Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Sirian Wrote:I designed, wrote, and helped to implement the random events system in BTS. This was an ambition of mine from early on in the development of the core game, along with map scripts, and now both have been realized.

If I had more time, I could have made it even stronger. Bigger. More well polished. But I am happy with what was achieved in the available time.

- Sirian

You did great, Sirian, but, like MANY out there, I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping we might see MORE at some point.

LordGek Wrote:You did great, Sirian, but, like MANY out there, I'm sure I'm not alone in hoping we might see MORE at some point.

I hope for that, too. But in the short run, more will have to come from the community. ... I made CERTAIN that the system would be extremely friendly to modders making additions. Solver's guide is a superb resource for anyone looking to get in to event crafting.

In the long run, the system and the general concept have a ton of room in which more could be done. Potentially much much more. But that would take some investment from Firaxis to realize. Maybe for Civ5? *shrug* A lot of the best features for Civ4 turned out to be half-formed ideas or things that had unrealized potential from the final Civ3 expansion, which then got full attention for Civ4 core game. That's a formula that worked well in bridging from Civ3 to Civ4, with some superb results. What will they do for Civ5 and when? ... Time will tell!

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Finally I managed to get in here.

I hope more people decide to make some events of their own. The events system is excellent. There's room for many more events, and good ones at that. I do not insist that every event must have choices to go with it, but I think there are too many core BtS events without choices.

I have an event mod that I periodically update with new events. In it, I want to add events that are really good additions to the game. Some are merely new events like the ones you already see. But yesterday, I got this idea for religion-specific events, there are now two events (Rabbi's Writings and Golden Buddha) in the mod that are religion-specific. For added flavour, you could go further and create some civ-specific events, things that did/could happen in these civs.

It's a good system. It really could be one of the best features in Civ5, given more time and resources to develop it.

Solver Wrote:Finally I managed to get in here.
I have an event mod that I periodically update with new events.

This and the unofficial patch....oh my, you really are productive, solver! smile

...and doing an excellent job at it!
"Trying is the first step towards failure" - Homer Simpson

Given the extremely constructive nature of the RB crowd, I thought I'd share some of the flavour ideas for adding possible civ-specific events to the game. Again, the point is mainly so their flavour setting resembles something realistically possible in those civs.

Rome: Rebellious general. Rebellions were quite a problem historically for Rome. The event would have a couple of Roman Praetorians rebel and become barbarian units.

Greece: Unexpectedly low voter turnout. In the Athenian democracy, people who didn't actively participate in the governmental process were quite despised.

Egypt: Dissident priest. An influential priest from city X (requirement: high culture, not capital, no state religion) is claiming that Atum-Re is not the supreme deity. Cool effects follow. Obviously inspired by Atenism.

Aztecs: Tezcatlipoca's escape. During this year's Toxcatl feast, the young man taking the role of Tezcatlipoca's likeness has escaped from the Temple and into the jungle. Effects - something like spending gold to hunt him down or suffering uhappiness.

great job Solver thumbsup

the Roman event might be a little too strong. Maybe the revolt should depend on the relative strength of the player at that time, let's say x % of the praets become rebels...

Since you are working on it, I found a bug in the events as I got several peace offers during AW. There is an event that would make the 2 fighting parties sign peace. Of course, during AW makes no sense. I tested it out, signed peace and the computer immediately auto declares which is the right thing. This event should not pop up in AW settings for the human player.

Another event I got during a AW game was 4 archers popping up very early in the game when I had a mere warrior. Too overpowered IMHO. Though, the archers did smoke potent stuff as they just walked about and never attacked my only city.

ThERat Wrote:Another event I got during a AW game was 4 archers popping up very early in the game when I had a mere warrior. Too overpowered IMHO. Though, the archers did smoke potent stuff as they just walked about and never attacked my only city.

My first game of BtS I had that one happen 3 tiles away from my undefended capital in 3250BC. I was not a happy camper, but after I whipped a defender they left my cultural boundaries and let me be.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

The Roman event wouldn't be too strong, I think. 1 or 2 Barbarian Praetorians you can deal with. If not, you're probably screwed anyway.

I'll look into the peace events happening during AW, thanks for the notice. Should be a simple tweak of the Python file.

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