgort
Meteor Shower
Life Siphon
Mark of Pain
Choose One:
Life Transfer
Putrid Explosion
Rend Enchantments
Lingering Curse
Conjure Phantasm
Shatter Enchantment
Shatter Hex
Energy Burn
Ether Feast
Choose One:
Power Block
Energy Drain
Mantra of Flame
Illusion of Haste
Chaos Storm
Yeah I pulled a fast one on the mesmer, but their bosses have atrocious skill bars worse than the regulars. So I took the Chaot bar and added the boss self-heal.
Actually I like this idea now that I've worked it out. There are some tough choices to be made about which "elite" to bring where and when.