Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Random notes that may help those new to GW

So where's the ranger master trainer pre-SG? I can't find him.

Drasca Wrote:So where's the ranger master trainer pre-SG? I can't find him.

Does "pre-SG" mean Pre-Searing? If so, Master Ranger Nente is in Regent Valley, just one turn from the entrance.

Couple more things:

- Cutscenes ressurect fallen members of your party and bring them to the location the cutscene is happening. Useful to avoid full party wipes in missions if you know the locations (and can get to them) of the cutscenes.

- For those who don't know, the UI can be hidden/shown by pressing ctrl+shift+h. Aswell, when taking screenshots, holding shift then pressing Print Screen hides the UI from the picture. Noticed some screenshots still having the UI, and wasn't sure if everyone is aware of this.

The bear skin is used for "Bear cape for Thorn" (or something like that) the quest giver is the Tanner near a tower in the first town you get to .

A minor note: Any morale boost (Gained by killing bosses, accomplishing certain objectives in missions, and bought from deity statues) will also 'refresh' any spent res signets that the party may have used. If a partner drops during a boss encounter, raise them before you kill the boss.

Ctrl-clicking on practically any user interface item will give out a team shout, as well as executing that action as normal in certain cases. Some things to note:

Ctrl-clicking the health/energy bars will shout your current and maximum values for either.

Ctrl-clicking the experience bar will shout your current level and your percentage towards achieving your next level/skill point.

Doing either of the above will also target yourself, as will pressing F. Ctrl-space while targetting yourself will call out "I'm following (myself)", which may spur henchmen into doing the same. Best used when you need flight, not fight.

Ctrl-click/1~8 will shout out that skill, as well as target, and execute.

Ctrl-click a dead party members in the party window will call out that the person is dead. This may also spur henchman ressers into getting their thing in gear and to res that person, but don't count on it.

Even while dead you can still target/ctrl-call.

Ctrl-calling is the best undocumented feature in the game smile

Here be spoilers.



Though Alison the Tanner says that the only source for bear pelts is in Wizard's Folly, the bears in Regent Valley also have a (increasingly small) chance of dropping a pelt as well.

I believe the Althea solution for 'A Gift for Althea' is only available to prime/secondary mesmers. Mesmers also get an additional quest, 'The Rogue's Replacement'. I believe that prime monks (Not entirely sure) cannot get the 'Gwen's Flute' quest, though Gwen will behave as she would anyway had you completed that quest.

Something that may be useful following the Summer Updated: Gwen will give you a tapestry shard, a quest item for a quest that so far remains unimplemented. To get the shard, you need to present her with a new flute and cape from a merchant, as well as several Red Iris Flowers that pop up almost everywhere across pre-searing Ascalon.
[Image: steam.gif]

Havral Wrote:I believe the Althea solution for 'A Gift for Althea' is only available to prime/secondary mesmers.
Non-Mesmers just have to find all three possible gifts.

Ooh. A new one.

Ctrl-clicking any status icons in the (default) top left will call out what's affecting you. This also works for death penalty/morale boost.

[Image: steam.gif]

You can ctrl-click pretty much anything on the screen to have it call. Health, Energy, Skills, Weapon Slots, Conditions/Enchantments, Party Member names in the Party window, NPCs, Enemies, Yourself... There's probably more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Something I'd like people to remember when they aren't playing tanks or monks would be that if you're being attacked constantly and/or focused, the monk(s) will notice and heal correctly. Do *NOT* under any circumstance retreat in any direction that even resembles where the monk is. There have been way too many times where I'll be healing during combat and suddenly see an elementalist that I know I can keep alive easily running right past me, dropping the 2 Ws following on me; or running outside the range of an archer that also decides to target me now that they're outside range. Monks can't just pick up and run around all the time, that leaves the rest of the team too vulnerable. If things aren't too bad, I will try to pass a Ws aggro off on a tank, but that becomes increasingly difficult to do against archers and mages.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.


And some tips for a tank...As a habit when playing as a tank, I switch the view to look backward ("x" with default setup) when I engage the a mob and keep an eye on the healer's lifebar. Looking backward lets me see if any monsters slipped thru the tank and a good idea of what everyone is doing. And the healers life bar (on the party window) is important because it lets me know if everything is cool back there. I will ditch a mob and rush the healer's attackers if s/he is in trouble. What I usually do, especially in a chaotic situation, is to click on the healer's name on the party window and then Spacebar to get there. This menthod is the fastest way to get to the healer because you need not target the healer and you need not navigate the terrain manually. As soon as I am close to the action I would then hit C and Spacebar to pick out the trouble maker.

The other thing to keep in mind is to watch range attackers and at least get a general idea who they are attacking. But it is not always easy to see exactly who is attacking the healer (or whoever is in trouble) - I suggest if the monk is in trouble and knows his attacker(s), Spam Call the Target.

I look after my healers smile

Oh forgot to add... if in trouble, try and ditch the aggro on the tank. Don't run all over the places.


KingOfPain Wrote:Oh forgot to add... if in trouble, try and ditch the aggro on the tank. Don't run all over the places.

Any details on the mechanics of aggro besides the obvious? The only way I've been able to 'dump aggro' on a tank is by running to keep the tank between myself and the enemy... can take a little effort. Also, any details on what characters the enemies have a preference for? Was giving BH a hand with his ranger earlier and I couldn't tank worth a damn -- the enemies would just ignore me and fly by. BH said he thought they had a preference for low armor characters?

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