I had completed this epic a week or so before the deadline, but never wrote a report for it. But this had been a very nice epic: Finally a more challenging game after several "easier" Epics, something I had explicitly wished for! It would be a shame to leave my game in the dark, so let's at least move it out into the shadows...
Thebes was founded right on the spot. Five game and two wine tiles looked great, but were effectively only like bonus grass with some extra commerce. No food bonus would hurt...
I built three warriors, a granary, a settler, and then some more warriors to scout and to defend against the raging barbs. My initial worker roaded the game, then roaded and mined the wine for some perfect happiness timing.
My scouts of course avoided popping any huts with the exception of one hut on a mountain (the scout survived the resulting barbs). Also because of the barbs, I chose to research bronze working after pottery, something I haven't done for some time.
Zulus were found in 2150BC, Hitties in 1750BC, Babylon in 1700BC. Babylon was already at war the the Zulus. About that time, Thebes was at a 7 turn cycle of producing two spears and a settler.
India was contacted in 1200BC, Sumeria in 1075BC, the Dutch in 975BC. I had shut down research after writing, and in 950BC was able to do my first multifer: For 140g and 19gpt, I bought CoL from India, which gave me philo and 4gpt from Sumeria, WC and wheel from the Zulus, and IW from Babylon. I started to research republic at "max" (20%) afterwards.
In 925BC, a massive uprising occured which slowed down my expansion considerably, but was fun to fight nonetheless. On the same turn, I met the Ottomans and Greece, and traded writing(!), CoL and philo to Greece for HBR, mathematics, mysticism and about 100 gold.
One of my scouts had quietly managed to sneak around a barb camp, but suddenly all barbs awoke and his end was near... :-)
In 10BC, the AIs complete Leo's, Sistine's, Cop's and Knight's Templar, while I finally discover republic and revolt. I had overestimated by potential to research on my own: "Max" research had resulted in something like 45 turns for republic...but I was able to trade it away to Babylon and Zulus for MM, construction, polytheism and literature.
Here's my empire after emerging from anarchy - note the income...
In 130AD, I lose my first settler protected by two spears and an archer to barb horses. At least they hadn't managed to sack one of my cities yet!
In 350AD, America leave the game after some dogpiling, and the Hitties start a dogpile on Greece. In 410AD, my FP is completed in Elephantine, and my income increases considerably. In 500AD, I trade away iron to Sumeria for invention and chivalry (extra iron is too powerful here...) and start to build knights. While I prepare to unhonorably attack Greece with my knights, the AIs are running around with cavalry already. This doesn't hinder me from joining the dogpile against Greece, though:
Sumeria and Iros are industrial already, but who cares? ;-) Another iron had bought me gunpowder earlier, but unfortunately the only saltpeter in reach is on the island to the north, owned by the Iros. That city has to be mine...but first, peace with Greece and war with Babylon was in order. A Babylonian horse city is captured while somebody already starts Univeral Suffrage...
Looks like I won't get ToE this time...I haven't even banking yet. But knights! They took some time cross all the jungle, but then captured Shuruppak, and peace was made again in 750AD.
In 770AD, India is destroyed. Sumeria, on the other hand, now has over 40000 gold in the bank!
(This will become very important later on...). Greece calls it quits in 800AD. In 890AD, I'm still one tech short of becoming industrial, and only have knights and pikemen while Iros have cavalry and rifles, but I *really* want that saltpeter city. So two galleons are loaded and moved into position, and...Sumeria declares war on the Iros! Nice. :-D I declare, too, buy France (and therefore the Dutch and the Ottomans via MPP) and capture the saltpeter city, which was only defended by muskets.
In 950AD, my extra iron finally catapults me into the industrial age, and I'm in 2-fer range again, while Babylon and Zulus are still waaay behind. Diplo looks like this, by the way:
In 1000AD, my land is 52500 and my culture 8145.
The Zulus get bought against me, so I start attacking them. In 1140AD, I capture their last city before the Hitties can.
In 1190AD, I really get nervous about my chances to get ToE, and manage to steal (monopoly) electricity from Sumeria. This gets me industrialization, espionage, sanitation, and corporation. Sumeria has refining, steel and scientific methods already... one turn later, the start to build ToE! I investigate Sumer and see they will complete it in 12 turns. I rush a factory in my iron works city El-amarna, hoping that this will be enough...and yes, it is, although barely. The resulting AT is traded around, and I start max research on combustion.
In 1340AD, when I would have gotten the Hoover Dam next turn, production in Thebes gets sabotaged, delaying it for six turns!!! Sumeria now has 20000 gold less in the bank, but still over 40k. Good that nobody has electronics yet. First time I saw sabotage used effectively! (But wait and see this topped...)
In 1360AD, the Hitties demand a tech, I refuse, and war is on me again. I get tanks the next turn, and instead of organizing a dogpile against Sumeria as I had planned, I buy Sumeria in against the Hitties.
In 1375AD, I could research the UN for a "fast"(?) finish mark, but I decide to go for conquest instead: That should yield more points, so I beeline to modern armor instead.
In 1410AD, Sumeria becomes modern and gets fission. They demand, I refuse: War! Okay, let's dance: It's me and Ottomans vs. Sumeria, and me vs. Hitties now (Sumeria and Hitties had made peace again already).
Of course I had prebuild the UN in Thebes to deny it to my opponents, but in 1425AD, it gets sabotaged *again*. Argh! Investigation shows that Sumeria and me will complete in UN in five turns - so it's very close again. Then...
...I lose the UN. Wow. Now *that* was effective (and expensive!) use of sabotage! Well, at least I get SETI, and since Sumeria never called for a vote, I got lucky this time. :-)
In 1525AD, I discover synthetic fibres, shut down research (won't need more techs) and switch to communism.
In 1570AD, I contol the southern choke point and decide to raze the rest. As usual, I lose some turns by building transports too late to conquer the islands, but who cares... (I had tried propaganda about 30 times against the islands, but to no avail)
That was a fun epic, thanks Sirian! Sorry for the late report, but I hope some people still find it worth the read, and some even worth a comment...?